
Sinebrychoff Brewery is a Finnish brewery and soft drinks company. It was founded in 1819 in Helsinki, Finland by Russian merchant Nikolai Sinebrychoff (Russian: Николай Петрович Синебрюхов), and is one of the largest breweries in Finland today. It has since become part of Carlsberg Breweries A/S.
Brief details

The Sinebrychoff brewery is the oldest brewery in Northern Europe. Originally located in Helsinki, the Sinebrychoff brewery is now in Kerava.
The Sinebrychoff logo consists of two brewery horses beneath a golden crown. Since 2009, the horses are blue, on a white background. The company also uses the logo with colors reversed, white horses on blue background.
Most notable Sinebrychoff products are their Koff brand of lager and Sinebrychoff Porter. Sinebrychoff also produces the popular Karhu brand of beer, as well as other special and seasonal beers and a large amount of other beverages.
Soft drinks
Sinebrychoff owns the license for manufacturing Coca-Cola, Fanta, Sprite, Bonaqua and Powerade in Finland, as well as licenses to produce Schweppes and Dr Pepper. Sinebrychoff's own soft drink products include Muumi and Smurffi, the Battery Energy Drink and Hyvää Päivää health drinks family.