List of non-marine molluscs of Senegal

Location of Senegal
The non-marine molluscs of Senegal are a part of the molluscan fauna of Senegal (wildlife of Senegal).
A number of species of non-marine molluscs are found in the wild in Senegal.
Freshwater gastropods
Freshwater gastropods in Senegal include:
- Bellamya unicolor Olivier, 1804[1]
- Melanoides tuberculata Müller, 1774[1]
- Biomphalaria pfeifferi (Krauss, 1848)[1]
- Bulinus forskalii (Ehrenberg, 1831)[1]
- Bulinus truncatus (Audouin, 1827)[1]
- Radix natalensis Krauss, 1848[1]
Land gastropods
Land gastropods in Senegal include:
Freshwater bivalves
Freshwater bivalves in Senegal include:
- Coelatura aegyptiaca (Cailliaud, 1827)[1]
- Corbicula fluminalis (Müller 1774)[1]
See also
- List of marine molluscs of Senegal
Lists of molluscs of surrounding countries:
- List of non-marine molluscs of Mauritania, Wildlife of Mauritania
- List of non-marine molluscs of Mali, Wildlife of Mali
- List of non-marine molluscs of Guinea, Wildlife of Guinea
- List of non-marine molluscs of Guinea-Bissau, Wildlife of Guinea-Bissau
- List of non-marine molluscs of Gambia, Wildlife of Gambia
Further reading
- Dautzenberg P. (1890). "Récoltes malacologiques de M. le Capitaine Em. Dorr dans le Haut-Sénégal et le Soudan francais de 1886 à1889". Mémoires de la Société zoologique de France 3: 128-135.
- Diaw O. T., Vassiliades G., Seye M. & Sarr Y. (1990). "Prolifération de mollusques et incidence sur les trématodoses du Delta du fleuve Sénégal et du lac de Guiers après la construction du barrage de Diama sur le fleuve Sénégal". Revue d’Élevage et de Médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux 43: 499-502.
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