
Mediastrike is an independent media activist organisation based in Adelaide, Australia.
Mediastrike is a leftist organisation that's stated aim is to challenge mainstream media by producing accurate, independent coverage of news and current affairs on a local, national and international level and Mediastrike's slogan "The media is a weapon and it's aimed at you. Shoot back" embodies this aim. The organisation publications both in print media, and online differ from other leftist media in that the publications are entirely free with a view to mass distribution, with costs covered through other events as well as through voluntary donations.
Mediastrike uses citizen journalists as well content provided by other, mainly leftist organisations to provide content for both its online and print publications.
Print Publications
The group has begun work on a free zine named "The Antidote", the first issue of which is currently being distributed. "The Antidotes" stated slogan of "Immunizing our community against corporate news propaganda" restates this organizations aim of producing reliable independent reporting on contemporary political and social justice issues. The zine is also available online . The second issue of the zine is still in planning stage.
Film Screenings
The organisation has already held a series of low-cost documentary screenings. Topics include issues as diverse as the history of media reporting from conflict zones throughout the 20th century and the Battle of Seattle anti-corporate globalisation protest.
Further film screenings are planned as part of a mini-film festival, probably centering on the ongoing war in Iraq from both the perspective of Iraqi civilians affected by the war and the perspective of American soldiers serving in Iraq.
Owing to the low cost of running media organisations online, Mediastrike is currently focusing on providing a greater volume of online media through its website. presents original articles, as well as reproducing selections from other mainstream and leftist media organisations. The move towards a greater emphasis on online publication has reduced the amount of time it takes to get information out (a major limitation of smallscale print media).
Mediastrike has also held a protest against workchoices aimed primarily at youth. The rally, entitled "slave revolt", brought together Adelaide punk bands and speakers in opposition to the Howard governments controversial industrial relations legislation changes "WorkChoices". The event also featured a performance by the Adelaide-based "rambutan circus collective".
External links
- Mediastrike's official website
- A description of mediastrike
- A somewhat dated article written by a mediastrike member about the need for and role of independent media organisations in the Anti-War movement