
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Eudicots
(unranked): Asterids
Order: Asterales
Family: Asteraceae
Subfamily: Asteroideae
Tribe: Gnaphalieae[1]
Genus: Relhania

Eclopes Gaertn.

Relhania is a genus of African plants in the pussy's-toes tribe within the sunflower family.[2][3]

  1. Relhania acerosa (DC.) K.Bremer
  2. Relhania calycina (L.f.) L'Hér.
  3. Relhania corymbosa (Bolus) K.Bremer
  4. Relhania decussata L'Hér.
  5. Relhania dieterlenii (E.Phillips) K.Bremer
  6. Relhania fruticosa (L.) K.Bremer
  7. Relhania garnotii (Less.) K.Bremer
  8. Relhania pungens L'Hér.
  9. Relhania relhanioides (Schltr.) K.Bremer
  10. Relhania rotundifolia Less.
  11. Relhania spathulifolia K.Bremer
  12. Relhania speciosa (DC.) Harv.[4]
  13. Relhania tricephala (DC.) K.Bremer
formerly included[1]

Several species now in other genera: Amphiglossa Athanasia Comborhiza Nestlera Oedera Rhynchopsidium


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