Pavel Tlustoš

Pavel Tlustoš 2016

Pavel Tlustoš (* 27.February 1955 in Nové Město na Moravě, Czech Republic ) is a Czech agricultural chemist; he was Vice Dean 2000-2010 and since 2010 Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Biology, Food and Natural Resources of the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CULS).[1][2]

Live and work

After his graduation Tlustoš studied Inorganic Chemistry at the University of Pardubice (1974- 1979) and graduated as an Diploma engineer. There was a commitment as a chemical technologist with Chirana company. With the entry into CULS as a research assistant in agrochemistry and plant nutrition. He launched PhD study in 1984 and defended thesis Environmental fate of slow release fertilizers on the Czech Agricultural University in Prague in 1989. His carrier was developed by research fellowships at the Iowa State University in USA (Fulbright scholarship) and at IACR Rothamsted UK (Rothamsted International scholarship), as well as the various lecturers steps. After habilitation he got his Venia legendi in Agrochemistry and Plant Nutrition and the Professor title of CULS from Czech president Vaclav Havel 2002. Already 2000 took Tlustoš the position of Vice-dean for education at the Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and Natural Resources whose Dean he became in 2010.He is also deputy Head of the Department of agro-environmental chemistry and plant nutrition . Through his research in the field of Bioeffectors he is with close links the University of Hohenheim

Research Focus

Membership in professional bodies and signature lines (selection)

Publications (selection)

Tlustoš has so far (2016) published about 194 research papers that have been cited 1494 times. He supervised 20 PhD students and about 100 diploma students is a member of the research team Biofector.[3][4]

Publication Indicators (2016)


External links

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