Nils Bolander

Nils Fredrik Bolander was born 18 July 1902 in Västerås and died 7 December 1959 in Lund, Sweden. He was a bishop in the Swedish church, the son of cathedral organist Carl Johan Bolander, who was an extramarital son of King Charles XV of Sweden. (Carl Johan Bolander was born 4 February 1854 in Bankeryd and died 28 July 1903 in Västerås.)
After he served as pastor of the Engelbreckt Congregation in Stockholm and as dean in Lund Parish, Bolander ascended the bishop's chair of Lund in 1958, where he worked until he died the following year.
Bolander was also a poet, hymn writer, and a member of Hedemoraparnassen. In 1927 he married Vera Silfverstolpe at Sura (divorced 1932), and in 1933 Bengta Ridderstedt at Stora Tuna Church.
Bolanders grave is in Norra Cemetery in Lund.
- På vakt
- Frisk ungdom
- Död dag
- I yttersta stridslinjen
- I Stenbrottet
- Herren gav och Herren tog
- Tätt intill korset äro alla trygga
Printed Sources
- Kristen-Nationell lyrik, published by Sveriges kristliga krigsmannaförbund, Uppsala, 5th ed. 1941.
- Nils Bolander. Nådens budbärare. Minnesskrift, Sven Håkan Ohlsson, editor, SKDB, Stockholm, 1960.
- Nils Bolander, diktare och predikant. Sahlberg, Carl-Erik, KM-förlaget, Malmö, 1994.
- igår, idag, imorgon. Nils Bolander, Votum Förlag, 2012.