List of fictional books from non-print media
False documents are a frequent device in literature. This is a list of fictional books that appear in television, movies, music, video games, and other non-print media. Fictional books appearing in books are listed in List of fictional books. Fictional books appearing in comics, newspapers, and the like are listed in List of fictional books from periodicals.
Fictional books from TV series
Adventure Time
- Mind Games by Jay T. Doggzone
- The Enchiridion
All You Need Is Cash
- Out of Me Head by Ron Nasty
- A Cellarful of Goys by Leggy Mountbatten
American Dad!
- American Dad! on FOX
- An American Dad! Christmas
- Anticipating Doorbells
- The Erotic Reagan
- How to Furrow Your Brow
- How to Look Chastened
- How To Read With One Hand
- Michael Bay's Guide To Sexual Harassment
- Nude From The Waist Down
- Hot Tubs Of The 1970's
- Hot Tub Law
- Patriot Pigeon Poops on Planned Parenthood by Stan Smith
- Roger the Alien by Steve Smith
- Skids and the Walking Guy by James Patterson
At Last The 1948 Show
From the Bookshop Sketch:
- The Amazing Adventures of Captain Gladys Stoat-Pamphlet and her Intrepid Spaniel Stig amongst the Giant Pygmies of Beccles, Volume Eight presumably by Capt. Gladys Stoat-Pamphlet
- Biggles Combs his Hair, presumably by Captain W.E. Johns
- David Coperfield [sic] by Edmund Wells
- Ethel the Aardvark Goes Quantity-Surveying, author unknown
- The Gospel According to Charlie Drake, presumably by Charlie Drake
- Grate Expectations by Edmund Wells
- A Sale of Two Titties by Edmund Wells
- A Hundred and One Ways to Start a Fight by "an Irish gentleman whose name eludes me for the moment"[1]
- Knickerless Nickleby by Edmund Wells
- Christmas Karol with a K by Edmund Wells
- Olsen's Standard Book of British Birds
- Rarnaby Budge by Charles Dikkens with two k's, the well-known Dutch author
- Thirty Days In the Samarkand Desert with the Duchess of Kent by A.E.J. Elliott, O.B.E.
Battlestar Galactica (2004)
- My Triumphs, My Mistakes by Dr. Gaius Baltar
The Big Bang Theory
- Stu the Cockatoo is New at the Zoo by Sarah Carpenter, used by Sheldon Cooper as a guide to create a flowchart for making friends
- The Disappointing Child by Dr. Beverly Hofstadter
- Needy Baby, Greedy Baby by Dr. Beverly Hofstadter
- The Tall Man From Cornwall by E.M. Snickering, mentioned and quoted from by Sheldon Cooper
- Aayyyy, I'm an Actor by Henry Winkler, the actor that played Arthur "Fonzie" Fonzarelli on Happy Days
The Bionic Woman (original series)
- Ghost Hunting by Emil Laslo
- The Real West by Marcus Carter
Blackadder The Third
- Edmund: A Butler's Tale by Gertrude Perkins
Black Books
- Blue Sands by Tom Culligan
- Mugumbi Dream Time by Jason Hamilton
- Tempocalypse
- Thick as Thieves by Danny Spudge
Blade: The Series
- Eternal Darkness: Avoiding the Light by Professor Melvin Caylo
- History of the Hotel Matadora, from episode "The Evil Within"
- Spontaneous Combustion: Myth and Fact by Professor Melvin Caylo
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
- The Black Chronicles
- Blood Rites and Sacrifices
- The Book of Aurelius
- Bristow's Demon Index
- Exploring Demon Dimensions
- Guttenberg Demonography
- Hebron’s Almanac
- Hell's Offspring
- Hume’s Paranormal Encyclopedia
- Merenshtadt Text
- The Pagan Rites
- The Pergamum Codex by Aurelius
- Sir Robert Kane’s Twilight Compendium
- The Tiberius Manifesto
- Vampyr
- Witches: Historic Roots to Modern Practice
- South of Heaven by Hank Moody
- Seasons in the Abyss by Hank Moody
- God Hates Us All by Hank Moody
- Fucking & Punching by Hank Moody
- Lew Ashby, A Biography by Hank Moody
- A Calm Before The Storm by Richard Castle
- A Rose for Everafter by Richard Castle
- A Skull at Springtime by Richard Castle
- At Dusk We Die by Richard Castle
- Bullets and Bracelets by Richard Castle
- Deadly Storm by Richard Castle
- Dead Man's Chest by Richard Castle
- Death of a Prom Queen by Richard Castle
- Driving Storm by Richard Castle
- Flowers For Your Grave by Richard Castle
- Gathering Storm by Richard Castle
- Hell Hath No Fury by Richard Castle
- In a Hail of Bullets by Richard Castle
- Kissed and Killed by Richard Castle
- One Bullet, One Heart by Richard Castle
- Storm Approaching by Richard Castle
- Storm Fall by Richard Castle
- Storm Rising by Richard Castle
- Storm's Break by Richard Castle
- Storm Season by Richard Castle
- Storm's Last Stand by Richard Castle
- Storm Warning by Richard Castle
- Unholy Storm by Richard Castle
- When It Comes to Slaughter by Richard Castle
The Cleveland Show
- The Berenstain Bears Forgive a Hit-and-Run Driver
- Eating your Honey
- The Complete Works of Tyler Perry
- Mein Balloon Animal by A. Hitler
The Colbert Report
- Angels & Demons and Whatever The Hell This is by Dan Brown
- Goodnight Forever Moon
- The Pitcher in the Oat by J.D. Stephenger
- Stephen Colbert's Alpha Squad 7: Lady Nocturne: A Tek Jansen Adventure
- Where the Wild Things Hide Their Assets by Maurice Sendak
- Where the Wild Things Were by Maurice Sendak
- 20 Feet From dumdum, by Andy Richter
- 50 Shades of Gary
- Abra Ca-Stabra!
- A-hole Ghosts
- Are You My Dad, Senator Ted Cruz, by Corey Feldman
- Award Show Seat Fillers Who Can't Hide Their Reaction To Celebrities Farting
- Bad Asses in Balloons
- Bald Icons with Toupées
- The Best Places to Visit in Florida
- The Big Book of Animals Licking Themselves
- The Big Book of Black
- The Big Book of People Who Never Found Waldo
- The Big Book of the Top 100 2016 Republican Candidates
- Butterflies That Sold Out
- Careful of the Coz!
- Cartoon Villains Who Just Got Laid
- Celebrities Doing Handstands in Pools
- Close Sandwich Far Away Horse
- Cock Block Rooster
- The Complete Encyclopedia of Male Irish Porn Stars
- D Is For Diabetes
- Dad's of One Direction Fans reacting to Zane's Departure
- Dogs With Terrible Poker Faces
- Dogs Who Just Walked In On Their Owners Masturbating
- Donald Trump's Mouth as Other Things
- Eating Out Down South, by Michael Douglas
- Forefathers in Footed Pajamas
- Fox News Anchor or Porn Star?
- Guys You Just Know Have Clammy Hands
- History's Monsters Trying to Soften Their Image By Putting a Dish of Hard Candy on Their Desk
- If 10 Year Old Boys Named Chain Restaurants
- Inflatable Sex Dolls Who Got Out Of The Life
- Is Ricky Goin #2?
- The Kermit Sutra
- Kids Who Had Too Much Coffee
- Last Minute Halloween Costume
- Love Hammer, by Chris Parnell
- Mall Santa's Without Breads
- Manga With Pinkeye
- Mannequin Dick Pics
- Michael Douglas Munching On Actual Boxes
- Mitch McConnell Having Fun
- Moments Later: They Were Electrocuted
- Mr. Potato Head Transitioning
- Muppets, I'll do, by Mickey Rourke
- My Lectern My Prison, by Andy Richter
- Parked Cars Who are Assholes
- People with Face Tattoos Who Would Never Get Face Tattoos
- People Who Don't Know Why The F*** You're Asking Them If They Caught Last Night's Downton Abbey
- People Who Missed the Rapture Because They Were Watching Netflix
- Pervs Pointing At Non-Sexual Holes, Thus Making Them Kind Of Sexual
- Pets Being Walked That Don't Know They are Being Taken Back to the Pound
- Phil'er up: The Doctor Phil Story
- Pirates With Solider Accessories Other Than Parrots
- Poorly Placed Pools
- Product Placement In Old Movies
- Regrettable Tramp Stamps
- Reincarnated Muppets
- Road Nibbles
- Rock Dogs!
- Is this your Card?
- Satan's Favorite Photos of Mike Huckabee Playing Guitar
- Secret Siblings
- Self-Parking Cars That Are Assholes
- Senator Mitch McConnell Doing Turtle Stuff
- Shopping Malls Santas Without The Beards Or Santa OutFits
- Shy Stallone
- Smug Guys Who Have No Idea They Are About To Be Crushed By Boulders
- Some Fish Who Might Want A Word With You
- Star Wars Prom Photos
- Steven Seagal Getting His Ponytail Caught In Things
- Still Milking It by William Shatner
- Stoned Horses
- Stuff Built Out Of Legos by Dumb Kids
- Thanks Ebola!
- Things Built with Legos by Dumb Kids
- Things More Interesting Than Mike Pence
- This Summers Worst Vacation Spots
- Unsaintly St. Bernard's
- Unsatisfying Virtual Reality Experiences
- Way Too High Chairs
- Wheres Waldo's Black Cousin Courtney
- White People Who Could Not Pass Themselves Off As Black
- Wolf Blitzer's Hall of Butts
- Y'all Ready For Diss???
- You Might Want To Rethink Those Knuckle Tattoos by That Guy
- Your Coworkers After They Heard You Were Fired
The Daily Show
- Boy Were We Wrong
- Don't Buy Maurice R. Greenberg's Stupid F#@ing Book (Because It's Going to Be Terrible) by Jon Stewart
- Fifty Shades of Wrong
- The Five People You Meet in Heaven Who Knew You Were Wrong
- Killing Colbert by Bill O'Reilly
- Merriam-Hodgman Dictionary by John Hodgman
- My Life As A Movie Pirate by Keith Richards
- Oh The People Who Hate You by Dr. Seuss
- Oops, Based on the Novel "Wrong" by Sapphire
- The S#*t Brain Adventure
- You Might Be Eligible to Vote IF…
Doctor Who
- It's a Mystery! by T. Wilcox (a reference to Toyah Willcox)
- Origins of the Universe by Oolon Colluphid, from the Doctor Who serial Destiny of the Daleks, inserted by script-editor Douglas Adams as a cross-reference to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
- The Worshipful and Ancient Law of Gallifrey from the non-broadcast Doctor Who serial Shada
- The Zen Military: A History of UNIT by Kadiatu Lethbridge-Stewart
- Everest in Easy Stages, author unknown
- An Angel's Kiss: A Melody Malone Mystery, by River Song (originally a fictional novel, and later written in the real world)
- Summer Falls, by Amelia Williams (originally a fictional novel, later written in the real world)
Don't Trust the B---- in Apartment 23
- Ta Da! Finding the Now by Mark-Paul Gosselaar (ghostwritten by Vivian Dante) from the episode "A Reunion..."
- The Zen Hustler by K. Wingate, from the pilot episode
The Fairly OddParents
- Astrophysics for Morons
- The Rat in Spats, a parody of The Cat in the Hat
- Da Rules, Fairy Godparent rule book
Family Guy
- Caddyshack, the novelization
- Faster Than the Speed of Love by Brian Griffin
- Goodnight Town from Footloose
- The Guide to the Occult by Beverly Cleary
- The Hopeful Squirrel by David Chicago
- The Hopeful Squirrel 2 by David Chicago
- Horton Hears Domestic Violence in the Next Apartment and Doesn't Call 911!
- T and Me by George Peppard
- For the Last Time, I'm Not Mr. T by Ving Rhames
- Nobody Poops But You, unsuccessful toilet training book, parody of Everyone Poops
- Wish It Want It Do It by Brian Griffin
- You're a Naughty Child, and That's Concentrated Evil Coming Out the Back of You, Catholic toilet training book
- Lesbian Butts In 80's Jeans, coffee table book, by Peter Griffin, Joe and Quagmire.
- You Poop Now, Japanese children’s book
- Horton Hears A Suicide, Japanese children’s book
- The Little Engine That Will, Or Get Great Shame, Japanese children’s book
- Magic Tome
- "Much Ado About Humping", erotic novel
- "Peter and His New Friends"
- Peter Griffin wrote a series of erotic novels dubbed "Peterotica":
- Angela's Asses
- Catcher in the Eye
- Shaved New World
- Harry Potter and the Half-Black Chick
- What I Would Do Sexually to Hillary Clinton
- The Hot Chick Who Was Italian or Maybe Some Kind of Spanish
- Wish It, Want It, You Blew It by Vinny
- Scratch-and-sniff Lindsay Lohan Goes Jogging
- Tommy Lee Goes Boating
- Time Life: Killers of Quahog
Father Ted
- Gary Lineker's Book of Ghost Stories
- The Curse of the Were-car for windows 98
- Great Machete Battles
- Harry Potter and the Balance of Earth by Al Gore
- Let's Go Sewers
- True Stories of Courageous Animals
- What the Hell is Kwanzaa?
- Zapp Brannigan's Big Book of War by Zapp Brannigan
- Dances of the Ancient Bronx
- The Becktionary
- The Rhyming Becktionary
Gravity Falls
- 1001 Yuk ‘Em Ups
- Dungeons, Dungeons, & More Dungeons: Rules vol. 1
- Journals 1, 2 and 3 by Stanford Pines
- Mabel's Scrapbook
- The Sibling Brothers in The Case of the Caper-Case Caper
- The Sibling Brothers in The Telltale Fable of the Unstable Table
- Trick or Treating Memories
- Why Am I Sweaty?
- Wolfman Bare Chest
Hey Arnold!
- Fabled Diseases of Old Long Since Debunked by Modern Science
- Little House by the Dairy by Agatha Caulfield
- The Weird-Headed Boy and the Mean Old Witch by Agatha Caulfield
How I Met Your Mother
- Enigmas of the Mystical, from episode Tailgate. The book is a parody of the Time-Life Books Mysteries of the Unknown series.
- Life Among the Gorillas by Dr. Birnholz-Vazquez
- Of Course You're Still Single, Take a Look at Yourself, You Dumb Slut by Anita Appleby
- Bigfoot: True or Real?
- The Jonas Book of World Records
I Love Lucy
- Blood Curdling Indian Tales
- The Mockingbird Murder Mystery
Jimmy Kimmel Live!
- Goodnight Ben
- JKL YellowPages
- Maid Fucker by Arnold Schwarzenegger
- Uncle Frank's New Dictionary
Johnny Bravo
- Ringo on Ringo by Squint Ringo
- Never Ever EVER Hit a TV Star by Johnny Bravo
The Kids in the Hall
- Boo! by Donald Dane
- Hey, There's a Spider on Your Back! by Donald Dane
- There's a Spider on Your Shoulder
King of the Hill
- A Dinner of Onions by Nora Harmony Wallace
- How to Blow Stuff Up
- The Loveliness of Woman
- The Male Sex Organ
Late Show with David Letterman
- America's Favorite Tire Center Waiting Rooms by B. F. Goodrich
- The Brothers Kangaroo by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
- Card Tricks for Guys with Little Else to Offer
- The Count of Monkey Pesto by Alexandre Dumas
- Downton Rabbi by Julian Fellowes
- For The Last Time I'm Not Bill Paxton by Bill Pullman
- The Great Fatso by F. Scott Fitzgerald
- The Kevin James Bible
- I Met Some Foreigners - Now I'm Ready to Be President by Chris Christie
- Notable Bounce Castles of Europe by Fiona MacGrubin
- I Wrote This Book So I Don't Get Fined by Marshawn Lynch
- Radio Shack Cookbook: How To Make Delicious Dishes With Discount Electronics
- What's in Bill O'Reilly's Pouch? by Syd Chelsea
Law & Order: Criminal Intent
- Blood Magnolias (Lord Fantomas series, book 2) by Carlotta Francis, from episode "Collective"
- Darkness Takes A Daughter (Lord Fantomas series, book 1) by Carlotta Francis, from episode "Collective"
- Fearsome Gods by Malcolm Bryce (on living with a South American tribe), from episode "Graansha"
- The Ripper's Mask (Lord Fantomas series, book 3) by Carlotta Francis, from episode "Collective"
"Leave it to Beaver
- "How I Became a Millionaire in 12 Months" by Oscar Zimmer, from episode "Ward's Millions"
- "Red River Sam in Hawaii" from episode "Ward's Millions"
- Acting for Demis, by Demi Lovato
- The Go-Thin Diet by Gollum'
- How to Math
- Macho Manual
- Rancor For Dummies
- Telephone for Demis, by Demi Lovato
- Writing for Demis, by Demi Lovato
- After Elizabeth Was Brought Home by Ed and Lois Smart
- Break in the Ice
- Elizabeth’s Favorite Taco Recipes by Ed and Lois Smart
- Gone With the Wind My Ass by Nautica Brown
- Judging For Dummies
- Sex Horse by Dan Oster
- Shakespeare for Complete Idiots
- The Ultimate Guide to the Female Orgasm
- Unbridled Passion by Dan Oster
- Wild Mustang by Dan Oster
- Miracle Cures by Robin Kirkley
Married... with Children
- Baseball for Blondes
- Football for Blondes
- Kids - You're Bigger Than They Are
- Sports With Balls
- Sports Without Balls
Monty Python
- My God, by theologian Monsignor Edward Gay
- Hello, Pianist, a pamphlet about Peter Illych Tchaikovsky by the BBC
- Hello, Sailor, by humanist lecturer Dr. Tom Jack
- The Problems of Kierkegaard, by Dr. Tom Jack
- The Boy's Book of Boys ("will not suit all tastes")
- The Hackenthorpe Book of Lies, by Ron Hackenthorpe, Derek Hackenthorpe, Jeff "The Nozz" Hackenthorpe and Luigi V. Hackenthorpe (in four handsomely bound volumes)
- The Oxfod [sic] Simplified Dictionary
In The Wrestling Epilogue (from Episode 2: Sex And Violence):
- My God by Monsignor Edward Gay (who is referred to as an ‘author of a number of books about belief’)
- Hello Sailor by Dr Tom Jack — later, Eric Idle published a real novel with this title
In the Bookshop Sketch (from Monty Python's Contractual Obligation Album):
- Thirty Days in the Samarkand Desert With the Duchess of Kent by A.E.J. Elliott, OBE
- 101 Ways to Start a Fight by "An Irish gentleman whose name eludes me for the moment"
- David Coperfield by Edmund Wells (distinguished from David Copperfield as it only has one p.)
- Grate Expectations by Edmund Wells (distinguished from Great Expectations)
- Knickerless Knickleby by Edmund Wells (distinguished from Nicholas Nickleby)
- Khristmas Karol by Edmund Wells (distinguished from A Christmas Carol)
- A Sale of Two Titties by Edmund Wells (distinguished from A Tale of Two Cities)
- Rarnaby Budge by Charles Dikkens, the well-known Dutch author (distinguished from Barnaby Rudge)
- Carnaby Fudge by Darles Chickens
- Farnaby Sludge by Miles Pickens
- Stickwick Stapers by Files Wickensq ("with four 'n's and a silent q")
- The Amazing Adventures of Captain Gladys Stoutpamphlet and her Intrepid Spaniel Stig Amongst the Giant Pygmies of Beccles (Vol. VIII)
- Biggles Combs his Hair
- The Gospel According to Charlie Drake
- Ethel the Aardvark Goes Quantity Surveying
Murder, She Wrote
- The Corpse Danced at Midnight
- Dirge for a Dead Dachshund
- A Faded Rose Beside Her
- Murder on the Amazon
- Lover's Revenge
- The Umbrella Murders
- Murder at the Inn
- Murder at the Digs
- Murder in a Minor Key
- The Stain on the Stairs
- The Mystery of the Mutilated Minion
- The Belgrade Murders
- Sanitarium of Death
- Calvin Canterbury's Revenge
- Murder at the Asylum
- Murder Comes to Maine
- Good-bye, Charlie
- The Corpse That Wasn't There
- Ashes, Ashes, Fall Down Dead
- The Messengers of Midnight
- The Poison in My Heart
- All the Murderers
- Murder at the Ridge Top
- The Corpse at Vespers
- The Triple Crown Murders
- The Crypt of Death
- A Killing at Hastings Rock
- The Uncaught
- Murder in White
- The Dead Must Sing
- The Killer Called Collect
- Stone Cold Dead
- Endangered
- The Launch Pad Murders
- Runway to Murder
- The Venomous Valentine
- A Case of a Half of Murder
- Yours Truly, Damian Sinclair
- The Dead Man Sang
- The Corpse Swam by Moonlight
New Girl
- Z is for Zombie by Nick Miller
- The Complete History of the Universe by Donald Boom
- Up the Amazon by Colonel Lloyd Menninger
by Dick Loudon
- Anything Can Be a Lamp Base
- How to Make Your Dream Bathroom
- Let's Build a Barbecue
- Murder at the Stratley
- Pillow Talk (with Joanna Loudon)
- Shelf Help
- 101 Uses For Garden Hoses
- You Too Can Carve
- Celebrity PI by S. E. Eckhart, from episode "Blackwater"
- Deep Six by Timothy McGee
Orange Is the New Black
- The Time Hump Chronicles, erotic sci-fi by Suzanne Warren from Season 3[2]
Power Rangers Operation Overdrive
- The Baron's Betrayal
- Theory of Advanced Physics
Pushing Daisies
- How to Make Your Own Pop-up Book: Step by Step Instructions Anyone Can Follow! by Chas Spielman, from episode "Smell of Success"
- Li'l Gumshoe, (unpublished) a pop-up book by Emerson Cod
- The Magic Book of Magic by The Great Herrman
- The New Patriots Pop-up Book: A Three-Dimensional Instructional Telling You Everything You Need to Know about Building Bombs of all Shapes and Sizes by Chas Spielman, from episode "Smell of Success"
- The Pop-up Book of Sports Related Deaths by Chas Spielman, from episode "Smell of Success"
- Pop-up Pin-up by Chas Spielman, from episode "Smell of Success"
- The Smell of Success by Napoleon LeNez, from episode "Smell of Success"
Red Dwarf
- Necrobics - Hologrammatic Exercises For The Dead
- Pop-up Kama-Sutra: Zero-Gravity Edition
Red Eye w/Greg Gutfeld
- Athletics and Their Careers, by Greg Gutfeld
- Cheat Right, by Sherrod Small
- Fly Fishing for Beginners, by Ann Coulter
- Her Waves Make Waves, by Joanne Nosuchinsky
- How Do I Know I Huff Paint All The Time, by Rick Folbaum
- How I Balance My Career, Family and Addiction to Window Cleaner, by Patti Ann Browne
- How to Fix America, by Lauren Sivan
- How to Fix the Economy by Ann Coulter
- How to Party While Your Already Partying, by Andrew W. K.
- I Eat People, by Ann Coulter
- I Haven't Paid For A Thing In My Life by Bonnie McFarlane
- I Miss The Crank by Patti Ann Browne
- I Never Paid For Anything, You Jerks by Diane Macedo
- I Only Eat Kittens by Dana Perino
- I Strangle the Homeless, by Sandra Smith
- I Tickled Them With My Mustache Until They Said Yes, by John R. Bolton
- It's Better Than Your Lonely Boring Life, You Dumb Loser, by Mike Baker
- Jasper the Well-Read Dog, by Dana Perino
- Keep It Down or You'll Make a Frown, by Andy Levy
- Me Like Cereal, Video Games, and Pee Pee Pants by Michael Ian Black
- Mommie On Meth The Jill Dobson story by Jill Dobson
- My Back Brace and Me, by Joanne Nosuchinsky
- Problematic, by Andy Levy
- A Puppy A Day, by Harris Faulkner
- Shoot Them In The Face, by Kristen Haglund
- Stop, by Jim Norton
- Take Your Kids to the Strip Club, by Sherrod Small
- The Friendly Man in the White Panel Van, by Greg Gutfeld
- They Call Me The Firebug, by Dana Perino
- Things I Learned in The White House, by Dana Perino
- Ugly People Are The Meat Homely People Are The Potatoes, by Jill Dobson
- We Have A White Devil Problem, by Sherrod Small
- Without Me You Are All Nothing, by Lori Rothman
- The World Would Be Right If There Was No White, by Sherrod Small
- You Better Be Rich Because Your Face Makes Me Vomit From My Eye Sockets, by Lauren Sivan
- You Must Be This White to Ride, by Jedediah Bila
The Sarah Jane Adventures
- UNIT: Fighting for Humankind, by Sarah Jane Smith
- The History of Ashen Hill Manor by an unknown author
- Wraith World by Gregory P. Wilkinson
Saturday Night Live
- Daddy's Little Whore: A Damn Shame by Barbara Birmingham
- Harry Potter and the Cursed Blankets
- Harry Potter and the End of Trees by JK Rowling
- I Wanna Be A Ho by Velvet Jones
- I Wanna Drive a Pink Cadillac, Wear Diamond Rings and Kick Women In The Butt by Velvet Jones
- Mein Boyfriend by Adolf Hitler
- My Big Thick Novel by Jack Handey
- The Realm by Jedediah Purdy
- Rock Paper Scissoring Volume I by LeJean Noween
- Rock Paper Scissoring Volume II by LeJean Noween
- Rock Paper Scissoring Volume IV by LeJean Noween
- Women Good, Men Bad, a 1980s pop-psychology book
- Astonishing Tales of the Sea
- The Big Game by Donald O'Brien
- A Coffee Table Book About Coffee Tables by Cosmo Kramer
- Fair Game by Alton Benes
- Venetian Blinds by Art Vandalay (a fictional book even in-universe, merely made up by George)
The Simpsons
- 1989: The Year of Armageddon
- 2z = -64
- The 60ft. Baby by Burns' Lawyer
- A Farewell to Arm by Herman Hermann
- "A" is for Scoundrel by Esme Delacroix
- A Scoundrel In Araby by Esme Delacroix
- Advanced Marketing
- Advanced Plastic Surgery
- Already-Solved Crossword Puzzles
- Al Roker on Poker by Al Roker
- Am I Disabled?
- Anyone Can Be a Scoundrel by Esme Delacroix
- Angelica Button and the Chalice of Consequence by T. R. Francis
- Angelica Button and The Deadly Denouement by T. R. Francis
- Angelica Button and The Dragon King's Trundle Bed by T. R. Francis
- Angelica Button and the Half-blood Pudding by T. R. Francis
- Angelica Button and the Infinite Armoire by T. R. Francis
- Angelica Button and the Marmalade of Destiny by T. R. Francis
- Angelica Button and the Mystery of Secrets by T. R. Francis
- Angelica Button and the Teacup of Terror by T. R. Francis
- Angelica Button and the Scone of Destiny by T. R. Francis
- Angelica Button and the Ending Where She Dies But Doesn't by T. R. Francis
- Astonishing Prices Comic Book Price Guide
- Awesome Possum Recipes
- Baby's First Pop-Up Book
- Ballet
- Backdoors to Citizenship, nonfiction
- The BabySitter Twins: The President's Baby is Missing
- The BabySitter Twins: The Formula Formula
- Beginning Marketing
- Be Your Own Dentist
- The Berry-Stained Bears Make S'mores
- The Berrystained Bears Stick Together
- The Big Book of British Smiles [sic], photo book
- Bordello Repair Vol. I
- Bork on Sex
- The Cereal is the Prize
- Cheera Sutra
- Chicken Soup for the Loser
- Chicks with Cliques
- A Child's Garden of Cons by Grampa Simpson, under the pseudonym Grifty McGrift
- The Chronicles of Equalia by Lisa Simpson and Juliet Hobbes.
- The Clue in the Clock, controversial Nancy Drew book
- Crazy Things Old Ladies Say
- Curious George and the Ebola Virus, a children's book
- Daddy and Me
- The Daily of Nathan Little
- Disney's Pyramus and Thisbe
- Doorways of Cheerleaders' Homes
- Drinking Games for Advanced Alcoholics
- Drink Your Own Blood and Save
- Duff Book of World Records
- Dying For Dummies
- Earth's Greatest Landmarks
- Ed McMahon's Star Searcher
- El Scoundrel Esme Delacroix
- Encyclopedia of Mothers' Fears
- The End is Near: 50th Anniversary Edition
- Fifty Shades of Yay
- Find Waldo Yet Again, a Where's Waldo book
- Fold Yourself Rich
- Forgotten Lore
- From Heck
- From Loser to User by Dr. Kissingher.
- Goodnight Cocoon
- Happiness Is a Naked Steve Allen
- The Hardy Borgs
- The Hardy Boys: The Mystery of the Odd-Shaped Rock
- The Harpooned Heart by Marge Simpson
- The Harpooned Heart 2: Thunder Down Under by Marge Simpson
- Heaven is Real
- Homer, I Hardly Knew Me by Homer Simpson (autobiography)
- How to Cook for Forty Humans, cookbook
- How to Get Rich Writing Cartoons by John Swartzwelder
- How to Loot Brazil
- How to Make Love to Steve Allen
- How to Pay for College
- How To Read A Book in Bed
- How To Relax On A Tropical Island
- How to Seduce Your Lousy, Lazy Husband
- How to Talk to a Drunk Father
- How to Talk So Cheerleaders Will Listen
- How to Tunnel out of Prison
- I Am Also Scotty by Leonard Nimoy (a fictitious follow-up to his two real books I Am Not Spock and I Am Spock)
- i, Bully by Nelson Muntz
- Itchy And Scratchy: The Movie: The Novel by Norman Mailer
- I Didn't Do It!: The Bart Simpson Story
- I, Scoundrel by Esme Delacroix
- Infant CPR
- The Inventions of Thomas Jefferson
- Internet For Dummies, Remedial Edition
- Introduction To Rests
- Itchy & Scratchy: The Movie: The Novel by Norman Mailer
- It's Cool To Cry
- The Ironic Tales of the Kwik-E Mart
- The Journal of Milford Van Houten
- Journey to the Center of Steve Allen
- The Joy of Cooking Steve Allen
- The Joy of Cooking Milhouse
- Just Physics
- The Kansas City Royals: Forever Champions
- Kevin James and The Giant Peach
- King of Queens and Full House: Not the Crappy TV Shows
- Kosher Erotic Cakes
- The Land of the Wild Beasts by Milton Burkhart.
- Let's Go Get Revenge... Iceland
- Let's Go Home
- “Let's Hate: Boston
- Lets Not Go London
- Life Beyond Wife by Professor Stein
- Lisa Is Stupid
- Loony Laws, Silly Statutes and Wacky War Crimes
- Love in the Time of Coloring Books
- Love in the Time of Scurvy
- Mabel's Table: A Cookbook by Mabel Simpson
- Magnificent Bastard: The Lives and Loves of Hans Moleman by Chip Davis
- Mapplethorpe, photo book
- Married Alive: A Wife-Saving Guide (season 17 Episode 22 9:45) (And TECHNICALLY there WAS a book by the title "Married Alive" 6 years before this was first aired...)
- Megatronics: The 48 Tips to Corporate Success by Stark Richdale
- Mild Manners
- Model U.N. Charter
- Montgomery Warden
- Mr. and Mrs. Erotic American, audio book, read by Paul Harvey
- The Murderer Did It by Lenny Leonard
- My Troubled Mind by Moe Szyslak
- Nagging Your Way To Ecstasy
- Nancy Drew and the Case of the Missing Books Sales
- Nate Silver Can't Add
- Normal Childhood Behavior
- Only Turkeys Have Left Wings by Birch Barlow
- Olympic Scoundrel by Esme Delacroix
- Overcome Childhood Fears A Ten Week Program
- Owning Your Okayness, self-help, by Brad Goodman
- Paris On $1000 A Day
- Pat Summerall's Smut Yuks
- Postcards from the Hedge by Groundskeeper Willie
- The Pre-Teen Braves Handbook: Foreword by Larry Storch
- Pretending to Like Football by Mrs. John Madden
- Rational Thinking, Reasonable Future by Al Gore
- Red Moon
- Restored Precious Memories
- Retrospecticus
- Return to Scoundrel Island by Esme Delacroix
- The Rug Less Vacuumed
- Sane Planning, Sensible Tomorrow by Al Gore
- Sally Circle in Rectangu-Land
- The Secret of the Milk Can Escape presented to Harvey Raymondo by Harry Houdini
- Senator Scoundrel, Scoundrel Comes Calling by Esme Delacroix
- Schrödinger's Bat
- Scoundrel for the Prosecution by Esme Delacroix
- Scoundrel Goes West by Esme Delacroix
- Scoundrel In Scarlett by Esme Delacroix
- Scoundrel Is It You? by Esme Delacroix
- Scoundrel Redux by Esme Delacroix
- Scoundrel vs. Hitler by Esme Delacroix
- The Secret of Scoundrel Cove by Esme Delacroix
- The Simpsons
- Smiles of Ireland
- Someone's In The Kitchen With Jesus by Rev. Timothy Lovejoy
- Springfield Bell
- The Super Fan's Unofficial Guide to Thicker than Waters
- Super Hounds: The Ultimate Greyhound Betting System
- The Story About The Mighty Scoundrel by Esme Delacroix
- Tanks of the Third Reich
- The 7 Habits of Highly Effective TV Watchers
- The Ten Habits of Highly Successful Criminals by Snake
- Ten Trite Tales by Agatha Christie.
- The 10 Dos and 500 Don'ts of Knife Safety
- The Bible for Wise-Asses
- The Truth About Whacking Day by Bob Woodward
- There's a Rainbow in My Basement by Moe Szyslak
- Thin by Third Grade
- The Time Life Carpenter's Library
- Volume 1: The Basics
- Volume 2: Working With Wood
- Volume 3: Cabinets and Cupboards
- Volume 4: Tables and Chairs
- Volume 5: Decking and Roofing
- Volume 6: Finish Carpentry
- Volume 7: Floorboards and Nightstands
- Volume 8: More Projects
- To Hug a Scoundrel by Esme Delacroix
- To Kiss a Scoundrel by Esme Delacroix
- Tome by Gore Vidal
- The Troll Twins of Underbridge Academy
- Ueberroth, a biography
- Unicorns and Me by Lisa Simpson
- Unidentified Flying Outrage!
- The Vampire Twins of Translyvania Prep
- Veterans' Day Parades
- Waiting To a Scoundrel by Esme Delacroix
- The Wander Years A Guide to Finding the Walking Dad
- Weight Loss Through Laborious Sex
- When Bad Things Happen To Cute Children
- Whither My Scoundrel? by Esme Delacroix
- Who Made That Barrel? You Did!
- Who Really Killed J.F.K. by Homer and Marge Simpson
- Who Wants to Be a Brazillionaire?
- Whomp! The History of Whacking Day
- Will There Ever Be A Rainbow by Montgomery Burns, autobiography
- Wisconsin from Above
- Yes, I Am A Vampire" by Monty Burns (forward by Steve Allen)
- Your Gimmicky Restaurant by Bennigan and Fuddrucker
- You're Tired by Donald Trump
- Zagat's Guide to World Religions
South Park
- Are you There God? It's Me Charlie by Charles Manson, from the episode "Merry Christmas, Charlie Manson!"
- Cold Reading: The Secret of the Psychics, from the episode "The Biggest Douche in the Universe"
- How to Convince Women That You Are Psychic! (And Then Have Sex With Them), from the episode "The Biggest Douche in the Universe"
- How to be a Psychic, from the episode "The Biggest Douche in the Universe"
- In the Valley of Penises by Herbert Garrison
- A Million Little Fibers by Stephen McTowelie (parody of A Million Little Pieces), from episode A Million Little Fibers
- Little Red Kyle Hood by Eric Cartman
- Saddam Is From Mars Satan Is From Venus, from South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut
- The Tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs by Leopold Stotch, from episode The Tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs
Spitting Image
- A Pile of Crap (Jeffrey Archer)
- Worst Among Sequels (Jeffrey Archer)
- How I Became Prime Minister (Michael Heseltine)
- How I Won the World Cup (Bobby Robson)
- 2 World Cups in a Row, Can We Make It...3? (Bobby Robson)
- Peter Goes Destabilizing the Wilson Government (Peter Wright)
SpongeBob SquarePants
- How to Become a Fancy Waiter in Less than 20 Minutes, from SpongeBob SquarePants
- How to Torture, seen in "Krab Borg"
Star Trek universe
- Anslem (by Jake Sisko)
- Beyond the Galactic Edge, Humanity's Quest for Infinity (by Hesterman)
- Book of the Kosst Amojan (Bajoran)
- The Book of the People (Fabrini)
- Burning Hearts of Qo'noS from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine novels
- The Call of the Prophets (Bajoran)
- Cave Beyond Logic, A: Vulcan Perspectives on Platonic Thought (Vulcan)
- Chicago Mobs of the Twenties
- The Collected Works of Jirex (Talaxian)
- Clash on the Fire Plains (Vulcan)
- The Dictates of Poetics (by Vulcan writer T'Hain)
- Down the River Light (17-volume book by Caster)
- The Dream of the Fire (Klingon)
- Eldaxon's Collected Folklore (Talaxian)
- The Fall of Kang (by Klingon poet G'Trok)
- Falor's Journey (Vulcan)
- Ferengi Rules of Acquisition
- Finding and Winning your Perfect Mate (by Jennings Rain)
- The Hotel Royale (by Todd Matthews)
- How to Advance Your Career Through Marriage
- Gaudaal's Lament (by Bajoran poet Akorem Laan)
- Kir'shara, The (by Surak of Vulcan)
- Kitara's Song (by Bajoran poet Akorem Laan)
- Leonard McCoy's Comparative Alien Physiology (by Leonard McCoy)
- Linear Models of Viral Propagation (by Katherine Pulaski)
- Meditations on a Crimson Shadow (Cardassian novel by Preloc)
- The Never Ending Sacrifice (Cardassian)
- Nightingale Woman (by Phineas Tarbolde)
- Oo-mox for Fun and Profit
- The Paq'batlh (Klingon religious text)
- Past Prologue (by Jake Sisko)
- Photons Be Free by the Doctor in Star Trek: Voyager
- The Teachings of Surak (Vulcan, English translation by Skon)
- The Tragedy of Khamlet, Son of the Emperor of Qo'noS (Star Trek VI - short title: The Klingon Hamlet)
- Vulcan Love Slave (or The Arduous Journey of T'Lana on the Road to Enlightenment) in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
- Women Warriors at the River of Blood, from Star Trek: Voyager
The Tonight Show
- Children's Do Learn by George W. Bush, from The Tonight Show with Jay Leno
- The Happy Octopus by Vladimir Putin, from The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
- No I Will Not Go Away by Sarah Palin
- Prince Charles and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
Ugly Betty
- Girls Like it on Top by Sofia Reyes
- Tap That by Phil Roth
The X-Files and Millennium
- A Lapful of Severed Tongues by Jose Chung
- Dance on the Blood-Dimmed Tide by Onan Goopta
- Doomsday Defense by Jose Chung
- From Outer Space by Jose Chung
- The Caligarian Candidate by Jose Chung
- The Hacked-Up Hack by Onan Goopta
- The Lonely Buddha by Jose Chung
- To Serve Man by Jose Chung
Miscellaneous from television
- 50 Shades of Orange, from @midnight
- A Brief History of Cheese, from Kim Possible
- Abs of Steel: the Channing Tatum Story, from The Thundermans
- Acting Without Acting, by Jason Alexander, from Curb Your Enthusiasm
- Ali Baba and the .44, from Red Eye w/ Tom Shillue
- Ancient Legends, from Teen Titans Go!
- Angels of the Odd, by Dr Lin Pascoe, from Ghostwatch (BBC, 1992)
- Ants in My Picnic Basket by Susan Mayer, from Desperate Housewives
- The Anubian Book of Deliverance by the Anubian, from K-9
- Arkamada Book of Spells, from Ben 10
- The Adventures of PJ Pamowack Roseanne Conner from Roseanne
- The Art of Bullfighting, from Columbo
- The Attraction Equation by Charles Eppes, from Numb3rs
- Back in the Day by Leonard Ross, from Blue Bloods
- Bad Twin, by Gary Troup, from Lost
- Bandit Country: A Guide to Sucking off Men in the South West, a book on cottaging, from Monkey Dust
- The Beast Within by Quentin Tarantino, from The Greg Gutfeld Show
- The Beginner's Guide to Turning Superheroes Evil from Mighty Med
- The Bibble from Aqua Teen Hunger Force Forever
- Biggles Goes Bent by W. E. Johns, from The Morecambe and Wise Show
- Birds of the Northwest Hemisphere, from Prison Break
- Blood on the Badge, a Joseph Wambaugh-style crime novel that Detective Harris has been working on for years, from Barney Miller
- Book of Origin, the most important Ori holy book, from Stargate SG-1
- The Book of Shadows, from Charmed
- Bouncing Back, Alan Partridge's autobiography from I'm Alan Partridge
- Brian Food, by Randall from Ugly Americans
- Buff Baby Book from Star vs. the Forces of Evil
- Busted: Now What?, from My Name Is Earl
- Caging The Rage, from The Thundermans
- Capricorn Crude, Val's first book, obviously based on her husband's family, from Knots Landing
- Charlotte Light and Dark, about Brenda Chenowith's childhood, from Six Feet Under
- Christmas for Village Idiots (Now With Bigger Etchings), from Shrek the Halls
- Classification of Demons, 1589, by Binsfield, from Supernatural episode "The Magnificent Seven"
- The Code of Masked Wrestling, from Mucha Lucha
- Crackhead in a Hat, from In Living Color
- Curse of the Pharaohs, by George Crabtree from The Murdoch Mysteries
- The Daily Mirror book of facts (Did you know?), from The Young Ones
- The Danger of Time Travel, from Henry Danger
- Dealbreaker by Liz Lemon, from 30 Rock
- Empty Planet, a post-apocalyptic science fiction novel by David Hansberry, from the Criminal Minds episode "Empty Planet"
- Eye on the Prize, Nick Fury's biography from Ultimate Spider-Man (TV series)
- Fifty Shades of Marriage, from Late Night with Seth Meyers
- Fifty More Shades of Grey, @midnight
- Friday Night Meats, Bob's Burgers
- The Flight of the Monarch , from The Venture Bros
- Ghost Envy for Dimwits, from Danny Phantom
- Ghosts: The Real Truth. from Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures
- Golan on Golan, by Golan, from Golan the Insatiable
- Grab em, Hug em, Eiss em, by Donald Trump, from Late Night with Seth Meyers
- Grandpas Butt, by Mr. Pickles, from Mr. Pickles
- Green Berets and Ham, by Ben Collin, from Red Eye w/Tom Shillue
- Green Eggs and Gubment Cheese, from In Living Color
- The Great Big Book of Everything, from Stanley
- Grey Walls, Grey Men: A Photographic Essay of San Quentin Prison by Paul Galesko, from Columbo
- The Grimoire of Curses, from Mirror of the Witch
- The Grinch Who Stole my Stereo, from In Living Color
- The Gu Family Book (aka The Book of Nine), from Gu Family Book
- Happy Recipes, from The Amazing World of Gumball
- The Hedgehog That Destroyed America by Newt Gingrich, from Late Night with Seth Meyers
- H2-Whoa , by Larry Wilmore from he Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore
- The Hong Kong Book Of Kung Fu, from Hong Kong Phooey
- Hop on a Cop, from In Living Color
- Horton hears a Ho, from In Living Color
- "How I Became a Millionaire in 12 Months" by Oscar Zimmer, from "Leave it to Beaver"
- How to Act Like A Feminine Female In Three Easy Lessons, from The Monkees
- How to be a Baby: You're Out, Now What? by Jill Werner, from Suburgatory
- How To Become A Talent Manager from China, IL
- How to Hit on Girls, from The Love Boat
- How to Host Last Call with Carson Daly, from Last Call with Carson Daly
- How to Maintain Your Eraser, from The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson
- How to Maintain Your Erection, from The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson
- How to write a reggae smash hit, from Metalocalypse
- I Don't Want This by Jeb Bush, from Late Night with Seth Meyers
- I, Ninja by Shadow Fly, from Supah Ninjas
- The Isle of Naboombu, from Bedknobs and Broomsticks
- Jimmy James: Macho Business Donkey Wrestler, from NewsRadio (translation of original Jimmy James: Capitalist Lion-tamer)
- Jo Ninja by Joanne Nosuchinsky, from The Greg Gutfeld Show
- The Junior Woodchuck Guide Book, from DuckTales
- Kenan on Kenan by Kenan, from Lucas Bros. Moving Co.
- The Kermit Sutra, from Late Night with Seth Meyers
- K.C. Will Be Here at 6:15, from K.C. Undercover
- Killing Sanity by Bill O'Reilly, from The Nightly Show
- Labyrinth by Miranda Foster, from Gantz
- Leading to Courage America Freedom… Future… Ah Fuck It. I’m Out. by Jeb Bush, from The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
- The Life and Death of Sam Crow: How the Sons of Anarchy Lost Their Way, by John Teller, from Sons of Anarchy
- Li'l Dictionary, from Late Night with Seth Meyers
- Local Legends of New England, by Professor William Fagin Higginson, from A Scooby-Doo Christmas
- Look Out Obama You're Are Being Impeached, by P.K. Winsome, from The Colbert Report
- Looking the Other Way 101, from Late Night with Seth Meyers
- The Long Journey Home, a book Beans had overdue from the library, from Even Stevens
- Love Muscle by Dave Foley, from The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson
- Mabel Memories, from Gravity Falls
- Mabel's Scrapbook, from Gravity Falls
- The Making of Nike Commercials by Spike Lee, from In Living Color
- The Man Inside Me, by Dr. Tobias Funke, from Arrested Development
- Marriage is an Amusement Park, from Everybody Loves Raymond
- Martian Compendium of Home Remedies: or What to Do Until the Zygablat Comes Home, from My Favorite Martian
- 2 The Man Who Hates Men Who Hate Women by Gregory Miller, from In living Color
- The Method Actor, from The Munsters
- Mind Your Memory by Joe Hysen, from Keen Eddie
- Murder In Eden by Evelyn Bosworth, from The Love Boat
- Murder on a Lonely Night by Victoria Crenshaw, from 227
- My Horrible Father by Mortimer Smith Jr., from Rick and Morty
- My Life in Kenya by Lionel Hardcastle, from As Time Goes By
- My Life With God by William B. William, from SCTV
- Nashville Junction, Val's second book, based on her mother's life, from Knots Landing
- Neither of These, by Jeb Bush, from Late Night with Seth Meyers
- Neolution: The New Science of Self-Directed Evolution by Dr. Aldous Leekie, from Orphan Black
- Never Give a Stripper Your Phone Number and Other Lessons I Learned at Daytona Beach by Bill Clinton, from @midnight
- NinjaNomicon, from Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja
- No Josh, No Regrets: A History of Not-Josherosexuality, from Man Seeking Woman
- No... Mine Kampf from @midnight
- A Not-So-Brief History of Time by Professor Stephen Hawkwing, from The Grim Adventures Of Billy And Mandy
- The Now Marriage by Dr. Todd Garner from The Love Boat
- Oops. by Kellyanne Conway Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
- Planet Nowhere, from The Middle
- Plausible Deniability by Jim Norton, from Red Eye w/ Tom Shillue
- The Power of Dance, from Teen Titans Go!
- Project: Shadow, from Sonic X
- Prejudice Playbook, from Late Night with Seth Meyers
- Pride & Prejudice: Now With More Prejudice by Donald Trump, from The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
- The Prince and the pkk, from Red Eye w/ Tom Shillue
- Princess Pigeon Toe, from Bob's Burgers
- The Psychophysiological Indices of Amorous Connections Among Termites of the Southwest, Home Improvement
- Re-Cooper-Ating by Christine Rapp, from Monk
- "Red River Sam in Hawaii" from "Leave it to Beaver"
- Sammy the Gerbil and His Muffin Adventure from Aqua Teen Hunger Force
- Shaping the Past by Dr. Michael Painter, from Channel Zero
- The Science of Laser Optics, from Be Cool, Scooby-Doo!
- She's Having My Baby... Why Can't I? by Lionel Baker, from In Living Color
- Shirtless Greek Gods from Gamer's Guide to Pretty Much Everything
- Skwisgaar is a Dick by Toki Wartooth from Metalocalypse
- So You Have The Flu by Sun Tzu, from Black Dynamite
- Song Writing, from Metalocalypse
- Sweety Poo-Poo's Evil Nitey-Nite Magic, from Bunnicula (Cartoon Network TV series)
- The Creepy Robot Skeleton, from The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson
- The Rooster Crowed at Midnight by Abigail Porterfield, from M*A*S*H
- The Squad by James Brogan, from Brooklyn Nine-Nine
- The Titans of Romulac, from The Love Boat
- The Transformation of Mrs. McTwig, from Columbo
- The Wee Compendium of Factes and Funne, from The Adventures of Puss in Boots
- They Call Me Nigger: One Family's Struggle for Freedom & Justice, by Robert Jebediah Freeman, from The Boondocks
- Thundergirls handbook from Bob's Burgers
- To Serve Man, an alien cookbook from The Twilight Zone
- Superhero Sidekick Handbook from Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law
- Throwing My Weight Around: The All American Blob Story from The Thundermans
- Totes Titans, from Teen Titans Go!
- An Unkindness of Ravens by Lucas Scott, from One Tree Hill
- UCI Yearbook", from China, IL
- Under the Shadow of the Mountain by Peggy Biggs and Molly Flynn, from Mike and Molly
- Unleashing the Me by Reinhart Schmolle, from Archer
- The Unleashing Of Me, from Archer
- Understanding your Seed, from The Last Man on Earth
- Vixen: Story of A Woman by Charmaine Hollingsworth, from The Golden Girls
- The Whining by Stephen King, from Red Eye w/ Tom Shillue
- What You Talkin' About? I'm Not Webster by Gaty Coleman, from In Living Color
- WHO? by Victor Henshaw, from The Carol Burnett Show
- The Case of the Missing Man by Jimmie Herron, given to Daryl Dixon by Andrea as an apology for shooting him in the head on The Walking Dead
- The Wiggly Windy Road from Mr. Pickles
- Year of the Robin, from Teen Titans Go!
- Zero Shades of Black by Rachel Dolezal, from The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
Fictional books from films
Basic Instinct
- The First Time by Catherine Tramell
- Love Hurts by Catherine Tramell
Bedtime Stories
- The Organic Squirrel Gets a Bike Helmet
- Rainbow Alligator Saves the Wetlands
Bloodbath at the House of Death
- The Secret Door by Cameron Cryer
- The Silent Fart by an unknown author
- The Sudden Spear by an unknown author
C.S.A.: The Confederate States of America
- A Northern Wind by unknown author
- The Grey and the Blue by Sherman Hoyle
- Indians in Exile by David Broadfoot
- My Union Soldier by unknown author
- Of Belles in Blue by unknown author
- The Yankee by Thomas Dixon, Jr.
Finding Forrester
- Avalon Landing by William Forrester
- Sunset by William Forrester
Dead Poets Society
- Understanding Poetry by Dr. J. Evan Pritchard
- The Doubtful Debutante, a novel by John Keating
Hope Springs
- You Can Have The Marriage You Want by Dr. Bernard Feld
- Great Marriage, Open Marriage by David LaBella
- How to Make it to the Top by Starting at the Bottom by David LaBella
Land of the Lost
- My Other Car is a Time Machine by Dr. Rick Marshall
- Matt Lauer Can Suck It by Dr. Rick Marshall
- Broadside at Cassiopeia
- Jenny Starpepper series:
- Jenny Starpepper and the Huge White Gibbon
- Jenny Starpepper and the Spitting Worm
- Jenny Starpepper and the Great Brass Hen
- Jupiter Praxis
- The Moon Whisperer
- Night of the Moths
- Planet Fall Trilogy:
- Planet Fall: Book 1
- Planet Fall: Book 2
- Planet Fall: Book 3: Fluxing Uranus
- Prisonhulk 441
- The Robot's Mistress
- Sky Farm series:
- Sky Farm 1
- Sky Farm 2: Dark Harvest
- Sky Farm 3: Strong Cheese
- The Venusian Pangenesis
By Clive Gollings, illustrated by Graeme Willy:
- Jelva, Alien Queen of the Varvak
- Paul: Sometimes it's Nice to feel a Little Alien
The Royal Tenenbaums
- Accounting for Everything: A Guide to Personal Finance by Henry Sherman (nonfiction)
- Dudley's World by Raleigh St. Clair (nonfiction)
- Erotic Transference by Margot Tenenbaum (play)
- Family of Geniuses by Etheline Tenenbaum
- Nakedness Tonight by Margot Tenenbaum (play)
- Old Custer by Eli Cash (novel)
- The Peculiar Neurodegenerative Inhabitants of the Kazawa Atoll by Raleigh St. Clair (nonfiction)
- Static Electricity by Margot Tenenbaum (play)
- Three Plays by Margot Tenenbaum
- Wildcat by Eli Cash (novel)
Moonrise Kingdom
- Shelly and the Secret Universe by Nan Chapin
- The Francine Odysseys by Gertrude Price
- The Girl from Jupiter by Isaac Clarke
- Disappearance of the 6th Grade by Burris Burris
- The Light of Seven Matchsticks by Virginia Tipton
- The Return of Auntie Lorraine by Miriam Weaver
Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit
Most are parodies of a work, pointed to by the link.
- East of Edam
- Fromage to Eternity
- Waiting for Gouda
- The Hunt For Red Leicester
- How Green Was My Cheese
- Brighton Roquefort
- "Cheddar is Better"
- Grated Expectations
- Swiss Cheese Family Robinson
- Brie Encounter
- The Observer's Book of Monsters, by Claude Savagely. Parody of a popular Observer's Books series.
- Belson's Lament by Wayne Davidson
- Belson Rising by Wayne Davidson
- I Believe I Can Fly by Linda Gergenblatt of Wanderlust Press (original title The Penguin with Testicular Cancer)
- Money Buys Nothing by Carvin Waggie (sold for only $13.99)
- One Flick of the Finger by Shari Selman & Pierre Cheneviere
- Rick is a Horrible Jerk by Marisa Gergenblatt
In the Mouth of Madness
- The Breathing Tunnel by Sutter Cane
- The Feeding by Sutter Cane
- Haunter Out of Time by Sutter Cane (parody of The Shadow Out of Time by H.P.Lovecraft)
- Hobb's End Horror by Sutter Cane (parody of The Dunwich Horror by H.P.Lovecraft and The West End Horror by Nicholas Meyer)
- In the Mouth of Madness by Sutter Cane (parody of At the Mountains of Madness by H.P.Lovecraft)
- The Thing In The Basement by Sutter Cane (parody of The Thing on the Doorstep by H.P.Lovecraft)
- The Whisperer of the Dark by Sutter Cane (parody of The Whisperer in Darkness and The Haunter of the Dark, both by H.P.Lovecraft)
Synecdoche, New York
- Getting Better: The Sacred Energy in All Life Forms by Dr. Madeline Gravis
- Getting Blissed Out: Happiness Through Medication by Dr. Madeline Gravis
- I Don't Feel Well Today by Dr. Madeline Gravis
- If I Were You by Dr. Madeline Gravis
- It's Raining Too Loud: Surviving an Emotional Downpour by Dr. Madeline Gravis
- Little Winky by Horace Azpiazu
Miscellaneous from film
- 1000 Ways to Cook a Duck from Rabbit Fire
- 1000 Ways to Cook a Rabbit from Rabbit Fire
- 17,011 Things a Princess Must Know from MirrorMask by Neil Gaiman and Dave McKean
- Anyone Can Cook by Auguste Gusteau in Ratatouille
- The Arsonist's Daughter by Grady Tripp in Wonder Boys
- Art Of Ninjutsu by Eastman & Laird in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014 film)
- Avalon Landing by William Forrester from Finding Forrester
- Baby Steps by Leo Marvin from What About Bob?
- Big Julie Criscoll Versus The Whole Wide World by Emma Morley in One Day
- Blood and Swash by Mrs. Lucy Muir (Ghostwritten - as it were - for Captain Daniel Gregg), The Ghost and Mrs. Muir
- The Boat Rocker by Terence Mann from Field of Dreams
- The Book by Bickford Shmeckler, from Bickford Shmeckler's Cool Ideas
- The Book of Crossroads in Pan's Labyrinth
- The Book of Secrets from National Treasure: Book of Secrets
- A Brief History of Slime in Flushed Away
- Burn Book from Mean Girls
- Confession of Murder by Lee Doo-Suk from Confession of Murder
- Chef Man in Ratatouille
- Codename Hero: How Seymour Simmons and the Aliens Saved the World by Seymour Simmons from Transformers: Dark of the Moon
- The Complete History of Everything in MirrorMask
- The Complete Idiots Guide to Terrific Sex, The 40-Year-Old Virgin
- Crime and Punishment by Fido Dogstoyevsky in The Wrong Trousers
- Dawson is a Killer by Hagitha Utslay in Shriek If You Know What I Did Last Friday the Thirteenth
- Death Therapy by Bob Wiley from What About Bob?
- Delomelanicon by Lucifer from The Ninth Gate
- Down With Love by Barbara Novak from Down With Love
- Dream House a novel by Peter Ward from Dream House
- The Dreamer by George Rockham from Penelope
- Driven: Compulsion and Obsession in Everyday Life by Margaret Ford from House of Games
- Duplex by Alex Rose in Duplex
- Electronics for Dogs in A Grand Day Out
- Elf by Buddy in Elf
- The Everyday Man or Woman's Book of the Soul by David Webb from Bubba Ho-tep[5]
- Everything You've Always Wanted to Know About Roadrunners But Were Afraid to Ask in Freeze Frame
- Express Your Creativity in Son of the Mask
- Farewell Atlantis by Jackson Curtis in 2012[6]
- Fatty Foods and You by Jacqueline Turreau (Jennifer Coolidge) in Trial and Error
- Forever Young by Helen Sharp (Goldie Hawn) in Death Becomes Her
- The Fountain by Izzi Creo (final chapter by Thomas Creo) in The Fountain'
- Grays Sports Almanac from Back to the Future Part II
- A Guide for the Lonely Guy by Larry Hubbard, The Lonely Guy
- Handbook for the Recently Deceased in Beetlejuice
- Higgins' Universal Language by Henry Higgins, My Fair Lady
- How I Did It by Victor Frankenstein, Young Frankenstein
- How I Saved the World by Julius Levinson, Independence Day: Resurgence
- Human Tales from Hotel Transylvania
- I Do, Do I? by Carrie Bradshaw, from Sex and the City 2
- If Not Now... by Caterine Vauban, I ♥ Huckabees
- Illuminating The Dark Fields by Edward "Eddie" Morra, Limitless
- Justice League Rule Book, Lego DC Comics Super Heroes: Justice League: Cosmic Clash
- Kamikaze Kama Sutra: Encyclopedia of Dangerous Sexual Positions, Fatal Instinct
- Kentucky Blood by Ellison Oswalt, Sinister
- Labyrinth of the Guilt Complex by Dr. Anthony Edwards from Spellbound
- The Legend of Dracula the Vampire by Lawrence Van Helsing, Dracula AD 1972
- Leon Zundinger's Magicians, Martyrs, and Madmen in Ghostbusters II
- The Love Dare non-fiction - in Fireproof - It was originally a fictional, non-fiction book, but was actually written after demand by movie goers.
- Love Means Always Having to Say You're Sorry by Alex Sheldon, in Alex and Emma
- The Love Parade by James Leer in Wonder Boys
- The Masks We Wear by Dr. Arthur Neuman, in The Mask.
- A Match Made in Space by George McFly from Back to the Future.
- Mister Babadook in The Babadook
- Murder at 11:17 in Duplex
- My Scrapbook of Fatal Accidents in The Man With The Golden Arm
- The Na'vi by Phred Palmer in Avatar
- Necronomicon Ex-Mortis in the Evil Dead film series
- The Nine Doors to the Kingdom of Shadows by Aristide Torchia, in The Ninth Gate
- Nine Lives by Paul Varjak in Breakfast at Tiffany's
- The Number 23 by Topsy Kretts in The Number 23
- One Hundred Girls I'd Like to Fuck in Throw Momma From the Train
- One Thousand and One Arabian Nightmares in The Big Snooze
- Owen, Momma and Owen's friend Larry pop-up book by Owen Lift in Throw Momma From the Train
- Pesticide and You by Jacqueline Turreau in Trial and Error
- The Philosophy of Time Travel by Roberta Sparrow, in Donnie Darko
- Ready Set Let Go by Richard Clayton from Relative Strangers
- Refined Sugar and You by Jacqueline Turreau in Trial and Error
- The Republic by Pluto in The Wrong Trousers
- Seeing Through Ghosts by Florence Cathcart in The Awakening (2011 film)
- Shooter, by Catherine Tramell, from Basic Instinct
- So You Have the Flu by Sun Tzu, from Black Dynamite
- Spoken Sanskrit by Colonel Hugh Pickering, My Fair Lady
- Straight Jacket by Marcus Skinner from Orange County
- Templar Treasure by Riley Poole, in National Treasure: Book of Secrets
- A Thousand Words by Jack McCall, in A Thousand Words
- Throw Momma From the Train by Larry Donner in Throw Momma From the Train
- Tides of Reason in Made in Romania
- Time Travel For Morons Super Capers
- To the Devil a Daughter by John Verney in To the Devil a Daughter
- Tobin's Spirit Guide in Ghostbusters
- Tropic Thunder by John "Four Leaf" Tayback in Tropic Thunder
- The Value of Royal Jelly, With Further Comments Upon the Personal Health Benefits of Prickly Ash by Sherlock Holmes in Mr. Holmes
- Voodoo For Dummies in Bride of Chucky
- Waverly Prep series by Mavis Gary in Young Adult
- What to Expect the First Fifth-Thousand Miles in Robots.
- Who Am I? by Gilderoy Lockheart in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
- You Can Have the Marriage You Want by Dr. Bernard Feld in Hope Springs.
Fictional books from video games
Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars
- Creative Shelving for Beginners
- The Crooked Crusader Caper by Molly Peagram (also known as Nigel Peagram), a medieval detective story
- The Crusader Families of Ireland by Molly Peagram (under the name of Professor Peagram)
- Hypnosis for Fun and Profit
Monkey Island series
- Big Whoop: Unclaimed Bonanza or Myth? and Great Shipwrecks of Our Century in Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge.
Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
- Nonlinear Genetics by Academician Prokhor Zakharov
- For I Have Tasted The Fruit by Academician Prokhor Zakharov
- Address to the Faculty by Academician Prokhor Zakharov
- The Feedback Principle by Academician Prokhor Zakharov
- Now We Are Alone by Academician Prokhor Zakharov
- See How They Run by Academician Prokhor Zakharov
- We Must Dissent by Sister Miriam Godwinson
- But For The Grace Of God by Sister Miriam Godwinson
- Looking God In The Eye by Chairman Sheng-ji Yang
- Planet: A Survivalist Guide by Colonel Corazón Santiago
- The Centauri Monopoly by CEO Nibuwake Morgan
- Conversations with Planet by Lady Deirdre
Miscellaneous from games
- The Book of Bú in the Little Big Adventure series of role-playing video games.
- The Book of Mudora, an ancient text used to translate the dead language of Hylian in The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past.
- The Codex of Ultimate Wisdom in the Ultima series of role-playing video games.
- Encyclopedia Frobozzica in the Zork series of interactive fiction games.
- The Gran Grimore from Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
- Magical Book or Book of Magic, a book that upgrades Link's Magic Wand in The Legend of Zelda.
- Jacob's Shadow in Deus Ex.[7]
- Return to Shadow Moses Island in Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty.
- The Dark Prognosticus and its Light counterpart in Super Paper Mario.
- Loveless, an unfinished epic poem adapted into a stage play mentioned in Final Fantasy VII and its related games and movies.
- The Tome of Eternal Darkness, an ancient text bound in human bone and flesh, from the game Eternal Darkness.
- Several small books are in the MMORPG RuneScape, often relating to quests or other parts of the game.
- Several small books and parchments are in The Elder Scrolls series of role-playing games, for instance, the book collections Brief History of the Empire and The Real Barenziah.
Fictional books from music
- Origins of a World War by Rossignol, from the inner sleeve notes to Secret Treaties by Blue Öyster Cult, probably written by producer Sandy Pearlman
- A Lesson In Tightropes, Surfing Your High Hopes, and Adios, Kansas are titles suggested in the song Cigarettes and Chocolate Milk written and performed by Rufus Wainwright.
- The Buttress of Windsor is the book referenced in the Tenacious D song Double Team. Jack Black reads this book while soaking in a Jacuzzi prior to having sex with Kyle Gass and an unnamed third party.
Fictional books from radio programmes
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
- The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - An electronic book developed by MegaDodo Publications as a travel-book for hitchhiker's travelling about the Milky Way.
- Encyclopaedia Galactica - An encyclopaedia that has been supplanted by The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy in some parts of the galaxy as the HHG2G is slightly cheaper than the Encyclopaedia Galactica and has the words Don't Panic on its cover. The Encyclopedia Galactica was borrowed from Isaac Asimov's Foundation series.
- The Celestial Home Care Omnibus - A popular book, but less popular than the HHG2G.
- 53 More Things to Do in Zero-Gravity - A bestselling book that was ousted from the bestselling lists by the HHG2G.
- Where God Went Wrong, Some More of God's Greatest Mistakes, Who Is This God Person, Anyway? and Well, That About Wraps It Up for God are four controversial philosophical works by Oolon Colluphid that are proven to be less controversial than the HHG2G, despite their overtly atheistic attitudes about God.
Miscellaneous from radio programmes
- I Knew Terence Neuk by Eileen Beardsmore-Lewisham is a book referenced in one episode of The Goon Show.
See also
- List of fictional books
- List of fictional television shows
- List of fictional musical works
- List of fictional comics
- List of fictional magazines
- List of fictional newspapers
- ↑ These are the title and author in the recorded version; there are also versions of the script which refer to A Hundred and One Ways to Start a Monsoon by "an Indian gentleman whose name eludes me for the moment".
- ↑ Carra, Mallory. "Can You Read Crazy Eyes' Fan Fic? I Pieced Together 'The Time Hump Chronicles' From 'Orange Is the New Black'". Bustle. Retrieved 26 June 2016.
- ↑ Adam Shadowchild Bibliography
- ↑ Paul Subtitles
- ↑ Bubba ho-tep Script
- ↑ Farewell Atlantis
- ↑
External links

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