Sticherus lobatus

Spreading Fan Fern
Spreading Fan Fern at Mount Budawang, Australia
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Pteridophyta
Class: Polypodiopsida /
Pteridopsida (disputed)
Order: Gleicheniales
Family: Gleicheniaceae
Genus: Sticherus
Species: S. lobatus
Binomial name
Sticherus lobatus

Sticherus lobatus, known as the Spreading Fan Fern is a small fern found in eastern and southern Australia. A common and attractive plant, similar to S. flabellatus but with additional lobed segments.[1] Often forming colonies in open forest areas, or on the edge of rainforests.[2]


  1. Les Robinson - Field Guide to the Native Plants of Sydney, ISBN 978-0-7318-1211-0 page 314
  2. " Sticherus lobatus". PlantNET - NSW Flora Online. Retrieved 2010-08-09.
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