Louis Galloche

Portrait of Fontenelle by Galloche. Musée national du Château de Versailles.

Diana and Actaeon by Galloche.
Louis Tocqué, Portrait of Louis Galloche, oil on canvas, 130 x 98 cm, Louvre Museum
Louis Galloche (24 August 1670 - 21 July 1761) was a French painter. A student of Louis de Boullogne, his own students included François Lemoyne, Charles-Joseph Natoire and François Boucher.
He was born in Paris, the son of Charles Galloche and Jeanne Martinet. He studied at the Lycée Louis-le-Grand. Originally destined for the church, he soon found he had no vocation and began the study of philosophy.
- François Marandet, "Louis Galloche et Fançois Lemoyne: caractères distinctifs et œuvres inédites", La Revue des Musée de France. Revue du Louvre, 2-2007, p. 29-36.
- Louis Gougenot, Mémoires inédits sur les membres de l'Académie royale de peinture et de sculpture, Paris, J.-B. Dumoulin, 1854, p. 289-302.
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