Manfred Buchroithner

Manfred Ferdinand Buchroithner (born December 17, 1950 in Wels) is an Austrian cartographer, geologist, mountain researcher and mountaineer.
After finishing college (Realgymnasium) in Linz an der Donau, Austria, in 1969, he did his military service before studying geology and palaeontology as well as mineralogy and petrography at the University of Graz, Austria. In 1977 he became a certified UIAGM mountain guide.[1] The same year he received his PhD in Graz and became research fellow there. In 1979 and 1980 he carried out postdoctoral studies in remote sensing and cartography at the International Institute for Aerospace Survey and Earth Sciences, (today the Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation) of the University of Twente in Enschede, Netherlands. He took part in a lengthy scientific expedition to the Wakhan Corridor in Afghanistan in 1975.[2][3]
In 1980 on he took a position at the Cartographic Institute of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna, Austria. In 1983 he went as a Fulbright-scholar for research stays to Fort Worth (Texas), Denver and Boulder (Colorado) as well as Stanford University (California). In 1984 he accomplished his habilitation in general geology and remote sensing at the University of Graz. 1984 to 1992 he was employee at, and as from 1985, head of the Institute of Digital Image Processing and Computer Graphics at Joanneum Research in Graz. In 1989 he taught as a visiting professor at the University of Munich. Since 1992 has been holding the position of Full Professor of Cartography at the Dresden University of Technology (Director of Institute for Cartography 1994-1997 and since 2003). In 2000 he was visiting professor at the University of Salzburg, Austria, in 2002 at the Center for Energy and Processes (CEP) of the École National Supérieur des Mines de Paris (ENSMP) in Sophia Antipolis, France, in 2015 at the Institute of Information Technology (IIT) of COMSATS in Islamabad, Pakistan, and at the University of Bergamo, Italy.[2][3]
Mayor research fields of Buchroithner are true 3D visualization of geoinformation, high-mountain cartography (especially multitemporal 3D glacier mapping using spaceborne remote sensing), and remote sensing cartography; furthermore dynamic cartography with remote sensing, geographic information systems, environmental monitoring, digital media and multimedia in cartography, as well as epistomology of cartography. He initiated and led several scientific expeditions to high-alpine areas all over the world.[2][4] In 1997/98 Buchroithner produced the first holographic relief map worldwide (with motion-animated labeling) and displayed it at the 1999 International Cartographic Conference (ICC) in Montreal.[5] His developments in true-3D cartography by means of lenticular foil technology in the late 1990s led to two international patents.[6][7]
Since 1992 Manfred Buchroithner has been scientific advisor of the Tibetan Mount Everest National Park Qomolangma National Nature Preserve (QNNP). From 1993 to 1997 he was Vice President of the European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories (EARSeL) and from 1999 to 2001 of EURO-STRIM (Association for the Establishment of a European Master and Doctorate in Space Technologies for Risk Management). Since 2002 Buchroithner is Vice President of the German Cartographic Society (DGfK) International and since 2003 German National Delegate to the International Cartographic Association (ICA).[2][4] In 2011, in his capacity as Chairman of the German Society for the Support of Geodesy and Geoinformation, Buchroithner initiated the Wissenschaftspreis der Deutschen Geodätischen Kommission (DGK-Preis, Science Award of the German Geodetic Commission) for postdoctoral researchers in these fields.[8] Buchroithner was instrumental in founding three Commissions of the International Cartographic Association (ICA), the Commission on Mountain Cartography (1995), the Commission on Planetary Cartography (1995)[9] and the Commission on Cartography in Early Warning and Crisis Management (2003).
Manfred Buchroithner is married and has a son and a daughter.[2]
Achievements in mountaineering
Apart from initiating and leading numerous scientific high-mountain expeditions into the ranges of High Asia and the Andes, Buchroithner was also successful as a mountaineer. He made first ascents of Koh-e Asp-e Safed (6101 m, Afghan Pamir, 1975, solo[10]) and Tenzin Gyatso Peak (5984 m, Tibetan Himalaya, south of Karo La, later in Chinese maps indicated as Jitan Zhoma, 6004m, 1992, together with Hans-Dieter Sauer and Bernhard Jüptner). Buchroithner took part at the second ascend of Koh-e Bardar (6078 m, Afghan Pamir, via the North Ridge, with Gernot Patzelt, Heinz Badura and Martin Posch) in 1975, three days after the first ascend by a Polish expedition.[11] In 1978 he and Rudi Brandstetter opened a new direct route through the East Face of Nevado Rasac (6017 m, Cordillera Huayhuash, Peruvian Andes).[12]
He climbed, partly solo, several 6000 m and numerous 5000 m peaks in the Andes and in the ranges of High Asia. As a rock climber opened several new routes in the climbing sites south west of Vienna and in the Grazer Bergland of the Austrian Alps. He also soloed numerous rock and mixed routes in the entire Alps, Scandinavia, the Rocky Mountains, the Andes, the HKH Ranges, on Borneo and in New Zealand.
Main Publications[13]
- Remote Sensing. Towards Operational Application; Joanneum Research, Graz, Austria 1987 (coeditor with Robert Kostka, coauthor)
- Die Herstellung der österreichischen Satellitenbildkarten 1:100000 und 1:200000; Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna 1987
- Fernerkundungskartographie mit Satellitenbilddaten. Band IV/2 der Enzyklopädie der Kartographie und ihrer Randgebiete; Deuticke, Vienna 1989
- Europe. From Sealevel to Alpine Peaks, from Iceland to the Urals; Joanneum Research, Graz 1991 (editor, coautor)
- Applications of Imaging Radar for Hydro-Geological Disaster Management. A Review; Harwood Academic Publ., Amsterdam / Chur 1995 (with Klaus Granica)
- High Mountain Remote Sensing Cartography ; Institute for Cartography, Dresden, Germany 1996 (editor, coautor)
- High Mountain Cartography; Kartographische Bausteine 18; Institute for Cartography, TU Dresden, Dresden 2000 (editor, coautor)
- Remote Sensing for Environmental Data in Albania. A Strategy for Integrated Management; Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands 2000 (editor)
- Karten und Gletscher; Institut für Kartographie, Dresden 2000 (editor with Wolf Günther Koch and Werner Stams, coautor)
- A Decade of Trans-European Remote Sensing Cooperation; Balkema, Lisse, Netherlands 2001 (editor, coauthor)
- True-3D in Cartography. Autostereoscopic and Solid Visualisation of Geodata. Springer Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography; Springer, Heidelberg 2012 (editor, coauthor)
- Terrigenous Mass Movements. Detection, Modelling, Early Warning and Mitigation Using Geoinformation Technology; Springer, Heidelberg 2012 (coeditor with Biswajeet Pradhan, coauthor)
- Cartography from Pole to Pole; Springer Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography; Springer, Heidelberg 2013 (editor with Dirk Burghardt and Nikolas Prechtel, coautor)
- Paradigms in Cartography − An Epistemological Review of the 20th and 21st Centuries; Springer, Heidelberg 2014 (coautor with Pablo Iván Azócar Fernández)
- Geowissenschaftliche Anwendung von Satellitenbilddaten; 1982 (with Lothar Beckel)
- Radar Stereo Mapping from Space; 1988 (with Hannes Raggam and Gerhard Triebnig)
- Das Loch im Stein; 1999 (English: Hole in the Stone, 2000)
- Routensucher in der Atacama; 2005
- Zwischen Gobi und Himalaja. Über das kartographische Werk von Sven Hedin; 2006 (with Antje Oppitz)
- Einsatz in der Südwand. Die neue Dimension der Bergrettung; (with Thomas Hillebrandt); 2011
- 2004: Topographic map (facilitating the three-dimensional perception; with Thomas Gründemann and Klaus Habermann); DE 10 2004 060 069; international 2006: WO 2006/061014[6]
- 2004: Topographic map that can be visually perceived in a three-dimensional manner (with Thomas Gründemann and Klaus Habermann); DE 10 2004 060 070; international 2006: WO 2006/061015; United States 2009: US 2009/0104588[7]
- 2013: Method and assembly for locating and rescuing people (with Guido Ehlert, Bernd Hetze, Horst Kohlschmidt, Nikolas Prechtel); EP 13158991.3-1812[14]
- 1970-1975: Two times Outstanding Students Stipend by the Austrian Federal Government[4]
- 1979: Austrian Theodor Körner Prize for the Promotion of Arts and Sciences[4]
- 1982: Jungwissenschaftlerpreis (junior scientists' award) of the State of Upper Austria[4]
- since 1992: Full Member of the Deutsche Geodätische Kommission (German Geodetic Commission, DGK) of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities.[4]
- 1994: Honorary conferment of the title Europa Ingenieur through FEANI Brussels[4]
- ICA Map Awards: four times (2 × 1999, 2001, 2003) first place (Best Map Award "Excellence in Cartography"); one time second place (2013)[4]
- 2004: Best Poster Award at the 20th ISPRS Congress in Istanbul[4]
- since 2004: Full Member; since 2009 member of the Board of Scientific Advisors and since 2013 Executive Member (Vice Chairman) of Arbeitsgemeinschaft für vergleichende Hochgebirgsforschung e. V. (Association for Comparative High Mountain Research)[4]
- 2006: HMRSC Award of the HMRSC Group of the International Cartographic Association (ICA)[4]
- 2006: Award of Appreciation of the FIG / Arab Ligue of Surveyors[4]
- 2010: Friedrich Hopfner Medal of the Austrian Geodetic Commission[15][16]
- 2013: ICA Diploma for Outstanding Services[17]
- 2014: Kudos Certificate of DGfK[4]
- ↑ "Bergführer in der Steiermark". Retrieved 2015-07-19.
- 1 2 3 4 5 "CURRICULUM VITAE" (PDF). Retrieved 2015-07-19.
- 1 2 175 Jahre TU Dresden: Die Professoren der TU Dresden, 1828-2003, p. 131, at Google Books
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 "TUD - Institut für Kartographie - Prof. Eur.-Ing. Dipl.-Geol. Dr.phil.habil. Manfred F. Buchroithner". Retrieved 2015-07-19.
- ↑ Volltext/Vorschau, p. PA113, at Google Books
- 1 2 "DE2005002233 TOPOGRAPHIC MAP". Retrieved 2015-05-31.
- ↑ "Wissenschaftspreis der Deutschen Geodätischen Kommission ("DGK-Preis")" (PDF). Retrieved 2015-10-19.
- ↑ "About us — ICA Commission on Planetary Cartography". Retrieved 2015-10-19.
- ↑ Senclarens de Grancy, Roger; Kostka, Robert. Großer Pamir: Österr. Forschungsunternehmen 1975 in den Wakhan-Pamir/Afghanistan. Akademische Druck- und Verlagsanstalt. ISBN 9783201010764.
- ↑ Robert Kostka. "Heinz Badura (1940 – 2013) — Auslandsbergfahrten 1966 – 2012" (PDF). Mitteilungen 2014. OeAV Akademische Sektion Graz. p. 72. Retrieved 2015-09-06.
- ↑ "Cordillera Huayhuash 1978" (PDF). Retrieved 2015-09-06.
- ↑ Literature by and about Manfred Buchroithner in the German National Library catalogue
- ↑ "EP 2639597 A1 20130918 - Method and assembly for locating and rescuing people". Retrieved 2015-05-31.
- ↑ Peter Aschenberner: "Österreichische Geodätische Kommission ehrt Manfred Buchroithner mit der Friedrich-Hopfner-Medaille." Kartographische Nachrichten 6/2010
- ↑ Norbert Höggerl: "Verleihung der Friedrich Hopfner-Medaille an Univ. Prof. Dr. Manfred Buchroithner". Österreichische Zeitschrift für Vermessung & Geoinformation 1/2011
- ↑ "Diplomas for outstanding services to ICA International Cartographic Association". Retrieved 2015-07-19.
- Jörg Albertz, Hans-Peter Bähr, Helmut Hornik, Reinhard Rummel (Herausgeber): "Am Puls von Raum und Zeit. 50 Jahre Deutsche Geodätische Kommission. Festschrift"; Verlag der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, München 2002. ISBN 3-7696-9669-7
- Klaus Gertoberens: "Sächsische Erfindungen. 1650 bis heute". Edition Sächsische Zeitung, Dresden 2008. ISBN 978-3-938325-31-5
- Madeleine Godefroy, Gunnar Østrem, Robin Vaughan: EARSeL’s History. The First 30 Years of the European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories; European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories, Hannover 2008. ISBN 978-3-00-024311-0
- Christiane Martin: GIS-Szene Serie: "Professoren und ihre Forschungsfelder." Teil 1: Kartierung von Gletschern. Auf dem Dach der Welt. GIS Business 1/2 – 2007
- Dorit Petschel: Die Professoren der TU Dresden 1828 – 2003. Band 3 der Reihe: 175 Jahre TU Dresden; Böhlau Verlag, Köln 2003. ISBN 3-412-02503-8