Special Agent Oso (series 2)

Special Agent Oso series 2
Country of origin USA
No. of episodes 37
Original network Disney Junior
Original release 10 July 2010 (2010-07-10) – 10 January 2015 (2015-01-10)
Season chronology

The second series of Special Agent Oso aired 10 July 2010 on Disney Junior.


Note: The italic text indicates that the characters are absent from both a and b.
Note: Special Agent Oso, Paw Pilot and Mr. Dos were present in all episodes.
Note: The number with the parenthesis on step 3 indicates the number of seconds to complete the step.

No. in
TitleU.K. air dateU.S. air date[1][2]Prod.
25a1a"Quantum of Sandwich"TBCSeptember 17, 2010 (2010-09-17)201a

Dotty trains Oso to fly and land his training space jet at the space center. Oso tries remembering how to line up and land the space jet when a special alert is called. A boy named Dylan wants to make his own peanut butter and jelly sandwich for his school lunch while his mother gets ready for work, only he has trouble figuring out what to do. So Oso decides to teach Dylan how to make his sandwich before the bus comes to take him to school.
Step 1: Get two slices of bread
Step 2: Spread peanut butter and jelly on the bread
Step 3: Put the two slices of bread together (13)
Absent: Wolfie, Rapide

Title references Quantum of Solace
25b1b"Thunder Muffin"TBCSeptember 17, 2010 (2010-09-17)201b

Wolfie trains Oso to repair the new Shutterbug control computer. Oso tries remembering how to put the computer chips in properly when Paw Pilot calls in a special alert. A girl named Sophie and her mom have baked some carrot muffins for a school bake sale. They are about to put on the frosting and raisins when Sophie's mom gets a phone call. Sophie has trouble preparing the muffins. So Oso decides to teach Sophie how to get the muffins ready for the bake sale before she and her mom have to leave for school.
Step 1: Frost the carrot muffins
Step 2: Put raisins on the muffins
Step 3: Put the muffins in a box (3)
Absent: Dotty, Whirly Bird, Rapide

Title references Thunderball
26a2a"Dr. Go"September 5, 2010 (2010-09-05)July 17, 2010 (2010-07-17)202a

Wolfie trains Oso to water ski up a ramp and jump into the lake without falling. A special alert is called after Oso jumps off the wrong end of the ramp and takes a face first plunge. A girl named Emily wants to her brother's remote-control car while he and his friends change the tires on theirs, but she does not know how. It will be up to Oso to teach her how to race the car before the boys get back.
Step 1: Turn the car on
Step 2: Make the car go forward with the joystick
Step 3: Steer the car around the track (5)
Absent: Dotty, Shutterbug, Rapide

Title references Dr. No
26b2b"For Your Bed Only"TBCJuly 17, 2010 (2010-07-17)202b

As Oso practices covering his special agent car with a blanket that matches the surroundings, he receives a special alert. A girl named Kayla is going to make her bed for a sleepover with her best friend Ashley, but she does not know how. So Oso must help Kayla make the bed before Ashley comes.
Step 1: Straighten the sheets on the bed and pull them up
Step 2: Pull up the bedspread
Step 3: Arrange the pillows and stuffed animals (7)
Absent: Dotty, Rapide

Title references For Your Eyes Only
27a3a"Another Way to Fly"9 July 2010 (2010-07-09)July 10, 2010 (2010-07-10)203a

As Oso being trained to help Dotty and Wolfie make a speedy escape on Rapide before going into the underground station, then he gets dressed. He receives a special alert after Rapide gets stuck. A girl named Leslie is going to make a paper airplane to fly in a paper airplane flying contest at the library, but she does not know how to make one. So it's up to Oso to help her out before she leaves for the contest.
Step 1: Fold a sheet of paper in half
Step 2: Make the airplane body
Step 3: Fold down the wings (14)
Title references "Another Way to Die," which was not the name of a Bond film, but instead the name of the theme song to Quantum of Solace

The Another Way to Fly clips are used in the BLAM! episode, Speedy Escape
27b3b"A View to a Ball"9 July 2010 (2010-07-09)July 10, 2010 (2010-07-10)203b

While Dotty trains Oso to make a space rescue and get Wolfie in the space jet, he receives a special alert. A girl named Kayley is at the beach and wants to play catch with her brother, Brandon, only she does not know how to catch a ball, so Oso must teach her how to catch a ball before they leave for home.
Step 1: Get in front of the ball
Step 2: Grab the ball with both hands
Step 3: Pull the ball to your chest (12)
Absent: Shutterbug, Whirly Bird, Rapide

Title references "A View to a Kill"
28a4a"From China With Love"TBCJuly 24, 2010 (2010-07-24)204a

Oso gets a visit from Professor Bufo, who creates all the gadgets and vehicles for the organization Oso works for. Because Professor Bufo likes keeping his laboratory clean, Oso and Dotty have to change into their clean room suits. After getting changed, Oso drops his cap on the floor and the scanner scans him as "dirty". A special alert is called. It is Chinese New Year's Eve, and a boy named Rick is having dinner at his friend Noyoon's grandfather's house. Rick has never eaten with chopsticks before, and Noyoon does not know how to teach him. Oso will have to teach Rick how to use chopsticks before dinnertime.
Step 1: Press one chopstick between your middle finger and your thumb
Step 2: Hold the other chopstick with your index finger and your thumb
Step 3: Move one chopstick with your index finger to grab the food (8)
Absent: Wolfie, Whirly Bird
First appearance of: Bufo

Title references From Russia with Love
28b4b"Thunderbasket"TBCApril 9, 2010 (2010-04-09)204b

While Wolfie trains Oso to clear a big boulder off a railroad track with help from Whirly Bird, Paw Pilot calls in a special alert. A boy named Pete is having trouble shooting a basketball, and his babysitter Susan is a great basketball player, so Oso teaches Pete how to get better at it.
Step 1: Face the basket
Step 2: Hold the ball in front of you
Step 3: Shoot the ball (6)
Absent: Dotty, Bufo, Shutterbug

Title references Thunderball
29a5a"Goldscooter"TBCJuly 31, 2010 (2010-07-31)205a

Dotty puts Oso through a practice emergency exit drill. Oso tries looking for the door with a flashing red light and thinking fast when Paw Pilot calls in a special alert. A girl named Harper, is going to ride a scooter at the park, but she does not know how to ride it. So it will be up to Oso to teach Harper how to ride a scooter before her sister comes.
Step 1: Put one foot on the scooter
Step 2: Push off with your other foot
Step 3: Put both feet on the scooter and ride (6)
Absent: Wolfie, Bufo, Shutterbug, Whirly Bird, Rapide

Title references Goldfinger
29b5b"The Boy With the Coloring Crayons"September 4, 2010 (2010-09-04)July 31, 2010 (2010-07-31)205b

While Dotty trains Oso to rescue Wolfie from a tank of water on the red tower, and as Oso tries figuring out the fastest way to get there, a special alert is called. Ursula has brought home a picture she colored in school to show her mom, and her brother Ian wants to make a picture too. Ursula lets Ian color a picture in her coloring book, but he has trouble doing so. So Oso decides to help Ian color a picture to show his dad when he comes home.
Step 1: Pick out a picture in the coloring book
Step 2: Get the crayons out
Step 3: Color in the picture (12)
Absent: Bufo, Rapide

Title references The Man With The Golden Gun
30a6a"Goldputter"TBCAugust 7, 2010 (2010-08-07)206a

As Wolfie trains Oso to drive a dune buggy past all the flags, Oso stops his buggy on the sloppy part of a sand dune causing it to roll downhill after Paw Pilot calls in a special alert. Two boys, Jaden and Ryan, are playing miniature golf, but they cannot get the ball into the hole. So Oso decides to help Jaden and Ryan putt before they leave for home.
Step 1: Place the golf ball on the putting green
Step 2: Aim the ball at the hole
Step 3: Tap the ball into the hole (19)
Absent: Dotty, Bufo, Shutterbug, Rapide
Note: This episode currently has the longest countdown, of 19.

Title references Goldfinger
30b6b"Live and Leaf Rub"TBCAugust 7, 2010 (2010-08-07)206b

Oso has to make his way through an obstacle course dodging Wolfie's water balloons when a special alert is called. A girl named Sadie wants to make a leaf rubbing for her grandma's birthday present, but she does not know how to make one. So Oso decides to help her make a leaf rubbing.
Step 1: Put a leaf on a piece of paper
Step 2: Put another piece of paper over the leaf
Step 3: Rub the side of a crayon over the top sheet of paper (7)
Absent: Bufo, Rapide

Title references Live and Let Die
31a7a"Dr. Juice"TBCAugust 14, 2010 (2010-08-14)207a

Dotty trains Oso to trap a spycopter with a special agent net Professor Bufo made. Oso tries remembering how to operate the net and catch the spycopter before it flies away when Paw Pilot calls in a special alert. Two girls, Alexandra and Zoe, are going to make fresh squeezed orange juice for their mother who has a cold, but there is just one problem: they do not know how to make it. So Oso has to teach them how to make it before their mother wakes up.
Step 1: Find some oranges
Step 2: Squeeze the oranges to get the juice
Step 3: Pour the juice into a glass (5)
Absent: Wolfie, Whirly Bird, Rapide

Title references Dr. No
31b7b"For Your Nose Only"TBCAugust 14, 2010 (2010-08-14)207b

Oso is trained to put a snow flap on top of a tent for Dotty and Wolfie to store their equipment inside and keep dry before a snowstorm hits. Oso tries snapping the flap in place when a special alert is called. A boy named Thomas has a cold. He is sneezing and has a runny nose. His mother tells him to use a tissue to blow his nose, but Thomas does not know how to do it. So it's up to Oso to help Thomas blow his nose and wash his hands before is mom comes up with his tea.
Step 1: Hold the tissue to your nose with both hands
Step 2: Gently blow air out through your nose into the tissue
Step 3: Wipe your nose with the tissue and throw it away in the trash (7)
Absent: Bufo, Rapide

Title references For Your Eyes Only
32a8a"The Man With the Golden Retriever"TBCAugust 21, 2010 (2010-08-21)208a

Oso has to retrieve a deep sea probe from under the ocean. He tries finding it and being careful around underwater volcanoes when Paw Pilot calls in a special alert. A girl named Elsa meets a new friend at the park, Mr. Thompson, who has a dog named Madeline. Mr. Thompson asks Elsa if she would like to pet Madeline, but she has never done that before. So Oso decides to teach Elsa how to pet the dog before she and her owner leave for the pet show.
Step 1: Ask the owner for permission to pet the dog
Step 2: Hold out your hand so the dog can sniff it
Step 3: Pet the dog gently (7)
Absent: Dotty, Bufo, Shutterbug, Rapide

Title references The Man with the Golden Gun
32b8b"The Chairs Are Not Enough"TBCAugust 21, 2010 (2010-08-21)208b

Dotty trains Oso to bungee jump off a tower. During his training mission, Oso tries grabbing a cube-shape container when a special alert is called. Laila and Rasheed are invited to a birthday party where they will be playing musical chairs, but they have never played this game before. So Oso decides to teach Laila and Rasheed play musical chairs before the party starts.
Step 1: Set up the chairs
Step 2: Walk around the chairs while the music is playing
Step 3: Sit down in a chair when the music stops (5)
Absent: Wolfie, Bufo, Rapide

Title references The World is Not Enough
33a9a"Colors Royale"TBCOctober 4, 2010 (2010-10-04)209a

Dotty and Wolfie train Oso to go through the swamp without leaving the trail of footprints or being followed. Oso puts on his swamp boots and tries finding a way to make it through the mud until Paw Pilot calls in for a special alert. A boy named Nicholas is going to paint a picture for his grandpa, but he's having trouble mixing the right colors. So Oso teaches him how to mix yellow and blue paint to make green so he can paint the grass in his painting to show his grandpa.
Step 1: Get red, yellow, and blue paint
Step 2: Put the paint on a plate
Step 3: Mix colors (12)
Absent: Bufo, Shutterbug, Rapide

Title references Casino Royale
33b9b"Cleanfingers"TBCOctober 4, 2010 (2010-10-04)209b

There isn't any more water for the shower on R.R. Rapide, so Dotty and Wolfie train Oso to fill up Rapide's water tank using a hose. After filling up the tank, Oso unplugs the hose with the water still running and gets everyone all wet. A special alert is called. Oso teaches a boy, Charlie, the importance of washing his hands before eating.
Step 1: Rub your hands with soap
Step 2: Rinse your hands
Step 3: Dry your hands (6)
Absent: Bufo

Title references Goldfinger
34a10a"A View to a Mask"TBCOctober 8, 2010 (2010-10-08)210a

Halloween Special 1: Wolfie trains Oso to deliver a briefcase to a building while driving in an armored vehicle. He must be careful not to knock over any statues while driving. Oso can't see where he is driving and knock several statues down until Paw Pilot calls in a special alert. A boy named Kevin is going to make a Halloween mask out of a paper plate to go with his tiger costume, but he can't make one. So Oso decides to teach Kevin how to make a mask before the party starts.
Step 1: Decorate the plate
Step 2: Attach the string
Step 3: Cut out the eye and mouth holes (13)
Absent: Dotty, Bufo, Rapide

Title references A View to a Kill
34b10b"Pumpkin Eyes"TBCOctober 8, 2010 (2010-10-08)210b

Halloween Special 2: Wolfie trains Oso to find a hidden microchip in just a short amount of time. Oso tried to find the hidden microchip, but he lets the timer reach 0. That's when Paw Pilot calls in a special alert. A girl named Nervei wants to carve a pumpkin to enter it in a Halloween Jack-o'-lantern contest, but her dad has never carved one from where he came. So Oso decides to teach Nervei how to carve a Jack-o'-lantern, so that she could bring it to the contest.
Step 1: Clean out the pumpkin
Step 2: Make the Jack-o'-lantern's face
Step 3: Put a light in the Jack-o'-lantern (12)
Absent: Dotty, Bufo, Whirly Bird, Rapide

Title references GoldenEye
3511"The Living Holiday Lights"TBCDecember 6, 2010 (2010-12-06)211

Oso helps a girl named Celeste decorate for Christmas
Step 1: Find the advent wreath
Step 2: Place the candles
Step 3: Have a grown up light the candles
Oso helps Noah decorate for Hanukkah
Step 1: Find the menorah
Step 2: Place the candles
Step 3: Have a grown up light the candles
Oso helps Braden decorate for Kwanzaa
Step 1: Find the kinara
Step 2: Place the candles
Step 3: Have a grown up light the candles
Title references The Living Daylights
Note: Most of the kids that appeared in previous episodes from Seasons 1 and 2 make their cameo appearances.
Note: This is the first time that Dotty, Wolfie, and Bufo appear in the same episode.
Note: Although, this episode aired before "For Angels With Snow" did, Liam (For Angels With Snow) made a cameo appearance in this episode.

Note: Oso's assignment to help Braden does not feature a countdown
36a12a"For Angels With Snow"TBCDecember 13, 2010 (2010-12-13)212a

Professor Bufo asked Oso to come to the space center for help. Bufo accidentally locked himself in the rocket and Oso must get the keys to unlock the door. He finds the keys and tries looking for the right one to unlock the rocket when Paw Pilot calls in for a special alert. Oso teaches Liam how to make snow angels before Grandma sees.
Step 1: Lay back onto the snow
Step 2: Move your arms and legs
Step 3: Stand up carefully (10)
Absent: Dotty, Wolfie, Shutterbug, Rapide
Note: This is the first time that both Dotty and Wolfie are absent from the same episode.

Title references From Russia With Love
36b12b"Dr. Snow"TBCDecember 13, 2010 (2010-12-13)212b

Dotty teaches Oso how to use a special agent cable jacket to go down a tube and open a door. Oso receives a special alert after opening the wrong door and getting covered with ping pong balls. He helps a boy named Ethan make a snow globe so he can watch snowflakes fall whenever he wants.
Step 1: Decorate the inside of a jar lid by gluing small toys inside the lid
Step 2: Put cold water and glitter in the jar
Step 3: Seal the lid onto the jar with glue (11)
Absent: Wolfie, Bufo, Whirly Bird

Title references Dr. No
37a13a"License to Sled"TBCDecember 27, 2010 (2010-12-27)213a

Oso is on a snowmobile chase with a pack of penguins after him. Oso tries to keep his balance while riding when he gets a special alert. He teaches two kids, Haylay and Henry, how to go sledding.
Step 1: Sit on the sled making sure it's on a flat surface and facing down the hill
Step 2: Push off with your hands to make the sled go
Step 3: Hold on tight (12)
Absent: Bufo, Rapide

Title references License to Kill
37b13b"Snowflakes Are Forever"TBCDecember 27, 2010 (2010-12-27)213b

Dotty and Wolfie train Oso to launch his motorcycle off Rapide. Oso tries remembering what Dotty and Wolfie told him to do while Rapide is moving, but he forgets to open the ramp all the way and takes a spill. Paw Pilot calls in a special alert. A girl, Gabriella, wants to make a paper snowflake for a winter festival, but she has trouble making it. So Oso decides to help Gabriella make a paper snowflake before the winter festival starts.
Step 1: Fold a piece of paper into a triangle twice
Step 2: Cut the paper around the edges
Step 3: Unfold the paper all the way (7)
Absent: Bufo

Title references Diamonds Are Forever
38a14a"Dr. Throw"TBCJanuary 7, 2011 (2011-01-07)214a

Dotty trains Oso to jump out of the spacejet with a parachute and land onto an iceberg. While waiting for Wolfie to rescue him, Oso slips off the iceberg and into the water. The special alert comes in. Oso teaches a boy, Rudy, how to throw a football while his mom does some weeding. Note that Sean Astin played a real person named Rudy in the eponymous film about a would-be Notre Dame football player. Also, former Notre Dame coach Lou Holtz guest stars as 'Uncle Lou.'
Step 1: Grip the football with one hand
Step 2: Look at the person you want to throw the ball to
Step 3: Pull your arm back and throw the ball as you step forward (10)
Absent: Bufo, Shutterbug, Rapide

Title references Dr. No
38b14b"Nobody Plays "It" Better"TBCJanuary 7, 2011 (2011-01-07)214b

Professor Bufo has invented a rocket that goes very fast. Professor Bufo gets Oso to drive around a race track twice while being timed, but Oso suddenly crashes Bufo's rocket into a curve. He receives a special alert from Paw Pilot and Mr. Dos. Oso teaches two kids at the park, Alexander and Elena, how to play tag.
Step 1: Pick who's going to be it
Step 2: Count to 5 and run after your friends
Step 3: Tag one of your friends (8)
Absent: Dotty, Wolfie, Shutterbug, Rapide

Title references Nobody Does It Better, the theme song to The Spy Who Loved Me
39a15a"On Old MacDonald's Special Song"April 19, 2011 (2011-04-19)April 4, 2011 (2011-04-04)215a

Oso is given a training mission from Professor Bufo to open a garage by pressing buttons on a keypad in a certain pattern. Oso presses all the buttons at once and gets launched into the air. He gets a special alert. A boy named Henry is having trouble playing "Old MacDonald" on the piano while his grandpa is taking a nap. So Oso decides to teach Henry how to play the song properly before his Aunt Stephanie comes over so he can play for her.
Step 1: Find three black keys
Step 2: Learn what notes to play
Step 3: Play the notes as you sing (4)
Absent: Dotty, Wolfie, Whirly Bird

Title references On Her Majesty's Secret Service
39b15b"Snapfingers"TBCApril 4, 2011 (2011-04-04)215b

Wolfie assigns Oso a training mission to open a door by scanning a card. He must walk up the wall and on the ceiling in magnetic boots provided by Professor Bufo. Oso tries to open the door when he falls from the ceiling and onto the floor, and he gets scanned. Then Paw Pilot calls in a special alert. Two kids, Nicole and Spencer, are at a Snapasonic concert with their Uncle Eric to hear their favorite song and snap their fingers. However, neither one knows how to snap as well as Uncle Eric can. So it's up to Oso to teach Nicole and Spencer how to snap their fingers before the concert begins.
Step 1: Put your middle finger over your thumb
Step 2: Press both those fingers together
Step 3: Slide your middle finger down and your thumb up while pressing them (12)
Absent: Shutterbug, Whirly Bird
Note: This is the second time that Dotty, Wolfie, and Bufo appear in the same episode. And also the first time where Bufo appears in both a and b.

Title references Goldfinger
40a16a"Quantum of Sauce"TBCJanuary 24, 2011 (2011-01-24)216a

Agent Wolfie trains Oso to change the nose cone on a deep sea probe before launching it. Oso tries remembering how to put on the replacement nose cone on the probe when Paw Pilot calls in a special alert. A girl, Taylor, is having spaghetti for dinner with her family and some guests, but she does not want to get any sauce on her new dress. She always makes a mess on herself every time she eats spaghetti. Oso has trouble with his spaghetti too. So they both learn to twirl and eat spaghetti together without making a mess so that Taylor can keep her dress clean during dinner.
Step 1: Scoop some spaghetti onto your fork
Step 2: Twirl the fork to wrap the spaghetti around it
Step 3: Turn the fork over and lift it to your mouth (6)
Absent: Dotty, Bufo, Whirly Bird, Rapide

Title references Quantum of Solace
40b16b"The Girl With the Folded Clothes"TBCJanuary 24, 2011 (2011-01-24)216b

Oso is on the moon where Dotty trains him to drive a moon-buggy. As Oso moonwalks to the moon-buggy, he drops the key to start it up. That is when he receives a special alert. A girl named Lydia offers to help her mother fold clean laundry, only she doesn't know how. So Oso helps Lydia fold the laundry to surprise her mother.
Step 1: Fold the shirts
Step 2: Fold the pants
Step 3: Pair up the matching socks (7)
Absent: Wolfie, Bufo, Whirly Bird, Rapide
Note: "Quantum of Sauce/The Girl With the Folded Clothes" is the final episode where both Whirly Bird and Rapide are absent from both a and b.

Title references The Man With the Golden Gun
41a17a"Greenfinger"TBCFebruary 14, 2011 (2011-02-14)217a

Dotty trains Oso to climb up cliffs to the red flag without letting Wolfie's searchlight get him. Oso tries avoiding Wolfie's light until Paw Pilot calls in a special alert, then he falls into the lake. Mechaela wants to water potted plants that have soil, roots, and leaves, but she cannot do it. So it is up to Oso to help Makayla to water potted plants before she leaves for school.
Step 1: Find the watering can
Step 2: Fill the watering can with cold water
Step 3: Pour water onto the soil around the plant (6)
Absent: Bufo, Rapide

Title references Goldfinger
41b17b"For Sleepy Eyes Only"TBCFebruary 14, 2011 (2011-02-14)217b

Professor Bufo trains Oso to load fuel canisters onto the rocket ship to help make it go. Oso tries getting the fuel to the rocket ship, but he goes too fast and the canisters fly off. That's when Oso gets a special assignment. A girl named Nadia is having a birthday party tomorrow, but she is too excited and can't sleep. So Oso decides to help Nadia relax so that she can fall asleep.
Step 1: Close your eyes
Step 2: Slowly take a deep breath
Step 3: Relax your whole body (3)
Absent: Dotty, Wolfie, Rapide

Title references For Your Eyes Only
42a18a"Live and Let Heal"TBCFebruary 23, 2011 (2011-02-23)218a

While flying in the air, Oso is given a training exercise from Dotty where he must stick a jet-tracking device to the wing of a red jet plane. Unfortunately, he gets the device stuck onto him and slips off the plane after Paw Pilot calls in a special alert. Oso helps a boy, Malcolm, clean and bandage his scraped knee while his mom is on the phone.
Step 1: Clean the dirt off the scrape
Step 2: Choose a bandage
Step 3: Cover the scrape with the bandage (7)
Absent: Wolfie, Bufo, Whirly Bird, Rapide

Title references Live and Let Die
42b18b"Goldenfish"TBCFebruary 23, 2011 (2011-02-23)218b

Dotty and Wolfie teach Oso how to go paragliding for his training exercise. Oso is to hold on to the rope as he gets pulled along. However, Oso does not pay any attention to Dotty's warning of a bridge up ahead, and he crashes in to it and loses his grip on the rope. That is when he gets a special alert. A boy, Santiago, has gotten a pet goldfish he called Swimmy. His dad wants to show him how to feed him, but his baby brother needed a diaper change. It will be up to Oso to teach Santiago how to feed his goldfish by himself.
Step 1: Find the fish food
Step 2: Grab a pinch of fish food
Step 3: Sprinkle the fish food into the water (8)
Absent: Bufo, Rapide

Title references GoldenEye
43a19a"For Tamales With Love"TBCSeptember 15, 2011 (2011-09-15)219a

Wolfie puts Oso through a water rescue for his training exercise. He is to ride a waterbike and save Dotty. Unfortunately, Oso presses down on the pedal too hard and loses control. That's when a special alert comes in. A girl in Mexico, Carmen, wants to show her cousins Maritza and Javier how she can make tamales by herself, but she does not know how. So Oso has to help Carmen learn how to make tamales before her abuela gets ready to cook them.
Step 1: Add the masa to the mixture.
Step 2: Add a small spoonful of filling.
Step 3: Wrap the tamale. (6)
Absent: Bufo, Rapide

Title references From Russia With Love
43b19b"Pinata Royale"TBCSeptember 15, 2011 (2011-09-15)219b

Wolfie trains Oso to follow Dotty without letting her see him. But during his mission, he loses sight of her. That's when Oso gets a special alert. Two brothers, Luis and Miguel, are shopping for a piñata for their sister Mariana's quinceañera (15th birthday party). Neither of them know how to prepare the piñata for the party. So it is up to Oso helps them get the piñata ready for Mariana's quinceañera before the guests arrive.
Step 1: Pick out a pinata
Step 2: Fill the pinata
Step 3: Hang the pinata (11)
Absent: Bufo, Whirly Bird, Rapide

Title references Casino Royale
44a20a"Lost and Get Found"TBCApril 6, 2011 (2011-04-06)220a

Professor Bufo trains Oso to find the real Agent Wolfie in a group of Wolfie robots. Oso tries figuring out who is the real Wolfie when he gets a special alert. Three brothers--Juan, Jesus, and Julio--are shopping with their mom at a department store in Madrid, Spain. Juan stops to look at a toy train, and he gets separated from his mom and brothers. Now he is lost and scared and it is up to Oso to help Juan find his family.
Step 1: Stay in one place
Step 2: Find a safe adult like a police officer
Step 3: Tell them your full name and that you're lost (3)
Absent: Dotty, Rapide

Title references Live And Let Die
44b20b"A View to the Truth"TBCApril 6, 2011 (2011-04-06)220b

Wolfie trains Oso to pilot a submarine. But then, Oso forgot to close the hatch, causing the water to seep inside Wolfie's submarine and it sinks. That's when a special alert comes in. A girl, Lena, accidentally breaks her grandma's flower vase while taking her dog Bo outside. Lena lets Bo take the blame, and she feels bad for not telling Grandma what really happened. So, it will be up to Oso to show Lena how to tell the truth about the broken vase to her grandma and also apologize to Wolfie for sinking his submarine.
Step 1: Apologize for what you did
Step 2: Tell what happened
Step 3: Ask to be forgiven
Absent: Dotty, Bufo, Shutterbug, Rapide
Title references A View to a Kill

Note: This is the second special assignment that does not feature a countdown.
45a21a"License to Order"TBCApril 5, 2011 (2011-04-05)221a

Agents Oso and Wolfie are doing road rallying. Oso is to read the map while Wolfie does the driving. But Wolfie could not hear Oso's instructions because the engine is too loud. That is when a special alert comes in, and they drive off a cliff and land in a puddle of water. A girl, Anastasija, is having dinner at a restaurant with her parents. Anastasija wants to order a healthy meal by herself, but she could not read the menu. So it is up to Oso to teach her how to order her own dinner.
Step 1: Look at the menu
Step 2: Pick a healthy meal
Step 3: Tell the waiter what you want (4)
Absent: Dotty, Bufo, Whirly Bird

Title references License to Kill
45b21b"Table Manners Are Forever"TBCApril 5, 2011 (2011-04-05)221b

Dotty trains Oso to sneak onto Wolfie's boat and get a briefcase without being seen or heard. The catch is that Oso must go up against the mysterious Agent Musa who is master of speed and stealth. But Musa beats Oso to the briefcase, and Wolfie launches Oso off the boat after hearing him talk. That is when a special alert comes in. Two kids, Zack and Chloe, are at a fancy dinner party to celebrate the wedding of their aunt Mary and uncle James, but Zack does not know much about using good table manners. So Oso will have to teach Zack good table manners to show Chloe how polite he is.
Step 1: Put your napkin on your lap
Step 2: Eat with a fork, not your fingers
Step 3: Chew with your mouth closed (6)
Absent: Bufo, Rapide
First Appearance of: Musa

Title references Diamonds Are Forever
46a22a"A View to a Fire Drill"TBCApril 7, 2011 (2011-04-07)222a

Oso leads agents Dotty, Wolfie, and Musa through a cave for his training mission. But he wanders off the path causing everyone to go down a sand slide. A special alert comes in. Three girls--Marie, Charlotte, and Lisa--are preparing for a fire drill at school tomorrow, but they do not know what to do. Marie wants to ask her mother if they can do a practice fire drill, but she is too busy working. So Oso decides to lead the girls to show them how to stay safe in case of a real fire.
Step 1: Line up in single file
Step 2: Walk quietly out of the building
Step 3: Stay together outside until the teacher says it's safe to go back inside (3)
Absent: Bufo, Whirly Bird, Rapide
Guest Star: Musa

Title references A View to a Kill
46b22b"Thunderbelt"TBCApril 7, 2011 (2011-04-07)222b

Professor Bufo trains Oso to open a vault where his inventions are stored. Oso needs to turn the dial and pull the handle to open it, but he fails to turn the dial all the way and he gets a special alert after setting off the alarm and getting himself trapped. A girl named Maya, and her mom are going on a picnic in the car. Maya wants to show her mom how she can buckle her seatbelt by herself, but she has trouble getting buckled up. So Oso teaches Maya how to buckle up before she and her mom drive to the picnic.
Step 1: Face forward in your seat
Step 2: Pull the seat belt across your chest and lap
Step 3: Push the end of the seat belt into the buckle (8)
Absent: Dotty, Wolfie, Whirly Bird, Musa

Title references Thunderball
47a23a"License to Cheer Up"TBCNovember 8, 2011 (2011-11-08)223a

Wolfie trains Oso to drive a hovercraft. Oso's goal is to stay behind Wolfie during their flight, but he loses sight of Wolfie when he sees a bird ahead. Oso gets a special alert, and he crashes into Wolfie. A girl at school, Jennifer is feeling sad, and her friend Gavin wants to cheer her up. So Oso decides to help Gavin find a way to cheer up Jennifer before playtime ends.
Step 1: Ask if your friend is okay
Step 2: Find out what's wrong
Step 3: Help your friend think of something happy (8)
Absent: Dotty, Bufo, Shutterbug, Rapide, Musa

Title references License to Kill
47b23b"You Only Vote Once"TBCNovember 8, 2011 (2011-11-08)223b

Oso is trained to test Professor Bufo's new hang glider. He is to fly it to a mountain and land on one of the landing pads. Oso could not decide which pad to land on, and he lands in the snow. He then receives a special alert. Two girls, Aubrey and Julia, and their friends are having trouble deciding what to play. Some want to play kickball, and some want to play hopscotch. So Oso decides to help the kids vote for what to play.
Step 1: Think about your choice
Step 2: Vote for your choice
Step 3: Count the votes to see what wins (3)
Absent: Dotty, Wolfie, Shutterbug, Rapide, Musa

Title references You Only Live Twice
48a24a"Quantum of Celery"TBCApril 8, 2011 (2011-04-08)224a

Wolfie trains Oso to launch water balloons at a target. But Oso overloads the launcher with too many balloons, and they get launched in all directions. He gets a special alert. A girl, Audrey, has trouble making a healthy snack for school--ants on a log--while her mother changes her baby sister's diaper. So it is up to Oso to help her out before the bus comes to take her to school.
Step 1: Get some celery sticks
Step 2: Choose a filling
Step 3: Put raisins in the filling (11)
Absent: Dotty, Bufo, Rapide, Musa

Title references Quantum of Solace
48b24b"Drink Another Day"TBCApril 8, 2011 (2011-04-08)224b

Oso is trained by Wolfie to go on a deep sea search. Oso is to launch a deep sea probe in an underwater cave, but he launches it in the wrong direction and hits Wolfie's boat. A special alert is called. Oso shows a girl at a school playground in Greece, Athena, how to drink from a water fountain. That way, she would never be thirsty.
Step 1: Turn on the water
Step 2: Lean close to the spout
Step 3: Take a sip of the water (7)
Absent: Dotty, Bufo, Shutterbug, Rapide, Musa
Note: "Quantum of Celery/Drink Another Day" is the final episode where Whirly Bird appears in both a and b.

Title references Die Another Day
49a25a"Dye Another Egg"TBCMarch 30, 2012 (2012-03-30)225a

Oso helps Gabriel and Kiara dye Easter eggs.
Step 1: Put food coloring in water.
Step 2: Dip the eggs
Step 3: Take the eggs out to dry. (16)
Absent: Dotty, Wolfie, Whirly Bird, Musa

Title references Die Another Day
49b25b"Dr. Skip"TBCApril 6, 2012 (2012-04-06)225b

Oso helps Jasmine learn how to skip.
Step 1: Step forward with one foot and hop on it.
Step 2: Step forward with the other foot and hop on it.
Step 3: Keep stepping and hopping (10)
Absent: Dotty, Shutterbug, Rapide, Musa

Title references Dr. No
50a26a"For Your Hands Only"TBCMay 6, 2011 (2011-05-06)226a

Dotty is doing repairs on the Spacejet, and Oso is to shine the Spacepod light where Dotty is repairing. Suddenly, Oso's attention gets turned around when he sees a shooting star, and he moves the light around causing Dotty to do some damage on the Spacejet. That's when Oso gets a special alert. A girl, Eun-Kyung, wants to make a handprint for a Mother's Day gift. But her father is busy cooking for the big Mother's Day dinner and her sister, Meehwa, needed to go to soccer practice. So Eun-Kyung gets help from Oso so she can make her handprint before her mother comes home for her special dinner.
Step 1: Pour fingerprint paint into a tray
Step 2: Dip your hand in the paint
Step 3: Press your hand down on a piece of paper (5)
Absent: Wolfie, Bufo, Whirly Bird, Rapide, Musa

Title references For Your Eyes Only
50b26b"Thunderbeam"TBCMay 6, 2011 (2011-05-06)226b

Professor Bufo makes Oso test the Hydro Bubble to walk on water. Oso's mission is to cross the lake and get onto Wolfie's boat. But as he nears the boat, he gets tired from walking on the water and then gets swept away by a waterfall. That's when a special alert comes in. A girl, Leah, wants to join the Green Group Gymnastics after watching her older sister Kyra walk across a low-level balance beam. But Leah is prohibited for taking part because she can not do it. So it's up to Oso to teach Leah how to cross the balance beam to join the gymnastics before the class starts.
Step 1: Stand on the balance beam
Step 2: Hold your arms out by your sides
Step 3: Put one foot in front of the other and walk across the beam (13)
Absent: Whirly Bird, Musa

Title references Thunderball
51a27a"Best Friends Are Forever"TBCSeptember 2, 2011 (2011-09-02)227a

Oso agrees with Dotty to help set up the new moon beacon. Dotty tells Oso to bring her the last piece to put the beacon together. Oso tries looking for the piece, but he brings the wrong one. A special alert is called. A girl named Madison is sad because her best friend, Aaliyah, is moving away. So Oso decides to help Madison say goodbye to her best friend before she moves to her new home.
Step 1: Spend some time together
Step 2: Give her something to remember her by
Step 3: Share a goodbye hug (12)
Absent: Wolfie, Bufo, Shutterbug, Whirly Bird, Rapide, Musa

Title references Diamonds Are Forever
51b27b"For School Days Only"TBCSeptember 2, 2011 (2011-09-02)227b

Dotty trains Oso to go sail suit gliding. Oso can't find his sail suit because he forgot his backpack, so he uses his parachute instead. But then, he gets it caught on the ledge during his flight. That is when Oso receives a special alert. A boy named Evan is getting ready for his first day of kindergarten, but he is nervous because he cannot get ready all by himself. So Oso decides to help Evan get ready before he needs to leave for school.
Step 1: Pack your backpack
Step 2: Grab your lunch box
Step 3: Put on your jacket (3)
Absent: Wolfie, Bufo, Rapide
Guest Star: Musa
Note: "Best Friends are Forever/For School Days Only" is the only episode in Season 2 where Wolfie and Rapide are absent from both a and b, and also the final episode where Wolfie and Rapide are absent from both a and b.

Title references For Your Eyes Only
52a28a"A View to a Goal"TBCMay 30, 2011 (2011-05-30)228a

Dotty trains Oso to drive Wolfie's stunt car to the bottom of a mountain and to the Base Camp for a low-visibility mission. But because of the fog, Oso does not pay attention and drives Wolfie's car off a cliff. That's when he gets a special assignment. Oso teaches a boy, Alberto, how to kick a soccer ball and make a goal just like his brother Marco.
Step 1: Line up the ball with the goal
Step 2: Get in position
Step 3: Kick the ball toward the goal with the top of your foot (8)
Absent: Bufo, Shutterbug, Whirly Bird, Musa

Title references A View to a Kill
52b28b"Sweep Another Day"TBCMay 30, 2011 (2011-05-30)228b

Oso is on a jungle pursuit mission chasing Special Agent Musa. Oso's mission is to catch Musa before he gets to the satellite dish during the chase. But during his mission, Oso steps into quicksand. That is when he receives a special alert. He helps a boy, Xavier, learn how to sweep up the floor of his playroom for a visit from his friend Rafael.
Step 1: Sweep the broom in one direction
Step 2: Sweep the dirt into a pile
Step 3: Sweep the dirt into a dustpan (12)
Absent: Wolfie, Bufo, Whirly Bird
Guest Star: Musa

Title references Die Another Day
53a29a"Freeze Dance Royale"TBCAugust 12, 2011 (2011-08-12)229a

Oso helps Professor Bufo test his new submarine's sonar. As Bufo goes to work on his aquapod, Oso tries to listen to the sonar and sound the alarm to signal Bufo. But while Oso listens to some music on Paw Pilot, he doesn't pay attention to the sonar and the submarine gets hit. That is when a special alert comes in. Oso teaches two friends in Taiwan, Mia and Lin, how to play freeze dance so they can join the older kids.
Step 1: Dance to the music
Step 2: Stop dancing when the music stops, or else you're out
Step 3:Keep playing until someone wins (9)
Absent: Dotty, Wolfie, Rapide, Musa

Title references Casino Royale
53b29b"The Boy With the Cardboard Fort"TBCAugust 12, 2011 (2011-08-12)229b

Dotty trains Oso to drop water balloons on a target from high up in the air. But Oso goes too fast and misses the target. That is when a special alert comes in. Oso helps a boy, Wyatt, build a fort out of a cardboard box from which a new refrigerator came in.
Step 1: Lay a big box on its side
Step 2: Make the door and windows
Step 3:Decorate the box. (8)
Absent: Bufo, Whirly Bird, Rapide, Musa

Title references The Man with the Golden Gun
54a30a"Goldfanner"TBCJanuary 24, 2012 (2012-01-24)230a

Oso helps Min make her mom a new fan after she accidentally rips the old one.
Step 1: Decorate a piece of paper
Step 2: Fold and flip the paper into skinny rectangles
Step 3: Fold the bottom of the paper and open carefully (5)
Absent: Wolfie, Bufo, Whirly Bird, Musa

Title references Goldfinger
54b30b"Connect Another Dot"TBCJanuary 24, 2012 (2012-01-24)230b

Oso helps Dimitri draw a connect-the-dots picture.
Step 1: Find dot #1 with a pencil
Step 2: Draw a line from dot #1 to dot #2
Step 3: Draw a line from the next dot, which is dot #3, until you get to the last dot
Note: This is the third special assignment that does not feature a countdown. Absent: Wolfie, Bufo, Whirly Bird, Musa

Title references Die Another Day
55a31a"License to Share"TBCJanuary 25, 2012 (2012-01-25)231a

Oso helps Chris and Katelyn share a toy cash register.
Step 1: Agree to share the toy cash register
Step 2: Decide which person plays with the toy cash register first
Step 3: Take turns sharing the toy cash register (9)
Absent: Dotty, Wolfie, Shutterbug, Whirly Bird, Musa

Title references License to Kill
55b31b"Live and Be Polite"TBCJanuary 25, 2012 (2012-01-25)231b

Oso helps Jordan learn how to be polite.
Step 1: Wait your turn
Step 2: Say please
Step 3: Say thank you (5)
Absent: Dotty, Bufo, Musa

Title references Live and Let Die
5632"The Manny with the Golden Bear"June 1, 2012 (2012-06-01)March 30, 2012 (2012-03-30)232

Oso is to deliver a briefcase to Professor Bufo who is on a submarine. In order to get there, Oso must use various vehicles. Dotty and Wolfie are on call if he needs help, but Oso thinks he can complete the mission by himself. But when he tries to land the Space Jet in the water, it sinks. Paw Pilot calls in a special alert. A boy in Sheetrock Hills, David, wants to learn to ride a bicycle his cousin gave him. However, his mother cannot teach him because of her broken foot and the bike is broken too. So, David calls Handy Manny (TV series) and his tools to help him and Oso fix the bike for Bike Day in the park. Oso learns a lesson about asking for help and working together.

Special Guest Stars: Wilmer Valderrama as Handy Manny, Dee Bradley Baker as Turner, Tom Kenny as Pat, Fred Stoller as Rusty, Nika Futterman as Stretch, Nika Futterman as Squeeze, Kath Soucie as Dusty, Grey DeLisle as Flicker, and Carlos Alazraqui as Felipe

Guest Stars: Nancy Truman as Kelly

Absent: Shutterbug, Mr. Lopart, Musa

Note: This is a special crossover episode with Handy Manny. Note: This is the fourth special assignment that does not feature a countdown.

Note: This is a special crossover episode that does not feature a codename song. The title, however, is referential of The Man with the Golden Gun.
57a33a"Sock Puppet Royale"TBCOctober 7, 2011 (2011-10-07)233a

Wolfie gives Oso a training assignment to camouflage Rapide with the desert sands using Professor Bufo's new sprayer. Oso partially covers Rapide with the spray. That is when he gets a special alert. Oso decides to help a girl, Lucia, make a sock puppet to use in her brother Mateo's puppet show.
Step 1: Ask for a white sock to use.
Step 2: Make the puppet's face.
Step 3: Use your hand to make the puppet talk. (8)
Absent: Whirly Bird, Musa

Title references Casino Royale
57b33b"Costume of Solace"TBCOctober 7, 2011 (2011-10-07)233b

Dotty trains Oso to escape from a flooding room of water without using any of his gadgets but a floatation vest. During his mission, however, Oso gets trapped in a whirlpool. That is when he gets a special alert. Oso decides to help Lainie find what she needs to get dressed up like a princess for a tea party.
Step 1: Find a pink pretty dress.
Step 2: Add some jewelry to wear.
Step 3: Find a crown. (12)
Absent: Wolfie, Bufo, Whirly Bird, Musa
Note: "Sock Puppet Royale/Costume of Solace" is the final episode where Whirly Bird is absent for both a and b.

Title references Quantum of Solace
58a34a"Diamonds Are for Baseball"TBCMay 17, 2012 (2012-05-17)234a

Oso helps Adam hit a baseball.
Step 1: Step up to the plate.
Step 2: Get in batting position.
Step 3: Look at the ball and swing the bat. (9)
Absent: Bufo, Shutterbug, Whirly Bird, Musa
Note: This was the episode never to air in Japan, along with Tomorrow Never Ducks.

Title references Diamonds are Forever
58b34b"Tomorrow Never Ducks"TBCMay 17, 2012 (2012-05-17)234b

Oso helps Raphael and his friends play "duck, duck, goose".
Step 1: Say "duck" as you walk around the outside of the circle and gently tap their heads.
Step 2: Tap one person's head and say "goose".
Step 3: Run around the outside of the circle to the open end and sit down. (12)
Absent: Dotty, Bufo, Shutterbug, Rapide, Musa
Note: This was the episode never to air in Japan, along with Diamonds Are for Baseball.

Title references Tomorrow Never Dies
59a35a"The Sitter Who Watched Me"TBCJanuary 26, 2012 (2012-01-26)235a

Oso helps Faith feel comfortable with her new babysitter.
Step 1: Meet the babysitter
Step 2: Show him or her what you like to do
Step 3: Say goodbye to mom and dad.
Note: This is the fifth special assignment that does not feature a countdown.
Absent: Whirly Bird
Guest Star: Musa
Last appearance of: Rapide

Title references The Spy Who Loved Me
59b35b"Potty Royale"TBCJanuary 26, 2012 (2012-01-26)237b

Oso helps Aiden use the bathroom all by himself.
Step 1: Ask yourself if you have to go
Step 2: Find the bathroom
Step 3: Wash your hands when you're done using the potty (6)
Absent: Bufo, Rapide
Guest Star: Musa
Last appearance of: Musa

Title references Casino Royale
6036"Thundersmall"TBCJanuary 23, 2012 (2012-01-23)236

Dotty trains Oso to jump his car off a dock onto Wolfie's submarine, but--as always--Oso fails in his training exercise on his first try. After all, Oso is a special agent in training. Meanwhile, Professor Buffo has invented a new machine that shrinks things. After he tests the shrinking machine on Wolfie's motorcycle, Oso plays with it thinking it was a toy. Suddenly, Oso, Dotty, Wolfie, Professor Buffo and Whirly Bird accidentally get shrunk by Bufo's invention, and chaos breaks out in the U.N.I.Q.U.E. Dome. Now, it is up to Oso to find a way to save himself and his friends in order to return to normal size, and will he find what it takes to become a real special agent.
Step 1: Find Wolfie and Dotty
Step 2: Bring Wolfie and Dotty back to the room
Step 3: Use the Thundersmall Machine to bring them back to normal
Absent: Rapide, Musa
Notes: Rudy (Dr. Throw), Audrey (Quantum of Celery), and Miguel & Luis (Pinata Royale) make cameo appearances. The laser jumping room from "Live and Jump Rope" and the robot arms from "Leaf Raker" make their second appearances.

Title references Thunderball


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