Random Lake High School

Random Lake High School is a public high school for grades 9-12. It is located in Random Lake, Wisconsin on the western side of town and serves approximately 350 students in the area of Southern Sheboygan County and Northern Ozaukee County. The current site of the school was formerly a swamp. The high school is currently administered by principal Adam Englebretson.
The school's mascot is the ram and the colors are blue and white. The school song is the melody "Our Director." Its yearbook is known as "Rampage" and the newspaper is known as "The Lake Effect."
Random Lake is home to wide range of academic studies. This includes English, math, science, social studies, Spanish, art, agriculture, technology education, graphic arts, music, physical education, and business education. Random Lake also offers Advanced Placement courses to students, for the opportunity to earn college credit, and a 5.0 in a class on a 4-point scale. The AP program at Random Lake is one of the most extensive in the area. It also offers numerous AP classes over the internet through the Wisconsin Virtual School program. The school's schedule runs on a block schedule, with an alternating A, B schedule with 4 classes on each day. Classes currently run 83 min. each.
Opportunities for Students
The school is known for providing a wide variety of extracurricular programs for its students. There are over 14 varsity sports, in affiliation with the WIAA. The School also has FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) Which helps prepare students for a career in business. The school also has chapters of FFA, SADD, and National Honor Society. Many other groups are affiliated with larger organizations, including the school's various bands and choirs (Wisconsin School Music Association), the forensics team (Wisconsin High School Forensics Association), Model United Nations (Wisconsin High School Model United Nations), Anime Club and National History Day competition (National History Day Inc). In addition, many local clubs and teams are open to students as well.