Professor DeRose

Born Luís Sérgio Álvares De Rose
(1944-02-18)18 February 1944
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Occupation Commendator, Honoris Causa, writer and educator
Title Professor

Luís Sérgio Alvares De Rose (born February 18, 1944), known simply as DeRose, is the codifier of DeRose Method.

DeRose has published more than 25 books with over 1,000,000 copies sold and has been awarded numerous titles and honours from various institutions around the world. He is the President of Honour in one of the most successful networks of self-development in Brazil, Portugal and Argentina, with a good penetration in other European countries.


Early life and education

Professor DeRose was born in Rio de Janeiro on February 18, 1944.

In 1960, DeRose started teaching with the Rosicrucians. In 1964 he founded the Instituto Brasileiro de Yôga. In 1969, he published his first book: Prontuário de Yôga Antigo.[1]

In 1975, already a world-renowned teacher, DeRose founded the União Nacional de Yôga, the first institution to unite instructors and schools of all modalities of Yôga, without discrimination. The União Nacional de Yôga prompted the movement of union, ethics and mutual respect among professionals of that area.[2][3]

Over the next 24 years DeRose took yearly research trips to India and Europe. In 1982, he organized the Primeiro Congresso Brasileiro de Yôga (First Brazilian Convention of Yôga). Also in 1982, he published a unique book aimed at the teaching of teachers, Guia do Instrutor de Yôga (Guide for the Instructor of Yôga), as well as the first Portuguese translation of the most important work of the Classical Yôga, the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali 1982.[4]

In 1994, DeRose founded the Primeira Universidade de Yôga do Brasil and the Universidade Internacional de Yôga in Portugal.[5]

In 2000, he celebrated a 40-year teaching career and was awarded the title of Mestre de Yôga (Master of Yôga) and Notório Saber em Yôga by several Universities: FATEA – Faculdades Integradas Teresa d’Ávila (São Paulo, Brazil), Universidade de Cruz Alta (Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil), Universidade Estácio de Sá (Minas Gerais, Brazil), Faculdades Integradas Coração de Jesus (São Paulo, Brazil); and also by the Câmara Municipal de Curitiba (Paraná, Brazil).[6]

This followed many other titles; among them, in 2001, he was granted the Comenda da Ordem do Mérito de Educação e Integração by the Sociedade Brasileira de Educação e Integração. In 2003 he was awarded the title of Comendador, by the Academia Brasileira de Arte, Cultura e História. In 2004 he was awarded the degree Cavaleiro, by the Ordem dos Nobres Cavaleiros de São Paulo, acknowledged by the Comando do Regimento de Cavalaria Nove de Julho, of the Polícia Militar do Estado de São Paulo.[2]

Since 1960 DeRose has taught and defended a lifestyle that values well-being, strength, power, civility and culture. He still works writing books and magazine articles, giving radio and television interviews, lectures and courses across the world as well as offering professional teaching of teachers. He has trained more than 6000 teachers.

Transition to the DeRose Method

In 2007, Professor DeRose stopped working in the segment of Yôga and began to work with the DeRose Method, a systematization of techniques and concepts with the purpose of improving the practitioner's level of high performance and quality of life.

The concepts are based on the fostering of good human relations, good nutrition, good physical fitness and good quality of life.

The techniques are a collection of tools such as respiratory system development, stress management, organic body techniques that promote vitality and energy while improving muscle tone and flexibility, procedures for the improvement of emotional relaxation and mental concentration.



  1. Storia La Storia del Maestro DeRose fino a Marzo 2009
  2. 1 2 DeRose: Yôga: Mitos e Verdades, Uni-Yôga. São Paulo, 2006. ISBN 85-213-1266-0
  3. Articles written about Master DeRose' History and Trajectory by the Media until March 2009
  4. DeRose, Yôga Sútra de Pátañjali, Uni-Yôga. 1982
  5. Machado, F. (2009). Yoga Tem Cinco Milhoes de Practicantes no Brasil. TV Estado. Accessed March 10, 2010.
  6. Interview with Master DeRose, accessed March 1, 2010.
  7. Maestro De Rose, autoridad del yoga en Brasil, presentara su ultimo libro en Capitulo Dos. Bureau De Prensa. Published 8 September 2005. Accessed March 10, 2010.
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