Spike (software development)

A spike is a product-testing method that is used to determine how much work will be required to solve or work around a software issue. Typically, a 'spike test' involves gathering additional information or testing for easily reproduced edge-cases. The term is used in agile software development methodologies like Scrum or Extreme Programming.


A spike in a sprint can be used in a number of ways:[1]

A distinction can be made between technical spikes and functional spikes. The technical spike is used more often for evaluating the impact new technology has on the current implementation. A functional spike is used to determine the interaction with a new feature or implementation.

Following a spike, the results (a new design, a refined workflow, etc.) are shared and discussed with the team.


  1. "Spikes in Scrum". Agile Atlas. Retrieved 9 October 2015.
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