Ravindra Ghooi

Dr. Ravindra Ghooi is pharmacologist from Pune, India. He is an expert in the field of clinical research, clinical research ethics and pharmacology.[1] He is known for his activism to simplify procedures for medical use of morphine in India.[2] He is known for his understanding on ethics in clinical research.[3][4]


  1. Outlook Magazine - SOCIETY - MEDICINE: MORPHINE SUBSTITUTE - Priyadarshini Sen - 30 MARCH 2015 A Soothing Far Gentler - Now, a drug that eases pain like morphine, minus the addiction (Accessed on 2 August 2016)
  2. NATURE | OUTLOOK - Lucas Laursen - Nature 535, S16–S17 (14 July 2016)Palliative care: The other opioid issue (Accessed on 2 August 2016)
  3. Perspectives in Clinical Research - Year : 2011 | Volume : 2 | Issue : 2 | Page : 72-76 The Nuremberg Code-A critique (Accessed on 2 August 2016)
  4. The Hindu Businessline - Specials - Pulse - Pt. Jyothi Dutta The right to refuse medical treatment (Accessed on 2 August 2016)

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