Pedobacter heparinus

Pedobacter heparinus
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Bacteria
Phylum: Bacteroidetes
Class: Sphingobacteria
Order: Sphingobacteriales
Family: Sphingobacteriaceae
Genus: Pedobacter
Species: Pedobacter heparinus
Steyn et al. 1998

Pedobacter heparinus (P. heparinus) is non-spore-forming, gram-negative bacterium that can use carbohydrates as its sole nutrient source.[1]


  1. Steyn, P. L.; Segers, P.; Vancanneyt, M.; Sandra, P.; Kersters, K.; Joubert, J. J. Classification of heparinolytic bacteria into a new genus, Pedobacter, comprising four species: Pedobacter heparinus comb. nov., Pedobacter piscium comb. nov., Pedobacter africanus sp. nov. and Pedobacter saltans sp. nov. Proposal of the family Sphingobacteriaceae fam. nov. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 48, No. 1, 165-177 (1998)
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