Purification of quantum state

In quantum mechanics, especially quantum information, purification refers to the fact that every mixed state acting on finite-dimensional Hilbert spaces can be viewed as the reduced state of some pure state.

In purely linear algebraic terms, it can be viewed as a statement about positive-semidefinite matrices.


Let ρ be a density matrix acting on a Hilbert space of finite dimension n. Then there exist a Hilbert space and a pure state such that the partial trace of with respect to

We say that is the purification of .


A density matrix is by definition positive semidefinite. So ρ can be diagonalized and written as for some basis . Let be another copy of the n-dimensional Hilbert space with an orthonormal basis . Define by

Direct calculation gives

This proves the claim.


An application: Stinespring's theorem

By combining Choi's theorem on completely positive maps and purification of a mixed state, we can recover the Stinespring dilation theorem for the finite-dimensional case.

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