List of people burned as heretics
This list contains persons burned by various religious groups, after being deemed heretics. The list does not attempt to encompass the list of those executed by burning (such a one would include many other people such as victims of witch hunts or other persecutions). Some of the victims, such as Quirinus Kuhlmann and Jacques de Molay, were executed primarily for political purposes; the charges of heresy were simply official excuses. After they were convicted by the Church, they were turned over to the local government for execution because of religious restrictions that kept ecclesial clergy from actually carrying out the executions.
Roman Catholic Countries

- Ramihrdus of Cambrai (1076 or 1077) (lynched)
- Peter of Bruys († 1130) (lynched)
- Gerard Segarelli († 1300)
- Maifreda da († 1300)
- Andrea Saramiti († 1300)
- Fra Dolcino († 1307) (never tried by Catholic Church), Italy
- Sister Margherita († 1307), Italy
- Brother Longino († 1307), Italy
- Marguerite Porete († 1310), Paris, France
- Botulf Botulfsson († 1311), the only known person executed for heresy in Sweden
- Jacques de Molay (1243–1314), burned after conviction by a tribunal under the control of King Philip IV of France, Paris, France
- Geoffroi de Charney († 1314), burned with Jacques de Molay above, Paris, France.
- Guilhèm Belibasta († 1321), last Cathar, Villerouge-Termenès, France
- Cecco d'Ascoli († 1327), Florence, Italy
- Francesco da Pistoia († 1337)
- Lorenzo Gherardi († 1337)
- Bartolomeo Greco († 1337)
- Bartolomeo da Bucciano († 1337)
- Antonio Bevilacqua († 1337)
- William Sawtre († 1401), Smithfield, London, England
- John Badby († 1410), Smithfield, London, England
- Jan Hus (1371–1415), Constance, Germany
- Jerome of Prague (1365–1416)
- William Taylor († 1423), Smithfield, London, England
- St. Joan of Arc (1412–1431), Trial of Joan of Arc, Rouen, France
- Thomas Bagley († 1431), Smithfield, London, England
- Pavel Kravař († 1433)
- Joan Boughton († 1494), Smithfield, London, England
- Girolamo Savonarola († 1498), Florence, Italy
- Joshua Weißöck (1488–1498)
- Ipswich Martyrs († 1515–1558)
- Jean Vallière († 1523)
- Hendrik Voes († 1523), 1st martyr in the Seventeen Provinces
- Jan van Essen († 1523), 1st martyr in the Seventeen Provinces
- Jan de Bakker († 1525), 1st martyr in the Northern Netherlands
- Wendelmoet Claesdochter († 1527), 1st Dutch woman charged and burned for the accusation of heresy
- Michael Sattler († 1527), Rottenburg am Neckar, Germany
- Patrick Hamilton († 1528), St Andrews, Scotland
- Balthasar Hubmaier (1485–1528), Vienna, Austria
- George Blaurock (1491–1529), Klausen, Tyrol
- Hans Langegger († 1529), Klausen, Tyrol
- Giovanni Milanese († 1530)
- Thomas Hitton († 1530), Maidstone, England
- Richard Bayfield († 1531), Smithfield, England
- Thomas Benet († 1531), Exeter, England
- Thomas Bilney († 1531), Norwich, England
- Joan Bocher († 1531), Smithfield, England
- Thomas Harding († 1532), Chesham, England
- James Bainham († 1532), Smithfield, England
- John Frith (1503–1533), Smithfield, England
- William Tyndale (1490–1536), Belgium
- Jakob Hutter († 1536), Innsbruck, Tyrol
- Aefgen Listincx († 1538), Münster, Germany
- John Forest († 1538), Smithfield, England
- Francisco de San Roman († 1540), Spain
- Étienne Dolet (1509–1546), Paris, France
- Giandomenico dell' Aquila († 1542)
- Henry Filmer († 1543), Windsor, England
- Robert Testwood († 1543), Windsor, England
- Anthony Pearson († 1543), Windsor, England
- Maria van Beckum († 1544)
- Ursula van Beckum († 1544)
- Colchester Martyrs († 1545 to 1558), 26 people, Colchester, England
- George Wishart (1513–1546), St Andrews, Scotland
- Bartolomeo Hector († 1555)
- Paolo Rappi († 1555)
- Vernon Giovanni († 1555)
- Labori Antonio († 1555)
- John Hooper († 1555), Gloucester, England
- John Rogers († 1555), London, England
- Canterbury Martyrs († 1555–1558), c.40 people, Canterbury, England
- Laurence Saunders, (1519–1555), Coventry, England
- Rowland Taylor († 1555), Hadleigh, Suffolk, England
- Cornelius Bongey, († 1555), Coventry, England
- Dirick Carver, († 1555), Lewes, England
- Robert Ferrar († 1555), Carmarthen, Wales
- William Flower († 1555), Westminster, England
- Patrick Pakingham († 1555), Uxbridge, England
- Hugh Latimer (1485–1555), Oxford, England
- Robert Samuel († 1555), Ipswich, England

- Nicholas Ridley (1500–1555), Oxford, England
- John Bradford († 1555), London, England
- John Cardmaker († 1555), Smithfield, London, England
- Robert Glover († 1555), Coventry, England
- Thomas Hawkes († 1555), Coggeshall, England
- Thomas Tomkins († 1555), Smithfield, London, England
- Thomas Cranmer (1489–1556), Oxford, England
- Stratford Martyrs († 1556), 11 men and 2 women, Stratford, London, England
- Guernsey Martyrs († 1556), 3 women, Guernsey, Channel Islands
- Joan Waste († 1556), Derby, England
- Bartlet Green († 1556), Smithfield, London, England
- John Hullier († 1556), Cambridge, England
- John Forman († 1556), East Grinstead, England
- Pomponio Algerio († 1556) Boiled in oil, Rome
- Nicola Sartonio († 1557)
- Alexander Gooch and Alice Driver († 1558), Ipswich, England
- Fra Goffredo Varaglia († 1558)
- Gisberto di Milanuccio († 1558)
- Francesco Cartone († 1558)
- Antonio di Colella († 1559)
- Antonio Gesualdi († 1559)
- Giacomo Bonello († 1560)
- Mermetto Savoiardo († 1560)
- Dionigi di Cola († 1560)
- Gian Pascali di Cuneo († 1560)
- Bernardino Conte († 1560)
- Giorgio Olivetto († 1567)
- Leonor de Cisneros († 1568), Valladolid, Spain
- Luca di Faenza († 1568)
- Thomas Szük (1522–1568)
- Bartolomeo Bartoccio († 1569)
- Dirk Willems († 1569), Netherlands
- Fra Arnaldo di Santo Zeno († 1570)
- Alessandro di Giacomo († 1574)
- Benedetto Thomaria († 1574)
- Francisco de la Cruz ((† 1578), Lima, Peru
- Diego Lopez (martyr)|Diego Lopez († 1583)
- Gabriello Henriquez († 1583)
- Borro of Arezzo († 1583)
- Ludovico Moro († 1583)
- Pietro Benato († 1585)
- Francesco Gambonell († 1594)
- Marcantonio Valena († 1594)
- Giovanni Antonio da Verona († 1599)
- Fra Celestino († 1599)
- Giordano Bruno (1548–1600), Rome, Italy
- Maurizio Rinaldi († 1600)
- Bartolomeo Coppino († 1601)
- Lucilio Vanini (Giulio Cesare Vanini) (1585–1619), Toulouse, France
- Kimpa Vita (1684–1706), Angola
- Maria Barbara Carillo (1625–1721), Madrid, Spain
- María de los Dolores López († 1781), Seville, Spain
The book "Acts and Monuments" by John Foxe, commonly known as Foxe's Book of Martyrs lists many more than this.
Protestant Countries

- Robert Barnes († 1540), Smithfield, London, England
- Thomas Gerrard († 1540), Smithfield, England
- Anne Askew (1521–1546), Smithfield, England
- John Lascelles († 1546), Smithfield, England
- John Adams († 1546), Smithfield, England
- Joan Bocher († 1550), Smithfield, England
- George van Parris († 1551), Smithfield, England
- Matthew Hamont († 1579), Norwich, England
- John Lewes († 1583)
- Peter Cole († 1587)
- Francis Kett († 1589), Norwich, England
- Bartholomew Legate (1575–1612), Smithfield, England
- Edward Wightman (1566–1612), relapsed heretic, Lichfield, England
- Malin Matsdotter (1613–1676), for witchcraft, Stockholm, Sweden
In Eastern Orthodox countries

- Basil the Physician († 1118), by Emperor Alexius I Comnenus; heresy
- Avvakum Petrovich (1620–1682), by Tsar Feodor III of Russia; combating the Starovery movement
- Quirinus Kuhlmann († 1689), by Tsar Ivan V of Russia; considered politically dangerous
Calvinist Church
- Michael Servetus (1511–1553), Geneva, Switzerland
See also
- Solomon Molcho (1500–1532), apostate.
- Gabriel Malagrida († 1761), strangled.
- List of people executed for witchcraft
- Forty Martyrs of England and Wales
- List of Catholic martyrs of the English Reformation
- Foxe, John (1855). M. Hobart Seymore, ed. The Acts and Monuments of the Church. New York: Robert Carter and Brothers. Retrieved 27 February 2013.
External links
- Foxe's book of Martyrs Retrieved 27 February 2013