
Nivruttinath was a saint in the Varkari tradition. He was born into a Deshastha Brahmin family and was the elder brother and the guru of Dnyaneshwar, the first Varkari saint.
Nivrutti Nath took Samadhi at Trimbakeshwar. The place in Trimbakeshwar, Near Nashik, India where he took Samadhi is still preserved as a shrine. He was initiated into the Natha sampadraya by Gahininath at the age of 10. As per the legends, just after the Samadhi of Gyandev, Nivrutti Nath left with his sister for a pilgrimage. On their way, they met with a natural disaster of thunderstorms, in which Nivrutti Nath lost his sister. After this, at Trimbakeshwar, Nivrutti Nath attained Samadhi. On the place of Nivrutti Nath’s Samadhi, a temple has been erected later on that is visited by numerous devotees. On ascending the Brahmagiri Hills, tourists can find the Gorakhnath Gufa, which is a renowned cave situated in the middle of the way. This cave has carvings which can be viewed by going few steps downwards to Gangadwar. This cave is considered holy due to Guru Goraknath, who is known to have performed penance inside this cave. Owing to this, many disciples offer their prayer at this cave to release them from the sins, committed during their life.