List of synagogues in Mexico
A list of synagogues in Mexico:

The historical synagogue at Justo Sierra 71 (Templo Nidjei Israel), Mexico City
- Nidjei Israel, a historical synagogue in Mexico City
- Agudas Ajim
- Adat Israel
- Monte Sinaí
- Rodfei Tzedek
- Beth Moshe
- Shar le Simja
- Beth Yosef
- Hoel Yitzjak
- Beth Yitzjak
- Or Joseph
- Habitat
- Maguén David
- Aram Zoba
- Maor Abraham
- Maor Hatora
- Keter Tora
- Birkat Shmuel
- Ramat Shalom
- Shaarei Tzion
- Bet El
- Beth Israel Community Center
- Shul Yavne Bnei Akiva
- Hyatt Acapulco
- Comunidad Hebrea de Guadalajara
- Comunidad Judia de Cancun
- Chabad of Cozumel Mexico
- Chabad Mexico DF
- Chabad of Playa del Carmen
- Chabad of Isla Mujeres
- Chabad of Guadalajara
- Chabad of Cancun
- Chabad of Tijuana
- Chabad of Los Cabos
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