Marian Plezia

Marian Plezia
Marian Plezia (1917–1996) was a Polish historian. He was an expert of medieval Polish history and author of a Latin-Polish dictionary and Medieval Latin-Polish dictionary.
Selected bibliography
- De Andronici Rhodii studii aristotelicis. Kraków: Polska Akademia 1946.
- De Hermippi Vita Aristotelis. In Charisteria Thaddaeo Sinko. Edited by Kumaniecki Kazimierz. Warszawa: 1951 pp. 271–287.
- Supplementary remarks on Aristotle in the ancient biographical tradition. Eos. 51: 241-249 (1961).
- De Ptolemaeo pinacographo. Eos. 63: 37-42 (1975).
- De Aristotelis biographis. Meander 36: 481-493 (1981).
- De Ptolemaei vita Aristotelis. In: Aristoteles. Werk und wirkung: Paul Moraux Gewidmet I. Edited by Wiesner Jürgen. Berlin: Walter De Gruyter 1985 pp. 1–11.
- Encore sur la Vie d'Aristote de Ptolemée. Les Études Classiques 54: 383-385 (1986).
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