List of reptilian humanoids
For reptilian humanoids in conspiracy theories and ufology, see Reptilians.

The Dinosauroid, a speculated sapient dinosaur
Reptilian humanoids comprise a common motif in mythology, folklore, science fiction, fantasy, conspiracy theories, ufology, and cryptozoology.
In mythology
Reptilian humanoids in world mythology include:
- Boreas (Aquilon to the Romans): the Greek god of the cold north wind, described by Pausanias as a winged man with serpents instead of legs.
- Cecrops I: the mythical first King of Athens was half man, half snake
- Dragon Kings: creatures from Chinese mythology sometimes depicted as reptilian humanoids
- Fu Xi: serpentine founding figure from Chinese mythology
- Glycon: a snake god who had the head of a man.
- Ningizzida, Lord of the Tree of Life, mentioned in the Epic of Gilgamesh and linked to the water serpent constellation Hydra.
- Shenlong: a Chinese dragon thunder god, depicted with a human head and a dragon's body
- Sobek: Ancient Egyptian crocodile-headed god
- Suppon No Yurei: A turtle-headed human ghost from Japanese mythology and folklore
- Tlaloc: Aztec god depicted as a man with snake fangs
- Typhon, the "father of all monsters" in Greek mythology, was a man from the waist up, and a mass of seething vipers from the waist down.
- Zahhak, a figure from Zoroastrian mythology who, in Ferdowsi's epic Shahnameh, grows a serpent on either shoulder
- Echidna, the wife of Typhon in Greek mythology, was half woman, half snake.
- Enchanted Moura from Portuguese and Galician folklore appears as a snake with long blonde hair.
- The Gorgons: Sisters in Greek mythology who had serpents for hair.
- The Lamia: a child-devouring female demon from Greek mythology depicted as half woman, half serpent.
- Nüwa: serpentine founding figure from Chinese mythology
- Wadjet pre-dynastic snake goddess of Lower Egypt - sometimes depicted as half snake, half woman
- The White Snake: a figure from Chinese folklore
- Some djinn in Islamic mythology are described as alternating between human and serpentine forms.
- Nāga (Devanagari: नाग): reptilian beings from Hindu mythology said to live underground and interact with human beings on the surface.
- The Serpent: a character from the Genesis creation narrative occasionally depicted with legs, and sometimes identified with Satan, though its representations have been both male and female.
- Kappa: Turtle-like humanoids from Japanese mythology and folklore.
In cryptozoology
Purported reptilian humanoid cryptids include:
- The Cherufe in Chile
- The Lizard Man of Scape Ore Swamp in South Carolina, United States
- The Loveland Frog (or Loveland Lizard), in Loveland, Ohio, USA
- Jake the Alligator Man, a sideshow gaff in Long Beach, Washington, USA
- The Thetis Lake monster in Canada
- Flatwoods monster (referred to as the "Lizard Monster" on the March 10, 2010 episode of MonsterQuest)
In ufology and conspiracy theories
- Reptilians appear in some claims of alien encounters and in the conspiracy theories of David Icke
- Lemurians, reptilian humanoids in the writings of Helena Blavatsky
In scientific speculation
- The dinosauroid, a hypothetical reptilian humanoid conjectured by palaeontologist Dale Russell
- Other speculated sapient dinosaurs
In fiction
A wide range of fictional works depict reptilian humanoids.
- Dracs from the Enemy Mine series by Barry B. Longyear.
- Evra Von from Darren Shan's "Saga of Darren Shan"
- Hork-Bajir from K. A. Applegate's Animorphs
- The Lady of the Green Kirtle from CS Lewis's The Silver Chair
- An Unnamed race from H.P. Lovecraft's The Nameless City - later Cthulhu Mythos tales have named these the Valusians or simply "serpent people".
- The Race from Harry Turtledove's Worldwar series
- Serpent men from the works of Robert E. Howard (also in the Marvel universe)
- Yig, the serpent god from HP Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos.
- Yilané from the novel West of Eden by Harry Harrison
- The Creeps and the Snake Lady from the Goosebumps franchise.
Doctor Who
- Draconians
- Foamasi
- Homo reptilia (Silurians and Sea Devils)
- Ice Warriors
Dragon Ball Z
- The race of Malaka is a race of reptilian-like humanoids, very similar to the Litts, who serve in non-combatant positions (doctors and surgeons) of the Galactic Frieza Army.
- The race of Ginyu Force member Burter is a race of tall reptilian humanoids of varying skin colors whose race at some point in history, became integrated members of the Galactic Frieza Army.
- The race of Toobi is a race of reptilian-like humanoids who serves in the Galactic Frieza Army.
- The race of Frieza force soldier named Blueberry are a race of reptilian (more specifically crocodile-like) humanoids.
Star Trek
- Cobra-La, and Cobra Commander from the G. I. Joe series
- Chase Young from Xiaolin Showdown
- Drakh and Narn from Babylon 5
- Lizard Man from He-Man and the Masters of the Universe
- Lizardman Phantom from Kamen Rider Wizard
- The Lizardmen from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Lost World
- Scarrans from Farscape
- Sleestaks from Land of the Lost
- Slithe and his fellow Lizards from ThunderCats
- Snake Men, from Masters of the Universe
- Unas from Stargate
- Visitors from V
- The Culebra from "From Dusk till Dawn: The Series"
- Zafiro from Disney's Gargoyles, red-skinned snake-bodied gargate, with two humanoid arms and feathered wings, reminiscent of Kukulcan in Mayan myth and leader of his gargoyle clan
- Badoon, another hostile alien race
- Chitauri, alien shapeshifters from the Ultimate Marvel universe.
- Lizard, an enemy of Spider-Man
- The Lizard Men of Subterranea
- The Lizard Men of the Savage Land
- The Lizard Men of Tok from the Microverse
- Sauron, an enemy of the X-Men
- Skrulls, an alien race of reptilian shapeshifters
- Slither, a snakelike mutant and ally of Magneto
- Stegron
- Copperhead, some versions
- Gordanians, a species of alien reptilian slavers
- Killer Croc, an enemy of Batman
- Llarans
- Psions
- Henry Phage from the Mr. Hero comics from Tekno Comix
- Kleggs, alien mercenaries in the Judge Dredd universe.
- The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and their ally/foe Leatherhead
- Treens from Dan Dare
- Tyranny Rex, reptilian artist in stories published in 2000AD.
- Dracs from Enemy Mine
- Thulsa Doom from Conan the Barbarian
- Trandoshans from Star Wars
Roleplaying and strategy games
- Argonians, a race in The Elder Scrolls series
- Bangaa, a race in the game series of Final Fantasy
- Drell, a race in the Mass Effect series
- Iksar, a race from the EverQuest franchise.
- Lizalfos and Daira from the Legend of Zelda series.
- Lizardmen from the Warhammer fantasy tabletop games.
- Naga from the Warcraft series.
- Reptites from Chrono Trigger
- Saurians from Risen
- Dinaurians from Fossil Fighters and Fossil Fighters: Champions
Dungeons & Dragons
Platform and fighting games
- Bowser from Super Mario Bros. (King Koopa in the TV Series)
- Espio the Chameleon and Vector the Crocodile from Sonic the Hedgehog
- Lizardman, a character from the Soul series of fighting games
- Locust Horde, the primary antagonists in the game franchise Gears of War
- Reptile, Chameleon and Khameleon from the game Mortal Kombat
- Riptor, a character from the fighting game Killer Instinct
See also
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