List of ships and craft of Task Force O

Task Force O was the naval component responsible for landing troops at Omaha Beach during the Normandy Landings, June 6, 1944. Bombarding Force C, also part of Task Force O, is listed separately. Unless otherwise noted, all ships belonged to the United States Navy or United States Coast Guard.

Assault Group O1

Assault Group O2

Assault Group O3

Assault Group O4

Support Group

Patrol Craft

Anti-Submarine Trawlers

Minesweeper Group


AP/APA – Attack Transport

BYMS – British Yard Mine Sweeper

HDML – Harbour Defence Motor Launch

LCA – Landing Craft Assault

LCC – Landing Craft Control

LCI(L) – Landing Craft Infantry (Large)

LCG – Landing Craft Gun (see Landing_craft#Special_craft)

LCF – Landing Craft Flak (see Landing_craft#Special_craft)

LCM – Landing Craft Mechanized

LCT – Landing Craft Tank

LCT (Armored) – Landing Craft Tank (Armored) (see Landing_craft_tank#Conversions_and_modifications)

LCT (High Explosive) – Landing Craft Tank (High Explosive) (see Landing_craft_tank#Conversions_and_modifications)

LCT (Rocket) – Landing Craft Tank (Rocket)

LCVP – Landing Craft, Vehicle, Personnel

LSD – Landing Ship Dock

LSI(H) – Landing Ship Infantry (Hand-Hoist)

LSI(L) – Landing Ship Infantry (Large)

LSI(S) – Landing Ship Infantry (Small)

LST – Landing Ship Tank

MMS – Motor Minesweeper


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