Magnificat Meal Movement

The Magnificat Meal Movement International (MMMI) was formed in 1986 as a “missionary” offshoot of the ‘Celtic Corma Adoration’ group of Australia, which was founded in Melbourne in 1976 by J. Phelan, F. Eaton, D. Burslem and E. Burslem.[1] The original name, “Celtic Adorers”, was chosen by J. Phelan. This name changed in the early 1990s. The Magnificat Meal Movement is regarded by mainstream Christian churches as a cult. Debra Burslem, it's most prominent ongoing leader, now lives in Vanuatu which some claim is for the purpose of avoiding the Australian Federal Police on multiple charges of embezzlement and tax fraud.


The group describes its aims as primarily prayer, service and the study of seeking the truth as revealed through the light of the “Celtic Corma Adoration” (CCA) research.


The Magnificat Meal Movement International seeks to maintain the "original light teachings established by Yashua Jesus." The CCA and the MMMI recognize the 1st-century church teachings established by the Marys and Joseph of Arimathea and the original teachings of Celtic followers of the “way” in the Celtic realm of Britain in the first century.

The CCA and the MMMI have a Levitical priesthood and the global church-basilica is made up of churches throughout the world.[2] Adherents believe that salvation is through unity with the ‘living one’ by being united with the identity of Yashua Jesus.[3] The CCA and the MMMI do not believe in the “End Times” or Millennial-type teachings, but advocate that we are living already in a "New Galactic Era".[4]

Adherents of both the CCA and the MMMI are 7th Day Keepers. No work is done on the Sabbath / Saturday / seventh day or on the 7 Biblically Appointed Sabbaths. The congregations come together each Sabbath Saturday, in a home-basilica/church location, for praise, galactic light era teaching and “Divine Light Presence” ceremonies.

The most publicized home-basilica-church and teaching center for the CCA and its offshoot, the MMMI, is based in Helidon, a small town about 130 km west of Brisbane in the Lockyer Valley just east of Toowoomba in Queensland, Australia.

Both the CCA and the MMMI emphasise Marian-style study and application of the Gospel of Mary. Mary is honored as an example of co-operation of the creature with the Divine. All adherents are encouraged to live a similar lifestyle of divine co-operation as they feel and study such writings as the Gospel of Mary.

Research and Study

Research and study is highly encouraged as it is believed that "Light" research enables the discovery of truths hidden and the removal of deceptions. In this way each individual is encouraged to develop their own "revelations of light and understanding of truth." Adherents are strongly encouraged to think freely and to not be oppressed by past religious inculturisations. A daily life of thanksgiving (Eucharistic) in the light of ones personal "cosmovision" is encouraged.

Humanitarian Work

Humanitarian work and service to others, is also important to both the CCA and the MMMI missionary offshoot, as a work of being united like 'Slaves of Love' for humanity as outlined in the ‘Gospel of Thomas’ Nag Hammadi Library. Most MMMI and CCA and various other support groups are involved in extensive works of prayer, unity and service to humanity which they each finance from their own businesses.

"Light" Lifestyle

Those adherents who wish to live a lifestyle completely given in service to the “Divine Light Presence” apply to stay at one of the teaching centers for a period of 3 months or 12 months. They learn to live life as a “Slave of the Eucharist.” According to the group, the name ‘slave’ stems from the biblical teachings of Romans. They do not have to give anything over to the CCA or the MMMI and return to their communities to live out the teachings in their own home church and families once the period of stay is over. Both the MMMI and the CCA adherents have a high commitment to partnership and marriage.

The use of photovoltaic "color energies" is extensively practised by both the CCA and the MMMI, for the development of unity with the "Light Presence." (Blue for example being the colour of spiritual enhancement.) Colour use of clothing, buildings, and gems are used to denote the "light energies" being used.

Connection with Roman Catholic Church

The Celtic Corma Adorers (CCA) Church, or the Magnificat Meal Movement International (MMMI) has been characterised as an offshoot of the Roman Catholic Church, having been exommunicated and barred from the Eucharist by the Catholic Bishop of Toowoomba, Bill Morris, who has made repeated statements distancing the Roman Catholic Church from the movement.[5]

Though the followers of the movement presently deny any past connection to the Roman Catholic Church, the word 'Meal' within the name of the movement referred originally to the sharing of the Eucharist. The group was initially very involved in reviving the practice of Eucharistic Adoration in Catholic parishes, and Debra Burslem, the self-proclaimed Prophetess of the movement, publicly affirmed her affiliation with the Roman Catholic Church and claims to have received support from Catholic priest Fr. Jack Salisbury.[6]

The movement was initially predominantly made up of traditionalist and conservative Novus Ordo Roman Catholic parishioners who had rejected the post-Vatican II changes to the Catholic Church and announced in the late 1990s that the Novus Ordo Mass was invalid. After being ostracized and denounced by the Latin Rite hierarchy in Queensland, the Melkite Catholic Eparchy of St Michael, Archangel began to support the movement, the Melkite bishop discreetly providing priests to perform church functions for members. The Catholics involved in the movement who did not join an Eastern Catholic church secretly began attending traditional Latin services, either within the Society of Saint Pius X or local Catholic parishes with a blessing to perform the Tridentine Mass.



Celtic Adorers of Australia founded in Melbourne Australia.


The Magnificat Meal Movement International (MMMI) founded as an offshoot of the "Celtic Adorers" group of Australia.


Debra Geileskey commences monthly "ceremonies of light" every first Saturday of the month. Includes teachings, and peace prayers for all nations. Due to heavy persecution from some Christian sects these days are held by invitation only at each of the international venues.


Debra Geileskey moves to Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia with her family.


In December Debra Geileskey, with the help of friends, obtains a large abandoned Roman Catholic Convent in Helidon. Debra and her family move to Heldion, a small rural town about 20 minutes drive from Toowoomba, and establishes the 'Centre of International Light Teachings.'

First "Missionaries of Light and Thanksgiving" are commissioned.


In May, Bishop Morris (Catholic Bishop of Toowoomba) issues a public statement that the Magnificat Meal Movement is a private movement sponsored and founded by Debra Geileskey.


Land purchased for a future "Basilica of Light" to be ready by 2012.

In July, Bishop Morris reiterates his statement of the previous year. This statement explicitly describes the Movement as a cult in the pejorative sense.

1 September 1997, The Catholic Bishop of Toowoomba, William M Morris, appointed a Commission to investigate the Magnificat Meal Movement and alleged supernatural apparitions to its founder and some of its members. Debra Geileskey is never approached during this investigation.


October 1998 Bishop Morris' Commission reports.


12 January, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith sends a letter to the Bishop after reviewing the report of his 1998/1999 Commission.

12 February, Corpus Christi International registered by Debra Geileskey as a business for "educational materials."

Grand Cross Conjunction in August is seen by MMM as the beginning of the New Galactic Light Era.

A fabricated story of a "Cult Doomsday Burning" on the 9/9/99 is feed to media by Debra Geileskey's ex-husband. This takes the international press by storm. On the 9/9/99 media and police surround the Heldion MMM Centre. Nothing happens. Media leave without a story.

Small independent documentary team, not affiliated with the MMM shoot a documentary of the 9/9/99. "Two Roads to Helidon" screens on SBS the following year.


An American couple support the purchase of an Australian property for the use of the MMM missionary and youth work, and an environmental tree farm. The couple make a written contract with Debra Geileskey for her use of the property for 8 years.


Debra and large missionary team travel to Russia and other countries to pray for peace.

16 July police raid MMM Headquarters seeking Debra's grandchild, who has been kidnapped by Debra and her son. They do not locate her at the MMM Headquarters, because her followers have hidden her in the bush. Later, the child's father surrenders her to her mother.


In December, the wealthy US couple launch legal action against the Magnificat Meal Movement's leader Debra Geileskey, claiming that she refused to repay a $600,000 property loan they made as members of MMM for the purchase two years earlier, of land for a tree farm for the movement. The wealthy US couple, wishing to use the money elsewhere, break an 8-year contract after 2 years and demand money back plus 10% immediately.


The Celtic Corma Church/Basilica "St David's" is established in the main street of Helidon. Each Basilica is funded and operated privately.

May 2005 Gatton Shire Council continues action against MMM for possible building code and other violations.


Debra Geileskey suffers health problems but continues part-time in her missionary and humanitarian works worldwide followed by periods of rest and recuperation.


10 May - The Courier Mail reports that Debra Geileskey is now living in the US, & has instructed Elders Real Estate to auction a 150ha Grantham property on 31 May 2007. [The Courier Mail 10/05/2007 Page 19]


May and June - Debra Geileskey participates in a traditional ballet production in Wuhan, China

Other Matters


CORMA stands for Co-Redemptorist, Mediatrix of All Graces and Advocate, the title by which the movement prefers to refer to Mary.

Commonwealth of Caledonia Australis

MMM have placed signs on some of their properties claiming to be part of The Commonwealth of Caledonia Australis.

A MMM member has attempted to use CCA citizenship to avoid charges relating to vehicular offenses, denying the authority of the Courts.

Related Corporate Entities

Our Lady's Mount—holds stakes in hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of property deeded to them by MMM members.

Corpus Christi International—educational publishing company and sometime sponsor/coordinator of MMM affiliate youth events.

External links


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