Luis Racionero
Luis Racionero (2015).
Luis Racionero i Grau (born 1940, la Seu d'Urgell, Lleida, Spain)[1] is a Spanish essayist. He studied engineering and economics at the University of Barcelona and urban studies at the University of California Berkeley.[1] He was director of Spain's national library and of the Spanish College (Colegio de España) in Paris.[1] He has worked with newspapers including El País, La Vanguardia. Currently, he works for Mundo Deportivo. He writes both in Catalan and in Spanish.
- Filosofías del underground (Philosophies of the underground), 1977
- Sistemas de ciudades y ordenación del territorio (Systems of cities and planning), 1978
- Leonardo da Vinci, 1978
- Cercamón, 1981
- Del paro al ocio (From unemployment to leisure), 1983
- Textos de estética taoísta (Texts of Taoist aesthetics), 1983
- El Mediterráneo y los bárbaros del Norte (The Mediterranean and the barbarians of the North) (1985 and 1996)
- La forja de l'exili (The forging of the Exiles) (1985)
- Los ángeles cuánticos (Quantum Angels) (1986)
- Arte y ciencia (Art and Science) (1988)
- El Arte de Vivir (The Art of Living) (1989)
- Florencia de los Médicis (Florence of the Medicis) (1990)
- Atenas de Pericles (Athens of Pericles) (1993)
- Oriente y Occidente: Filosofía oriental y dilemas occidentales (East and West: Eastern Philosophy and Western dilemmas) (1993)
- El arte de escribir (The art of writing) (1995)
- La cárcel del amor (Prison of Love) (1996)
- El genio del lugar (The genius of the place) (1997)
- Guía Práctica para Insatisfechos: Valores, Política y Futuro (Practical Guide to Values, Politics and the Future) (1997)
- El progreso decadente (Decadent Progress) (2000) (Espasa - Essay Prize, Premio Espasa de Ensayo)
- El pecado original (Original Sin) (2001)
- La Costa Brava recuperada (Costa Brava recovered) (2000)
- El alquimista trovador: una fascinante novela histórica sobre Rai Mundo Lulio (Trovador the alchemist: a fascinating historical novel about World Lulio Rai) (2003)
- La sonrisa de la Gioconda (Mona Lisa's smile) (2004)
- Conversaciones con Pla y Dalí (Conversations with Pla and Dalí) (2004)
- El libro de los pequeños placeres (The Book of Small Pleasures) (2005)
- Los complejos de la derecha (The complex on the right) (2006)
- Leonardo Da Vinci: genio del Renacimiento (Leonardo Da Vinci: genius of the Renaissance) (2006)
- Sobrevivir a un gran amor seis veces -Memorias- (2009)
- 1 2 3 Archived December 13, 2009, at the Wayback Machine.
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