The Computer and Automation Research Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
The Computer and Automation Research Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (in short: MTA SZTAKI, Hungarian: Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Számítástechnikai és Automatizálási Kutatóintézet) was created in 1964, is under supervision of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences since 1973.
About the Institute
Its primary tasks include basic and application-oriented research in an interdisciplinary setting in the fields of engineering, computer science, information technology, intelligent systems as well as process control, multimedia and wide area networking. Further tasks of MTA SZTAKI include training, contract-based target research, development and expert support for domestic and foreign industrial, governmental and other partners. The Institute also operates a public advice service on knowledge-transfer of up-to-date research results and state-of-the-art technology to university students. MTA SZTAKI has wide external relationships and different groups within the Institute work on projects for well-known international and Hungarian companies and the number of European Union projects is also impressing. Its staff has more than 300 full-time employees.
Research Activity
Basic Research - Main domains
- Computer Science
- Systems- and control theory
- Engineering and business intelligence
- Machine perception and human-computer interaction
R&D Activities
- Vehicles and transportation systems
- Production informatics and logistics
- Energy and sustainable development
- Security and surveillance
- Networks, networking systems and services, distributed computing
- 3D Internet-based Control and Communications Laboratory
- Computational Optical Sensing and Processing Laboratory
- eLearning Department
- Distributed Events Analysis Research Laboratory
- Department of Distributed Systems
- Geometric Modelling and Computer Vision Laboratory
- Network Security Department
- Informatics Laboratory
- Research Laboratory on Engineering & Management Intelligence
- Laboratory of Parallel and Distributed Systems
- Systems and Control Lab
Public Services
- W3C Hungarian Office
- SZTAKI Dictionary
- SZTAKI Web Search
- KOPI Plagiarism Detection System
- Sztakipédia Wiki editor
- Guide@hand audio tourist guide application
- Fordítást is figyel a SZTAKI plágiumkeresője (in Hungarian)
- Demokratizálja a Desktop Grid-et a SZTAKI (in Hungarian)
- Sztakipédia: itt a tudásmegosztás hatékonyabb módja (in Hungarian)
- A SZTAKI szorgalmazza a honlapok akadálymentességét (in Hungarian)
- A jogsértő fordítást is leleplezi a KOPI program (in Hungarian)
- Virtuális séta Ottlikkal (in Hungarian)
- Valós idejű 3D-technológia a SZTAKI-ban (in Hungarian)
- Különleges algafajok élnek a téli Balatonban (in Hungarian)
- Az MTA SZTAKI egyedülálló módszerével vizsgálják a Balaton vízminőségét (in Hungarian)
- Itt a zsebben megbúvó tökéletes útitárs (in Hungarian)
- Miből lesz a robot MÁV-pénztáros? (in Hungarian)
- Bosch:egyedülálló K+F együttműködésről kezdődtek tárgyalások (in Hungarian)
- Lewis Hamilton városnézése a Guide@Hand-del (in Hungarian)
- 3D internet alapú kontroll- és kommunikációs laboratórium épült Budapesten (in Hungarian)
- Dr. Idegen Toll (in Hungarian)
- Mi a baj a magyar kutatókkal? (in Hungarian)
- Simonyi Károly-díj két magyar tudósnak (in Hungarian)
- Világcégek az MTA kutatóintézeteivel (in Hungarian)
- Magyar elsőségek (in Hungarian)