List of compositions by Henryk Górecki

This incomplete list of compositions by Henryk Górecki is sorted by opus number. Much of Górecki's work has been published by Boosey & Hawkes,[1] which holds the rights for most of the world except in "countries of the former socialist copyright federation," where Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne holds the rights.[2]
- Four Preludes, Opus 1, piano (1955)
- Toccata for two pianos, Opus 2
- Three Songs, Opus 3 (1956)
- No. 1 Do matki – To Mother
- No. 2 Jakiż to dzwon grobowy – What was this Funeral Bell
- No. 3 Ptak – The Bird
- Variations for violin and piano, Opus 4
- Quartettino, Opus 5, two flutes, oboe, violin (1956)
- Piano Sonata No. 1, Opus 6, piano (1956, revised 1984, 1990)
- Songs of Joy and Rhythm, Opus 7, piano and chamber orchestra (1956, revised 1959)
- Sonatina in One Movement, Opus 8, violin and piano
- Lullaby for piano, Opus 9 (1956, revised 1980)
- Sonata for two violins, Opus 10 (1957)
- Concerto for five instruments and string quartet, Opus 11, mixed ensemble (1957)
- Epitafium, Opus 12, chorus and ensemble (1958)
- No. 1 Preludium
- No. 2 Chorał – Chorale
- No. 3 Antyfona – Antiphon
- No. 4 Postludium
- Five Pieces, Opus 13, piano duo (two pianos or piano four hands) (1959)
- Symphony No. 1 '1959', Opus 14, string orchestra and percussion (1959)
- Three Diagrams for solo flute, Opus 15
- Monologhi, Opus 16, soprano and three groups of instruements (1960)
- Scontri, Opus 17, full orchestra (1960)
- Diagram IV for solo flute, Opus 18 (1961)
- Genesis I: Elementi, Opus 19, string trio (1962)
- Genesis II: Canti Strumentali, Opus 19, 15 players (1962)
- Genesis III: Monodramma, Opus 19, soprano, metal percussion and six double basses (1963)
- Trzy tance w dawnym stylu (Three pieces in the old style), string orchestra, no opus number(1963)
- Choros I, Opus 20, string orchestra (1964)
- Refrain, Opus 21, full orchestra (1965)
- Musiquette 1 for two trumpets and guitar, Opus 22 (1967)
- Musiquette 2, Opus 23, four trumpets, four trombones, two pianos, percussion (1967)
- Old Polish Music (Muzyka Staropolska), Opus 24, full orchestra (1969)
- Musiquette 3, Opus 25, viola ensemble (1967)
- Cantata for organ, Opus 26 (1968)
- Canticum Graduum, Opus 27, full orchestra (1969)
- Musiquette 4, Opus 28, trombone, clarinet, cello, piano (1970)
- Ad Matrem, Opus 29, chorus and orchestra (1971)
- Two Sacred Songs, Opus 30
- No. 1 Lento sostenuto
- No. 2 Maestoso
- Symphony No. 2 'Copernican', Opus 31, chorus and orchestra (1972)
- Euntes Ibant et Flebant, Opus 32, chorus a cappella (1972)
- Two Little Songs of Tuwim, Opus 33, chorus a cappella (1972)
- No. 1 Rok i bieda – The Year and Hardship
- No. 2 Ptasie plotki – Bird Gossip
- Three Dances, Opus 34, full orchestra (1973)
- Amen, Opus 35, chorus a cappella (1975)
- Symphony No. 3 'Symphony of Sorrowful Songs', Opus 36, soprano and orchestra (1976)
- Three little pieces, Opus 37, violin, piano (1977)
- Beatus Vir Psalm Opus 38, chorus and orchestra (1979)
- Szeroka Woda (Broad Waters), Opus 39, chorus a cappella (1979)
- No. 1 A ta nasza Narew – O our Narew River
- No. 2 Oj, kiedy na Powiślu – Oh, When in Powiśle
- No. 3 Oj, Janie, Janie – Oh, Johnny, Johnny
- No. 4 Polne róże rwała – She was Picking Wild Roses
- No. 5 Szeroka woda – Broad Waters
- Harpsichord/Piano Concerto, Opus 40, harpsichord/piano and orchestra (1980)
- Mazurkas for piano, Opus 41
- Two Songs, Opus 42
- No. 1 Nokturn – Nocturne
- No. 2 Malaguena
- Blessed Raspberry Songs, Opus 43, voice and piano (1980)
- No. 1 Błogosławione pieśni malinowe – Blessed Raspberry Songs
- No. 2 Co ranek, skoro ustępują cienie – Each Morning, when the Shadows Recede
- No. 3 Litość – Compassion
- No. 4 O! Boże . . . jeden, który JESTEŚ – Oh, God...the One who IS"
- Miserere, Opus 44, chorus a cappella (1981)
- "Wieczór ciemny się uniża" for a cappella choir, Opus 45 (1981)
- No. 1 Pytają się ludzie – People are Asking
- No. 2 Uwiją, wianuczki – They will Make Little Garlands
- No. 3 Ścięli dąbek – They Felled the Little Oak Tree
- No. 4 Depce konik – The little Horse Paws the Ground
- No. 5 Wieczór ciemny się uniż a – Dark Evening is Falling
- My Vistula, grey Vistula, Opus 46, chorus a cappella (1981)
- Lullabies and Dances for violin and piano, Opus 47 (1982)
- Songs to Words by J. Słowacki, Opus 48 (1983)
- No. 1 We łzach, Panie, ręce podnosimy do Ciebie – In Tears, Lord, We Raise our Hands to You
- No. 2 Panie! O którym na niebosach słyszę – Lord! Of Whom in the Heavens I Hear
- Three Lullabies, Opus 49, Mixed Voices (1984)
- No. 1 Uśnijże mi, uśnij – Sleep for Me, Sleep
- No. 2 Kołysz-że się kołysz – Rock, Rock
- No. 3 Nie piej, kurku, nie piej – Don't Crow, Rooster, Don't Crow
- "Ach, mój wianku lewandowy, for a cappella choir, Opus 50
- No. 1 Ach, mój wianku lewandowy – O, My Garland of Lavender
- No. 2 Wędrowali trzy panienki – Three Lasses were Wandering
- No. 3 Taiłam się – I have Kept Silent
- No. 4 Bzi, bzi, bzibziana –
- No. 5 Chcecie wiedzieć – Do You Want to Know
- No. 6 Po cożeś mę, matuleńku, za mąż wydała – Why did You Marry Me off, Mummy
- No. 7 Dajże, Boże, plonowało – Give Us, God, Good Harvest]
- "Idzie chmura, pada deszcz" for a cappella choir, Opus 51
- No. 1 Idzie chmura, pada deszcz – The Cloud Comes, Rain Falls
- No. 2 Gdzie to jedziesz, Jaszu? – Where are You Going, Johnny?
- No. 3 Kiedy będzie słońce i pogoda – When It Will be Sunny and Warm
- No. 4 Szła sierotka po wsi – An Orphan Girl Walked through a Village
- No. 5 Czas nam do domu, dziewczyno – Time for Us to Go Home, Girl
- Sundry Pieces for piano, Opus 52 (1956–1961)
- Lerchenmusik, Opus 53, clarinet, cello and piano (1986)
- Five Marian Songs, Opus 54, chorus a cappella (1985)
- No. 1 Matko niebieskiego Pana – Mother of the Heavenly Lord
- No. 2 Matko Najświętsza! – Most Holy Mother!
- No. 3 Zdrowaś bądź Maria! – Hail Mary!
- No. 4 Ach, jak smutna jest rozstanie – Oh, How Sad is the Parting
- No. 5 Ciebie na wieki wychalać będziemy – We Shall Praise You Forever
- Two Marian Hymns, solo voices a cappella, no opus number (1986)
- "O Domina Nostra", Opus 55, soprano and organ (1985)
- "Pod Twoją obronę", Opus 56, a cappella choir (1984)
- Na Aniol Panski, Opus 57, chorus a cappella (1986)
- For You, Anne-Lill, Opus 58, flute and piano (1986)
- Aria, Opus 59, tuba, piano, tam-tam and bass drum (1987)
- Totus Tuus, Opus 60 (1987)
- "Przybądź Duchu Święty", a cappella choir, Opus 61 (1988)
- Already it is Dusk, Opus 62, string quartet (1988)
- Good Night, Opus 63, soprano, alto flute, piano, three tam-tams (1990)
- Intermezzo, piano (1990, no opus number)
- Quasi una fantasia, Opus 64, string quartet (1991)
- Concerto-Cantata, flute and orchestra, Opus 65 (1992)
- Kleines Requiem für eine Polka, Opus 66, piano and 13 instruments (1993)
- ...songs are sung, Opus 67, string quartet (1995/2005)
- Three Fragments to Words by Stanisław Wyspiański, Opus 69, voice and piano (1995–1996)
- No. 1 Jakżeż ja się uspokoję – How on Earth Can I Be at Peace
- No. 2 Może z mętów się dobędzie człowieka – Perhaps from these Dregs a Man Will Emerge
- No. 3 Poezjo! – tyś to jest spolojną siestą – Poetry! – You are a Calm Siesta
- Valentine piece, Opus 70, flute and bell (1996)
- Sanctus Adalbertus, Opus 71, for soprano, baritone, mixed choir, and symphony orchestra (World Premier Nov. 4, 2015, Krakow)
- Salve, sidus Polonorum, Opus 72, chorus and ensemble (1997–2000)
- Little Fantasia, Opus 73, violin and piano (1997)
- Five Kurpian Songs, Opus 75, chorus a cappella (1999)
- Lobgesang, Opus 76, chorus a cappella (2000)
- "Niech Nam Żyją i Śpiewają", chorus a cappella, Opus 77 (2000)
- Quasi una fantasia, Opus 78, string orchestra version of Opus 64 (2002)
- Dla Jasiunia, Opus 79, violin and piano (2003)
- The Song of Rodziny Katynskie, Opus 81, chorus a cappella (2004)
- Kyrie, Opus 83
- Selected Sacred Songs, for Unaccompanied Mixed Choir, Op. 84 (1986, pub. 2013)
- No. 1 Zdrowaś Bądź Maryja
- No. 2 Idźmy, Tulmy Się Jak Dziatki
- No. 3 Szczęśliwy, Kto Sobie Patrona
- No. 4 Ludu, Mój Ludu
- No. 5 Witaj Pani, Matko Matki
- No. 6 Zawitaj Pani Świata
- No. 7 Bądź Pozdrowiony
- No. 8 Jezu Chryste, Panie Miły
- No. 9 O Matko Miłościwa
- No. 10 Pozdrawiajmy, Wychwalajmy
- No. 11 Święty, Święty, Święty
- No. 12 Tysiąckroć Bądź Pozdrowiona
- No. 13 Krzyknijmy Wszyscy
- No. 14 Wstał Pan Chrystus z Martwych
- No. 15 Śliczny Jezu, Miły Panie
- No. 16 Twoja Cześć, Chwała
- No. 17 Ojcze Boże Wszechmogący
- No. 18 Krzyżu Chrystusa
- No. 19 Ciebie Wzywamy, Ciebie Błagamy (No date given)
- No. 20 Witaj Jutrzenko (No date given)
- Symphony No. 4 "Tansman Episodes", Op. 85 (2006–2009), completed by the composer's son Mikołaj Górecki [3]
Górecki's unpublished works prior to 1956 include: Legenda for orchestra, five Mazurkas for piano, a Prelude for violin and piano, ten preludes for piano, two songs ("Przez te łąki. przez te pola" and "Kiedy Polska"), a Terzetto quasi una fantasia for oboe, violin and piano, a Romance for piano, a String Quartet, Obratzki poetyckie for piano and a Piano Concerto. These don't have opus numbers.
One scholar assigns opus number 9a to a suite for piano titled "Z ptasiego gniazda" ("From the Bird's Nest") which Górecki wrote November 1956.[4] Earlier that year, Górecki set to music a translation to Polish of one of Federico García Lorca's poems by Mikołaj Bieszczadowski, but Górecki revised it in 1980 and it was published with another translated Lorca poem as the two songs of Opus 42.[5]
- Thomas, Adrian. 1997. Górecki. Oxford Studies of Composers. Oxford: Clarendon Press; New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-816393-2