Pål Johan Karlsen

Pål Johan Karlsen
Born (1975-06-27)27 June 1975
Bodø, Nordland, Norway
Occupation Writer and psychologist
Language Norwegian
Nationality Norwegian
Notable awards Fulbright scholarship

Pål Johan Karlsen (27 June 1975) is a Norwegian writer, editor and psychologist.[1][2] He reports on recent findings in social science, psychology and neuroscience for Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten.

Affiliated with the University of Tromsø,[3] he has been an editor at the Journal of the Norwegian Psychological Association since 2007. At the end of 2013, he launched the Open Access journal Scandinavian Psychologist together with the Norwegian Society of Psychological Science.

He holds a MA in psychology from New York University, where he was a Fulbright Scholar. He also holds a PhD in psychology from the University of Oslo.



  1. Aschehoug Agency. http://www.aschehougagency.no/Authors/Aschehoug/Aschehoug-Non-fiction/Karlsen-Paal-Johan Retrieved on 5 March 2013.
  2. Marqouis Who´s Who. https://cgi.marquiswhoswho.com/OnDemand/Default.aspx?last_name=Karlsen&first_name=paul Retrieved on 11 March 2013.
  3. Kristiansen, Nina (2012). Does photographic memory exist? http://sciencenordic.com/does-photographic-memory-exist Retrieved on 5 March 2013
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