Mystery watch

Mystery pocket watch on display at Neuchâtel Musée d'art et d'histoire. Made by the company Armand Schwob et frère, invention by Hugues Rime.
A mystery watch is a type of mechanical watch where the movement is transmitted to the hands through an invisible wheel, often a transparent crystal wheel.
The first transparent dial watch, the so-called montre mystérieuse by the French firm Armand Schwob et frère, although the factory was located at the Swiss town of La Chaux-de-Fonds, is in the collection of several museums worldwide, such as (in alphabetical order): Deutsches Uhrenmuseum, Musée d'art et d'histoire of Neuchâtel, Musée international d'horlogerie (MIH) or the National Watch and Clock Museum.
External links
- Video of the Mystery Watch at the National Watch & Clock Museum, USA
- United States patent of the "mystery watch" invented by Hugues Rime, 3 pages
- Record of the mystery watch at the NWCM
- Hamilton Mystery watch, early 1960s
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