Major national historical and cultural sites (Guangdong)

This list is of Major Sites Protected for their Historical and Cultural Value at the National Level in the Province of Guangdong, People's Republic of China.[1][2][3][4][5][6]

Site Chinese name Location Designation Image
Site of the “Quell the British” Corps at Sanyuanli Sanyuanli pingyingtuan yizhi 三元里平英团遗址 Guangzhou 广州市 1-1 Upload file
Graves of the Seventy-Two Revolutionary Martyrs in Huanghuagang Huanghuagang qishi'er lieshi mu 黄花岗七十二烈士墓 Guangzhou 广州市 1-6 Upload file
Site of the National Institute of the Peasant Movement in Guangzhou Guangzhou nongmin yundong jiangxisuo jiuzhi 广州农民运动讲习所旧址 Guangzhou 广州市 1-12 Upload file
Red Palace and Red Square, Haifeng Haifeng honggong 海丰红宫, Hongchang jiuzhi 红场旧址 Haifeng County 海丰县 1-15 Upload file
Site of the Guangzhou Canton Commune Guangzhou gongshe jiuzhi 广州公社旧址 Guangzhou 广州市 1-16 Upload file
Guangxiao Temple Guangxiao si 光孝寺 23°07′56″N 113°15′04″E / 23.1321°N 113.251°E / 23.1321; 113.251 Guangzhou 广州市 1-83 Upload file
Site of Lin Zexu's Opium Destruction and the Humen Batteries Lin Zexu xiaoyanchi yu Humen paotai jiuzhi 林则徐销烟池与虎门炮台旧址 Dongguan 东莞市 2-1 Upload file
Former Residence of Hong Xiuquan Hong Xiuquan guju 洪秀全故居 Guangzhou 广州市 3-1 Upload file
Former Residence of Sun Yat-sen Sun Zhongshan guju 孙中山故居 Zhongshan 中山市 3-11 Upload file
Site of the First National Congress of the Kuomintang Minguodang "yida" jiuzhi 国民党“一大”旧址 Guangzhou 广州市 3-20 Upload file
Whampoa Military Academy Huangpu junxiao jiuzhi 黄埔军校旧址 23°05′22″N 113°25′13″E / 23.08958333°N 113.42027778°E / 23.08958333; 113.42027778 Guangzhou 广州市 3-21 Upload file
Former Headquarters of the All Chinese Federation of Workers Unions Zhonghua quanguo zonggonghui jiuzhi 中华全国总工会旧址 Guangzhou 广州市 3-22 Upload file
Guangji Bridge (Chaozhou) Guangji qiao 广济桥 23°39′55″N 116°39′05″E / 23.6652°N 116.6515°E / 23.6652; 116.6515 Chaozhou 潮州市 3-69 Upload file
Chen's Lineage Hall Chen jia citang 陈家祠堂 Guangzhou 广州市 3-85 Upload file
Pagoda of Yulong Temple Yunlong si ta 云龙寺塔 Renhua County 仁化县 3-138 Upload file
Sanying Tower Sanying ta 三影塔 Nanxiong 南雄市 3-144 Upload file
Sites of the Qin shipyard, Nanyue Kingdom Palace, and the Mausoleum of the Nanyue King Wen Qindai zaochuan yizhi, Nanyueguo gong shu yizhi ji Nanyue Wen wang mu 秦代造船遗址、南越国宫署遗址及南越文王墓 Guangzhou 广州市 4-35 Upload file
Huaisheng Mosque Huaishengsi guangta 怀圣寺光塔 23°07′31″N 113°15′13″E / 23.12538333°N 113.25358611°E / 23.12538333; 113.25358611 Guangzhou 广州市 4-85 Upload file
Mei'an Temple Mei'an 梅庵 Zhaoqing 肇庆市 4-109 Upload file
Old Academy of Deqing Deqing xuegong 德庆学宫 Deqing County 德庆县 4-124 Upload file
Stately Residence of the Imperial Son Xu Xu fuma fu 许驸马府 Chaozhou 潮州市 4-151 Upload file
Foshan Ancestral Temple Foshan zumiao 佛山祖庙 23°02′07″N 113°06′59″E / 23.035151°N 113.116307°E / 23.035151; 113.116307 Foshan 佛山市 4-152 Upload file
Mantang Wei Mantang wei 满堂围 Shixing County 始兴县 4-180 Upload file
Leizu Temple Leizu ci 雷祖祠 Leizhou 雷州市 4-181 Upload file
Architecture of Shamian Island, Guangzhou Guangzhou Shamian jianzhu qun 广州沙面建筑群 Guangzhou 广州市 4-209 Upload file
Former Residence of Kang Youwei Kang Youwei guju 康有为故居 Foshan 佛山市 4-210 Upload file
Former Residence of Liang Qichao Liang Qichao guju 梁启超故居 Guangzhou 广州市 4-211 Upload file
Sacred Heart Cathedral of Guangzhou Guangzhou Shengxin dajiao tang 广州圣心大教堂 Guangzhou 广州市 4-215 Upload file
Naozhou Lighthouse Naozhou dengta 硇州灯塔 Zhanjiang 湛江市 4-218 Upload file
Former Seat of the Leader of the Military Government in Guangzhou Guangzhou dayuanshuai fu jiuzhi 广州大元帅府旧址 Guangzhou 广州市 4-232 Upload file
Shixia Site Shixia yizhi 石峡遗址 Shaoguan 韶关市 5-95 Upload file
Lianhuashan Ancient Quarry Lianhua Shan (Panyu) 莲花山 (番禺) Guangzhou 广州市 5-96 Upload file
Bijiashan Chaozhou Kiln Site Bijia shan Chaozhou yao yizhi 笔架山潮州窑遗址 Chaozhou 潮州市 5-97 Upload file
Dongguan Keyuan Dongguan Keyuan 东莞可园 Dongguan 东莞市 5-369 Upload file
Nanhua Temple Nanhua si 南华寺 24°38′57″N 113°37′53″E / 24.64916667°N 113.63138889°E / 24.64916667; 113.63138889 Shaoguan 韶关市 5-370 Upload file
Old Buildings of Donghuali Donghuali gu jianzhu qun 东华里古建筑群 Foshan 佛山市 5-371 Upload file
Yuanshan Temple Yuanshan si 元山寺 Lufeng 陆丰市 5-372 Upload file
Dapeng Fort Dapeng suocheng 大鹏所城 Shenzhen 深圳市 5-373 Upload file
Temple of the Mother Dragon in Yuecheng Yuecheng Longmu zu miao 悦城龙母祖庙 Deqing County 德庆县 5-374 Upload file
Old City Walls of Zhaoqing Zhaoqing gu chengqiang 肇庆古城墙 Zhaoqing 肇庆市 5-375 Upload file
Kaiyuan Temple, Chaozhou Chaozhou Kaiyuan si 潮州开元寺 Chaozhou 潮州市 5-376 Upload file
Yilue Huang Gong Ancestral Temple Yilüe Huang gong ci 已略黄公祠 Chaozhou 潮州市 5-377 Upload file
Stone inscriptions on the Seven-Star Rocks Qixing yan moya shike 七星岩摩崖石刻 Zhaoqing 肇庆市 5-461 Upload file
Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall Zhongshan jiniantang 中山纪念堂 23°08′06″N 113°15′54″E / 23.134978°N 113.265004°E / 23.134978; 113.265004 Guangzhou 广州市 5-500 Upload file
Yuyin Garden Yuyin shanfang 余荫山房 Guangzhou 广州市 5-501 Upload file
Kaiping Diaolou Kaiping diaolou 开平碉楼 22°17′10″N 112°33′58″E / 22.286°N 112.566°E / 22.286; 112.566 Kaiping 开平市 5-502 Upload file
Birthplace of Ye Jianying Ye Jianying guju 叶剑英故居 Mei County 梅县 5-503 Upload file
Nanfeng Kiln Nanfeng guzao 南风古灶 Foshan 佛山市 5-516 Upload file
Baojingwan Site Baojingwan yizhi 宝镜湾遗址 Zhuhai 珠海市 6-168 Upload file
Two Graves of the Southern Han Nan Han er ling 南汉二陵 Guangzhou 广州市 6-271 Upload file
Huiguang Pagoda Huiguang ta 慧光塔 Lianzhou 连州市 6-679 Upload file
Guifeng Pagoda Guifeng ta 龟峰塔 Heyuan 河源市 6-680 Upload file
Pagoda of the Temple of the Six Banyan Trees Liurong si ta 六榕寺塔 Guangzhou 广州市 6-681 Upload file
Guangyu Ancestral Temple Guangyu ci 广裕祠 Conghua 从化市 6-682 Upload file
Old Buildings in the Villages of Nanshecun and Tangweicun Nanshecun he Tangweicun gu jianzhuqun 南社村和塘尾村古建筑群 Dongguan 东莞市 6-683 Upload file
Hanwengong Ancestral Temple Han wengong ci 韩文公祠 Chaozhou 潮州市 6-684 Upload file
Daoyunlou Daoyunlou 道韵楼 Raoping County 饶平县 6-685 Upload file
Cong Xi Ancestral Temple Congxi gong ci 从熙公祠 Chao'an County 潮安县 6-686 Upload file
Chen Fang Family Residence Chen Fang jiazhai 陈芳家宅 Zhuhai 珠海市 6-687 Upload file
Quejin Ting Stone Tablet Quejin ting bei 却金亭碑 Dongguan 东莞市 6-849 Upload file
Old Customs House Yuehaiguan jiuzhi 粤海关旧址 Guangzhou 广州市 6-1015 Upload file
Former Residence of Ye Ting Ye Ting guju 叶挺故居 Huizhou 惠州市 6-1016 Upload file
Former Residence of Qiu Fengjia Qiu Fengjia guju 丘逢甲故居 Jiaoling County 蕉岭县 6-1017 Upload file
Shuangfengzhai Shuangfengzhai 双峰寨 Renhua County 仁化县 6-1018 Upload file
Site of the Establishment of the Guangdong Provincial Assembly Guangdong ziyiju jiuzhi 广东咨议局旧址 Guangzhou 广州市 6-1019 Upload file
Former Site of the Dalingshan Regional Base in the War against the Japanese Dalingshan kang-Ri genjudi jiuzhi 大岭山抗日根据地旧址 Dongguan 东莞市 6-1020 Upload file

See also

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