The Joe Grey Mysteries
The Joe Grey Mysteries are a series of mysteries written by Shirley Rousseau Murphy. The first book, Cat on the Edge,[1] was published in April 1996 as a paperback original (ISBN 0-06-105600-6), as were the next two, Cat Under Fire (November 1996), and Cat Raise the Dead (May 1997). Cat Bearing Gifts was published in November 2012. "Cat on the Money" is a novella which was originally published in Cats Magazine. The magazine was discontinued before the story was finished. Only 8 chapters had been published. The entire story can be downloaded at the official site of The Joe Grey Mysteries.[2]
Major characters
- Joe Grey -- A talking gray-and-white tomcat who solves murders and other crimes with the help of his mate Dulcie. Joe Grey has a docked tail after his tail was broken by a drunkard.
- Dulcie -- A talking orange tabby cat, "the sharpest feline sleuth on the mystery scene--one cool cat, a clawed and formidable enemy of crime,"[3] Dulcie has solved numerous murders and other crimes with the help of her mate Joe Grey. Dulcie is also a library cat.
- The Kit
- Clyde Damen
- Wilma Getz
- Police Captain Max Harper
- Charlie Getz/Harper
- Detective Dallas Garza
- Ryan Flannery
- Detective Juana Davis
- Rube
- Lucinda Greenlaw
- Pedric Greenlaw
Recurring characters
- Kate Osbourne
- Lee Wark
- Willow
- Cotton
- Coyote
- Azrael
- Hestig & Selig
- Rock
- Barney
- Snowflake
- Bucky
- Redwing
- Bernine Sage
- Sicily Aronson
- John Bern
- Mabel Farthy/Hammond
- Mavity Flowers
- Cora Lee French
- Susan Dorriss/Brittain
- Lamb
- Gabrielle Row
- Dillon Thurwell
- Helen Thurwell
- John/Bob Thurwell
- Lori Reed
- Detective Kathleen Ray
- Lieutenant Brennan
- Hanni Coon
- Dr. Jim Firetti
- Greeley Urzey
- George Jolly
- Michael Flannery
- Scott Flannery
- # 1. Cat on the Edge (HarperPrism, 1996; Avon, ISBN 0-06-105600-6)
- # 2. Cat Under Fire (HarperPrism, 1997; Avon, ISBN 0-06-105601-4). Winner of the Cat Writers' Association's 1997 Muse Medallion.
- # 3. Cat Raise the Dead (HarperPrism, 1997; Avon, ISBN 0-06-105602-2). Winner of the Cat Writers' Association's 1998 Muse Medallion and President's Best-of-the-Best Awards.
- # 4. Cat in the Dark (HarperPrism, 1999; Avon, ISBN 0-06-105947-1). Winner of the Cat Writers' Association's 1999 Muse Medallion.
- # 5. Cat to the Dogs (HarperCollins, 2000. Hardcover: ISBN 0-06-105097-0. Paperback: Avon, ISBN 0-06-105988-9)
- # 6. Cat Spitting Mad (HarperCollins, 2001. Hardcover: ISBN 0-06-105098-9. Paperback: Avon, ISBN 0-06-105989-7. Large print: Wheeler, 1-58-724158-7.) Winner of the Cat Writers' Association's 2001 Muse Medallion.
- **Cat on the Money (Published in Cats Magazine and
- Cat Laughing Last
- Cat Seeing Double
- Cat Fear No Evil
- Cat Cross Their Graves
- Cat Breaking Free
- Cat Pay the Devil
- Cat Deck the Halls
- Cat Playing Cupid
- Cat Striking Back
- Cat Coming Home
- Cat Telling Tales
- Cat Bearing Gifts
Related Book
The Catswold Portal, also written by Murphy and originally published in 1992, is a sort of prequel to the Joe Grey series. Although not part of the Joe Grey series, The Catswold Portal is similar in that it also involves talking magical cat-people. The story takes place in the same locale as the Joe Grey series, only earlier, and explains the origins of the talking cats and how they came to be.[2]
External links
- ↑ Easton, Tom. "Review: Cat on the Edge". Analog Science Fiction and Fact / Internet Speculative Fiction Database. Retrieved November 11, 2014.
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- ↑ Murphy, Shirley Rousseau. "Welcome to the Official Site of Joe Grey, P. I.". Website created by Sylvia Engdahl. Retrieved November 11, 2014.