Paolo Oss Mazzurana

Paolo Oss Mazzurana (1833–1895) was an Austrian-Hungarian statesman, and most importantly the most famous mayor of his native city, Trento. His tenure was characterized by progressive economic policies that impacted Trento's commercial sector and eventually led to its independence as a state.
Mazzurana is considered as the symbol of an age of great progress from the civil and social point of view and from a more strictly economic one of the city and of the entire Trentino. Under his far-sighted guidance Trento was given a modern urbanistic order, became industrialized and realized meaningful cultural and social increase. Thanks to his charisma he realized a series of economic reforms in favour of the population, adopting a political "liberal" address and establishing a creative relationship with Trento, an Italian city in the Habsburg empire. Insofar as the action of Paolo Oss Mazzurana during the four podestarili periods comprised between 1872 and his death appears always supported from sturdy cultural and national ideals but also from solid economic bases, understandings to giving force to the demands for autonomy of the Trentino from the German Tyrol. The introduction of the electric power in the houses of Trento, the "democratic light", as he had defined, created workplaces and promoted the well-being of the popular classes, giving impulse to industrialization. At the same time Mazzurana promoted a series of studies in order to create an electrical tramway net, in order to permit workers to reach Trento from the surrounding area. Amongst the most important realizations are the new urban planning of the city, the new School Palace (currently School of Sociology), the renovation of the area of the railway station, the Kindergarten, and the new quarters opened for the labourers.
During the period of "economic renaissance" brought by Oss Mazzurana, Trento and Trentino can be aligned to the rest of Europe in the social and economic life, as well as in the cultural level.
The Oss Mazzurana Family was known to be in various high-level public positions. Paolo fathered one son, Felice, who later became a renowned statesman and secretary of state to the provincial army. Felice eventually married and had three children: Maria, Rosa, and Giulio. Giulio, the eldest, inherited the 'Madruzzo' Villa (now considered an Italian Monument Heritage), and several rare Italian art pieces including works by Caravaggio and Botticelli. As a result of the ensuing threat of communism he sold the majority of his estate and escaped with his wife, Margherita Benvenuti, to Canada. The couple settled in Montreal, Quebec and had only one daughter, Bianca Oss Mazzurana, who became Bianca Ubaldini on marriage. Bianca was the sole remaining heir to the Oss Mazzurana name and enjoyed the afforded life style granted to her. Later in life, she married Arthur Ubaldini, Italian heir to the Ubaldini Distillery located in Trieste (Friuli-Venezia-Giulia). They divorced in 1982. Arthur and Bianca produced two children, Alberto (who ldied as a child of pneumonia), and Patrizia. Patrizia was extremely gifted in mathematics and at the age of 19 received a full-time scholarship to Loyola College University. It was during her formative years at Loyola where she met and fell in love with an older Loyola teaching assistant named Sergio Da Fre. Soon the coupled married, and within the ensuing ten years had their first child: Stefano, in 1984. In 1987, Pamela Margueritta Maria Da Fre was born. In 1998, faced with the resulting economic downturn in the Quebec-Montreal regional urban economy, the couple, with their daughter Pamela moved to Toronto. Sergio began to work as a notable Senior Marketing Specialist at the Bank of Montreal (Toronto Headquarters) and Patrizia (Patiricia, as spelled sometimes) continued to work as Project Manager also at the Bank of Montreal. Pamela completed her European Studies degree at the University of Toronto in June 2006. She works as a French Teacher in the Catholic School Board in Toronto, Ontario.
On the morning of September 8, 2006 Bianca Oss Mazzurana passed died at her residence Henri-Bradet in N.D.G., Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
External links
- Maria Garbari. "L'età di Paolo Oss Mazzurana". Trentino Cultura. Retrieved 2008-11-07.
- "Paolo Oss-Mazzurana". Storia dell'Autonomia Trentina. Retrieved 2008-11-07.