The Joe Grey Mysteries

The Joe Grey Mysteries are a series of mysteries written by Shirley Rousseau Murphy. The first book, Cat on the Edge,[1] was published in April 1996 as a paperback original (ISBN 0-06-105600-6), as were the next two, Cat Under Fire (November 1996), and Cat Raise the Dead (May 1997). Cat Bearing Gifts was published in November 2012. "Cat on the Money" is a novella which was originally published in Cats Magazine. The magazine was discontinued before the story was finished. Only 8 chapters had been published. The entire story can be downloaded at the official site of The Joe Grey Mysteries.[2]

Major characters

Recurring characters


The Catswold Portal, also written by Murphy and originally published in 1992, is a sort of prequel to the Joe Grey series. Although not part of the Joe Grey series, The Catswold Portal is similar in that it also involves talking magical cat-people. The story takes place in the same locale as the Joe Grey series, only earlier, and explains the origins of the talking cats and how they came to be.[2]


  1. Easton, Tom. "Review: Cat on the Edge". Analog Science Fiction and Fact / Internet Speculative Fiction Database. Retrieved November 11, 2014.
  2. 1 2
  3. Murphy, Shirley Rousseau. "Welcome to the Official Site of Joe Grey, P. I.". Website created by Sylvia Engdahl. Retrieved November 11, 2014.
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