Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance

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Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance (SAIF) was established at Shanghai Jiao Tong University in April 19, 2009, with strategic and financial support from the Shanghai Municipal Government. This is a business school with a distinct focus on finance. Mr. TU Guangshao, Vice Mayor of Shanghai serves as the Board President of SAIF. Prof. WANG Jiang, tenured professor of MIT and internationally known economist, is the Director of SAIF.


March 17, 2011 EUREX donated market data to SAIF.

September 10, 2010 SAIF was awarded the title Shanghai Financial Talents Education Base by the Shanghai Government.

June 27, 2010 The first EMBA program launched

September 19, 2009 The first MBA and MF(Master in Finance) programs launched

August 12, 2009 China Academy of Financial Research (CAFR), the research institute affiliated with SAIF, was officially inaugurated. Professor Wang Jiang was appointed Director of CAFR.

April 19, 2009 Inauguration Ceremony of SAIF. Professor Wang Jiang was officially appointed Director of SAIF.

June 6, 2008 Shanghai Jiao Tong University was given approval to establish the financial institute, which shall follow the international model of education.

January 25, 2008 Shanghai Jiao Tong University submitted the proposal to establish a Chinese Financial Institute to Mr. Yu Zhengsheng, CPC party chief in Shanghai.


2-year full-time program taught in English; 2-year part-time program taught in English and Chinese.
2-year Full-time program taught in English
Non-degree short-term courses tailormade for financial institutions
2-year part-time program taught in Chinese

Notable Alumni

Mr. Chen Zhaoqiang, Executive Director of Board, Fushan International Energy Group Limited

Mr. Meng Yang, Board Chairman, Shanghai Fuel Co., Ltd.

Mr. Zhang Ning, Director, Shanghai Sub-bureau of China Securities Regulatory Commission

Mr. Xu Ling, General Manager, Haitong Futures Co., Ltd.


Wang, Jiang (Simplied Chinese: 王江)

Chair of Academic Advisory Council

Professor Wang is a Special Term Professor of Finance at SAIF. He holds the Mizuho Financial Group Professorship at MIT Sloan School of Management. His main research interest is in asset pricing, investment and risk management, and international finance.

Chang, Chun (Simplied Chinese: 张春)

Executive Director

Professor Chang is Professor of Finance at SAIF. His main research interest is in corporate finance, banking, and labor economics. Before joining SAIF, Professor Chang was Professor of Finance and held Minnesota Banking Industry Professorship at University of Minnesota. He was also Associate Dean and ABN AMRO Chair in Risk Management at China Europe International Business School.

Ye, Quyuan (Simplied Chinese: 叶取源)

Special Advisor to the Director and Senior Associate Director

Professor Ye was the Executive Vice President of Shanghai Jiao Tong University before joining SAIF.

Wang, Tan (Simplied Chinese: 王坦)

Deputy Director

Professor Wang is a Special Term Professor of Finance at SAIF, in full-time residence this academic year. He holds the Peter Lusztig Professorship at Sauder School of Business, University of British Columbia. His main research interest is in asset pricing, investment and risk management, and decision theory.

Pan, Jie (Simplied Chinese: 潘杰)

Associate Director

Prior to joining SAIF, Dr. Pan was Associate Dean at Antai College of Economics and Management of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Director of Training Center, and Director of MBA Program. Dr. Pan also served Director of Training Commission of Shanghai Municipal People’s Congress.

Zhu, Ning (Simplied Chinese: 朱宁)

Deputy Director

Professor Zhu is Professor of Finance at SAIF. His main research interest is in behavioral finance, corporate finance, and financial markets in the Greater China Region.

Yan, Hong (Simplied Chinese: 严弘)

Acting Deputy Director

Professor Yan is a Special Term Professor of Finance at SAIF and Associate Professor of Finance with Tenure at Moore School of Business, University of South Carolina. His main research interest is in asset pricing, investment management, financial derivatives, and international financial markets.

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