Salgadinho, Pernambuco

Location of Salgadinho within Pernambuco.
Salgadinho is a city located in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil. Located at 124.6 km away from Recife, capital of the state of Pernambuco. Has an estimated (Ibge 2009) population of 8.214 inhabitants.
- State - Pernambuco
- Region - Agreste Pernambucano
- Boundaries - João Alfredo (N); Passira (S); Limoeiro (E); Surubim (W).
- Area - 88.81 km2
- Elevation - 232 m
- Hidrography - Capibaribe River
- Vegetation - Caatinga Hipoxerófila
- Clima - Semi arid hot
- Annual average temperature - 27.0 c
- Distance to Recife - 124.6 km
The main economic activities in Salgadinho are based in agribusiness, especially livestock such as cattle, goats and poultry.
Economic indicators
Population[1] | GDP x(1000 R$).[2] | GDP pc (R$) | PE |
8.214 | 19.997 | 2.574 | 0.033% |
Economy by Sector 2006
Primary sector | Secondary sector | Service sector |
5.61% | 9.18% | 85.21% |
Health indicators
HDI (2000) | Hospitals (2007) | Hospitals beds (2007) | Children's Mortality every 1000 (2005) |
0.602 | 1 | 5 | 59 |
- ↑ Population 2009 Salgadinho, page 35]
- ↑ Salgadinho 2007 GDP IBGE page 32
- ↑ PE State site - City by city profile
Coordinates: 7°56′09″S 35°37′58″W / 7.93583°S 35.6328°W
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