List of signers of the Dedham Covenant
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Main article: History of Dedham, Massachusetts, 1635 - 1792
The Covenant of Dedham, Massachusetts was first signed on August 15, 1636. Those who signed the Covenant are listed below, in the order in which they signed.
- Robert Feke
- Edward Alleyn
- Sameul Morse
- Philemon Dalton
- John Dwight
- Lambert Generye
- Richard Euered [Everett]
- Ralph Shepheard
- John Huggin
- Ralph Wheelock
- Thomas Cakebread
- Henry Phillips
- Timothie Dalton
- Thomas Carter
- Abraham Shawe
- John Coolidge
- Nicholas Phillips
- John Gaye
- John Kingsbery
- John Rogers
- Francis Austen
- Ezekiell Holleman
- Joseph Shawe
- William Bearstowe
- John Haward
- Thomas Bartlet
- Ferdinandoe Adams
- Daniell Morse
- Joseph Morse
- John Ellice
- Jonathan Fairbanks
- John Eaton
- Michaell Metcalfe
- John Morse
- John Allin
- Anthony Fisher
- Thomas Wight
- Eleazer Lusher
- Robert Hinsdell
- John Luson
- John Fisher
- Thomas Fisher
- Joseph Kingsberye
- John Batchelor
- Nathaniell Coaleburne
- John Roper
- Martin Philips
- Henry Smyth
- John Fraerye
- Thomas Hastings
- Francis Chickering
- Thomas Alcock
- William Bullard
- Jonas Humphery
- Edward Kempe
- John Hunting
- Tymothie Dwight
- Henry Deengaine
- Henry Brocke
- James Hering
- Nathan Aldus
- Edward Richards
- Michaell Powell
- John Elderkine
- Michaell Bacon
- Robert Onion
- Samuell Milles
- Edward Colver
- Thomas Bayes
- George Bearstowe
- John Bullard
- Thomas Leader
- Joseph Moyes
- Jeffery Mingeye
- James Allin
- Richard Barber
- Thomas Jordan
- Joshua Fisher
- Christopher Smith
- John Thurston
- Joseph Clarke
- Thomas Eames
- Peter Woodward
- Thwaits Strickland
- John Guild
- Samuell Bulleyne
- Robert Gowen
- Hugh Stacey
- George Barber
- James Jordan
- Nathaniell Whiteing
- Beniamine Smith
- Richard Ellice
- Austen Kalem
- Robert Ware
- Thomas Fuller
- Thomas Payne
- John Fayerbanke
- Henry Glover
- Thomas Hering
- John Plimption
- George Fayerbanke
- Tymoth Dwight
- Andr Duein
- Joseph Ellice
- Ralph Freeman
- Joh: Rice
- Danll Ponde
- John Hovghton
- Jonathan Fayerbank Jr.
- James Vales
- Thomas Metcalfe
- Robert Crossman
- William Avery
- John Aldus
- John Mason
- Isaac Bullard
- Cornelus Fisher
- John Partridge
- James Draper
- James Thorpe
- Samuell Fisher
- B. Benjamin Bullard
- Ellice W. Woode
- Thomas Fisher
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