René-Joseph-Hyacinthe Bertin
René-Joseph-Hyacinthe Bertin (1757–1828) was a French anatomist known for his pioneer work in cardiology. He was the son of anatomist Exupère Joseph Bertin (1712-1781).
He was the author of Traité des Maladies du Coeur et des Gros Vaisseaux (Treatise of Diseases of the Heart and Major Vessels), an important work on the pathological anatomy of the heart. In this book he discusses topics such as auscultation, valvular deformities and hypertrophy of the heart. His student Jean-Baptiste Bouillaud (1796–1881) assisted him with its edition.
Bertin originated the idea of having three designations of cardiac hypertrophy, which he called "eccentric", "concentric" and "simple" hypertrophy of the heart.
Written works

Traité des maladies du coeur et des gros vaisseaux
- Mémoire sur les maladies de la Guadeloupe, et ce qui peut y avoir rapport, 1778
- Doctrine médicale simplifiée, ou Éclaircissement et confirmation du nouveau système de médecine de Brown, 1798. (with Melchior Adam Weikard, Joseph Frank)
- Quelques observations critiques, philosophiques et médicales sur l'Angleterre, les anglais et les français détenus dans les prisons de Plymouth, 1800
- Traité des maladies du coeur et des gros vaisseaux, 1824. (with Jean Baptiste Bouillaud)
- A short history of cardiology By P. R. Fleming at
- Description of Traité des Maladies du Coeur et des Gros Vaisseaux at the Wayback Machine (archived September 27, 2007)
- Written works copied from the equivalent article at the French Wikipedia.
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