Raymond de Péreille

Raymond de Péreille (Catalan: Ramon de Perella, Occitan: Raimon de Perelha) was an Occitan nobleman who was the lord of Château de Montségur. Born about 1186, he rebuilt the destroyed castle after 1204.[1] He married in 1222 and resided in the castle together with his cousin Pierre-Roger de Mirepoix who also became his in-law by marrying Philippa, Raymond's daughter, around 1239. Under Raymond's protection, Guilhabert de Castres set up the center of Catharism at Montségur around 1232.[1] The fall of Montségur in 1244 ended organized Carthar activity in the Occitan region.[1] Surviving the end of Montségur he was interrogated by the inquisition in May, 1244.


  1. 1 2 3 Claude Lebedel. Understanding the tragedy of the Cathars. Ouet-France, 2011. p. 106. ISBN 978-2-7373-5267-6.

See also

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