RuleML Symposium

RuleML Symposium
Abbreviation RuleML
Discipline Artificial intelligence Logic in computer science Semantic Web
Publication details
Publisher Springer LNCS
History 2002–
Frequency annual (since 2002)

The annual International Web Rule Symposium (RuleML) is an international academic conferences on research, applications, languages and standards for rule technologies. It is a conference in the field of rule-based programming and rule-based systems including production rules systems, logic programming rule engines, and business rules engines/business rules management systems; Semantic Web rule languages and rule standards (e.g., RuleML, LegalRuleML, Reaction RuleML, SWRL, RIF, Common Logic, PRR, Decision Model and Notation (DMN), SBVR); rule-based event processing languages (EPLs) and technologies; and research on inference rules, constraint handling rules, transformation rules, decision rules, production rules, and ECA rules. RuleML is the leading conference to build bridges between academia and industry in the field of Web rules and its applications, especially as part of the semantic technology stack.[1] RuleML is commonly listed together with other Artificial Intelligence conferences worldwide.[2][3][4][5][6]


The conference series has been held without interruption since 2002. The RuleML Symposium has evolved from an annual series of first international workshops since 2002, international conferences in 2005 and 2006, to the premier International Symposium for the Web rules community since 2007.

International Rule Challenge

The International Rule Challenge has been held since 2007 at the RuleML Symposium. It calls for submissions of benchmarks/evaluations, demos, case studies / use cases, experience reports, best practice solutions (e.g. design patterns, reference architectures, models), rule-based implementations/ tools/ applications, demonstrations engineering methods, implementations of rule standards and industrial problem statements. It also hosts a rule base competition.

RuleML Doctoral Consortium

Since 2011 the RuleML symposium organizes a Doctoral Consortium for PhD students.

List of RuleML Editions


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