Poohla is a village located in Bathinda district in Punjab, India. It is usually confused with Poohla village in Amritsar where a notorious Sikh nihang belonged.
It is a small village located on Bhucho to Bhagta Bhai Ka road. it situated over the Sirhand Canal. According to last census it has population of 5,785, about 1,132 house holds and 2249 hectares of area.
Famous Personalities from Poohla
- Singer Balkar Sidhu
- Former Sarpanch Gurnam Singh
- Bikramjit Singh Bika
- Former Singer Gurpal Zaildar
It is a village of people with different professions and skills but main profession is agriculture Moreover it is also famous for its honesty because every citizen of this village is very innocent. No one has heard about any crime committed in this village from decades of years that's why it is the most peaceful village in whole Punjab & neighbour villages appreciates this village.
There is a Government High School and a Primary School.For Health care, a dispensary is there in village center.
On the North east side of Sirhand canal which flows from East to West, there is an old Guest house which was constructed during British times for accommodation of English Officers. Later on it was used by Indian Government officers. These days,it is in dilapidated condition.
Most of the community believes in Sikh faith and there are 3 main Gurudwaras and one Dera BaBa Dayanand ji. There is a separate Gurudwara by Ravidasia community.
Many families permanently migrated to Canada where they are living in Toronto, Vancouver and other cities.
Nearest hospital is Nathana village which is 3 kilometers away but tertiary care hospital, Adesh Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre is situated on Bathinda Barnala Road.
Bathinda is main city almost 30 km away from village.
kabadi cup is organised with help of Balkar singh Sidhu to promote healthy lifestyle and sportsmanship.
Recently, Punjab Government built a small Hydroelectric power plant on Sirhand Canal in village Poohla to overcome power shortage in the region.
On canal bridge, there are two Banyan tree on either side of road. During summer you can see a lot of people enjoying cooler shade of these trees and drinking sweet water from water hand pumps next to these trees. Many people come and take water from these pumps as it is very pure and good for drinking.
When you travel on road from Buchcho to Bhagta Bhai Ka and cross Sirrhand Canal bridge on left side you will see Vishwakarma Temple which is built by Ramgarhia community of the village and neighboring villages. With the contribution by all the communities, this temple was created to worship the god of tools "Vishwakarma". Every year after Diwali festiwal, Vishwakarma day is celebrated where almost everyone participates.