The Greatest Generations Foundation

The Greatest Generations Foundation (TGGF) is a United States 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to honoring veterans by commemorating the battles in which they fought and the patriotism that they epitomize. The Foundation honors these heroes by collecting their stories of valor, duty, honor and sacrifice and sharing them through youth education and corporate leadership. TGGF’s programs all operate at no cost to veterans, and serves veterans of all conflicts; however, the Foundation’s current focus is World War II veterans due to the exigency of their limited and rapidly decreasing number.

Battlefield Programs For Combat Veterans

Since 2004, TGGF has offered the opportunity for World War II, Korean and Vietnam veterans to return to their battlefields at no cost to them. These voyages back to the battlefields are often emotional, but provide veterans a measure of closure from their war experiences, the chance to share in the gratitude for their service, and a venue to educate others.

Connecting Generations Program

The Greatest Generations Foundation collaborates with universities to bring college students along on many of the battlefield journeys abroad. These programs are a powerful learning experience for the students. The students learn about the historic events of World War II. The history is deepened significantly by hearing the veterans’ personal accounts of bravery and sacrifice during these events. The veterans know their legacy and stories will be preserved and passed along by the students. These journeys provide a powerful bridge between two generations who, prior to these trips, often have had little contact with or curiosity about each other. TGGF will conduct six Connecting Generations programs annually.

Operation Common Ground

The Greatest Generations Foundation brings World War II, Korea and Vietnam veterans and Wounded Warriors who have overcome the hardships of acclimating to civilian life after being wounded in combat to aid stations in Europe where soldiers are being treated for recent wounds sustained in Operation Enduring Freedom. By connecting these two generations of veterans, those from WWII gain closure in a way otherwise inaccessible while those from recent operations are encouraged to have met the men who fought for a common goal over 65 years ago, defending the freedom that they defend today during Operation Enduring Freedom.

American Hero Day Program

American Hero Day is designed to enhance the knowledge of historical events in a classroom environment. The Greatest Generations Foundationhas facilitated school visits throughout the US, Europe and Australia to engage with students of all ages about the military events of the 20th century. Through this program veterans visit classrooms of primary and secondary grades to personally share their stories, answer questions and bring to life the history most children can only read about in books. By collaborating with elderly veterans who are TGGF program alumni, The Greatest Generations Foundation is able to provide students of all ages with a comprehensive, first-person education about wartime sacrifice, and the American ideals that are worth fighting for. These 20-45 minute programs focus on instilling in students a better understanding of the cost of freedom, and a deeper love of country.

The National Traveling World War II Museum

From the beaches of Normandy to the sands of Iwo Jima, The National Traveling WWII Museum's exhibits are a blend of personal accounts, artifacts, documents, photographs and original film footage. The traveling museum is a dynamic educational resource serving the teachers and students from grade school through the post-graduate level. Exhibitions and programs allow students from all background to explore the values and beliefs that Americans and Allies embraced during World War II through a mobile museum. Utilizing an object-based learning experience, educational technology and world-class exhibits, the museum uses its rich collection of artifacts and archives to take history beyond the pages of textbooks and into the hands of curious students.


  1. Eight Square Miles: The Fight for Iwo JimaNBC News
  2. The Greatest Generations Foundation - Timothy Davis Interview - WWII History Magazine
  3. Veterans Reflect on Challenges They Faced During the Invasion of Normandy - ABC World News Tonight
  4. US veterans return to our haven from hell - Herald Sun Newspaper Melbourne Australia
  5. Pearl Harbor Survivor Returns For First Time - Denver Post Colorado
  6. Pearl Harbor survivor returns to Hawaii for the first time - NBC News Colorado
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