Rayleigh's equation (fluid dynamics)

In fluid dynamics, Rayleigh's equation is a linear ordinary differential equation to study the hydrodynamic stability of a parallel, incompressible and inviscid shear flow. The equation is:[1]
with the flow velocity of the steady base flow whose stability is to be studied. Further is the complex valued amplitude of the infinitesimal streamfunction perturbations applied to the base flow, is the wavenumber of the perturbations and is the phase speed with which the perturbations propagate in the flow direction.
The equation is named after Lord Rayleigh, who introduced it in 1880.[2]
The parallel shear flow is in the direction, and varies only in the cross-flow direction [1] The stability of the flow is studied by adding small perturbations to the flow velocity and in the and directions, respectively. The flow is described using the incompressible Euler equations, which become after linearization – using velocity components and
with the partial derivative operator with respect to time, and similarly and with respect to and The pressure fluctuations ensure that the continuity equation is fulfilled. The fluid density is denoted as and is a constant. The prime denotes differentiation of with respect to its argument
The flow oscillations and are described using a streamfunction ensuring that the continuity equation is satisfied:
- and
Taking the - and -derivatives of the - and-momentum equation, and subtracting, the pressure can be eliminated:
which is essentially the vorticity transport equation, being (minus) the vorticity.
Next, sinusoidal fluctuations are considered:
with the complex-valued amplitude of the streamfunction oscillations, while is the imaginary unit () and denotes the real part of the expression between the brackets. Using this in the vorticity transport equation, Rayleigh's equation is obtained.
- 1 2 Craik (1988), pp. 21–27
- ↑ Drazin & 2002 (138–154)
- Craik, A. D. D. (1988), Wave interactions and fluid flows, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-521-36829-4
- Drazin, P.G. (2002), Introduction to hydrodynamic stability, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-521-00965-0