Theater in Honduras

Theater is the branch of scenic arts related with performances, and with it are represented histories in front of an audience using a combination of speech, gestures, scenography, music, sound and show. It is also the literary gender that comprises the works conceived for a stage, in front of a public. In the American continent has existed the theatre from a lot before the conquest, during the colonisation spread the European theatre and mixed with the pre-Columbian theatre.

The villages originaries of America had his own rituals, festivals and ceremonies that included dances, singings, poetries, songs, escenificaciones theatrical, mimos, acrobatics and shows of magic. The actors were trained, used costumes, masks, make-up and wigs. Likewise, they built platforms to improve the visibility and the stages were decorated with natural objects.

Europeans used the American theatrical inheritance for his mission evangelizadora. During the first fifty years after the Conquest of America, the missionary used widely the theatre to propagate the Christian doctrine to the native population, accustomed to the visual and oral shows.

In Honduras historically practises European theatre from the 16th century, the first theatrical presentation in Honduras was the Devil Cojuelo, a work of the dramatist and Spanish novelist Luis Vélez of Guevara, the presentation carried out in the year 1750, in the open air, in the city of Comayagua.

Next they built diverse theatres, until in 1905 the president Manuel Bonilla decreed the construction of a national theatre, more than a theatre, a coliseo, where the capitalinos could witness theatre, opera, zarzuela and dance to the European. In 1915 it concluded the construction of the national theatre, that called finally Manuel Bonilla National Theater in honour to the president that decreed his construction.

Theater men an women in Honduras

In theatre project the works of the father José Trinidad Kings Seville founder of the Autonomous National University of Honduras.

Ramón Amaya Amador created several plays "The Black Plague", "The Chapetones" and a call "The Bad Woman" in 1959.

Nowadays they project the works of the renowned Tito Ochoa with the theatrical group Memories. Rafael Murillo Selva, his work "Loubavagu" or "The Another Far Side" has been represented in more than one thousand occasions in artistic festivals around the planet.

The poet Daniel Laínez wrote the work "Timoteo amuses " in 1946 and the work "A man of influence" in 1956.

In the actuality the theatrical communities of greater life are in the main Theatre Memories directed by Tito Ochoa. (TTT Directed by Mario Jaen, Theatrical Group Bamboo and Theatre Laboratory of Honduras, in The Progress, Yoro (Theatre the fragua) and San Pedro Sula, Córtes (Theatrical Circle Sampedrano, Theatrical Project Future, Cultural Society of Sula "The Theatrical Sampedrana" founded and directed by Manuel Bonilla)

Some actors, actresses and Honduran directors are: Fredy David Ponce Rivas, Edy Barahona, Isidro Spain, Francisco Molina, Eleazar Úbeda, Johel Perla, Magda Alvarado, Elisa Logan, Hermes Kings, Dax Marcell, Hermes Zelaya, Edilberto González, Guillermo Fernández QDDG, Luis Joel Rivera, José Ramón Inestroza, Rigoberto Fernández, Mario Jaén, José Luis Recinos, Armando Valeriano, Damario Kings, José Francisco Saybe, Manuel Bonilla, Reiniery Andean, Delmer López, Sandra Herrera, Oscar Lemus, Oscar Zelaya, Oscar Barahona, David Martínez, Tito Estrada, Ybis Zelaya, Lourdes Ochoa, Elena of Larios, Maricela Nolasco, Susan Arteaga, Alba Luz Rogel, Cecilia Peacock, Lucy Ondina, Leonardo Mount of Goose (mimo), Robero Becerra, Roberto Carlo Rivera, Benjamín Safe, Mariela Zavala, Felipe Acosta, Alonzo Baires, Emma Martínez, Jorge Osorto, Javier Suazo.

Honduran plays

Rooms and spaces for Theatre in Honduras

National theaters ordered chronologically are the following:

Centres of Theatrical Training

The centres of theatrical training are the following:

Groups of Theatre in Honduras

Between the groups of theatre of Honduras have the following: In Alphabetical order

Staged of the cía Honduran Theatrical Group Bamboo and the Spanish cultural Cooperation in Honduras in the TNMB.

See also


  1. "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 30 October 2013. Retrieved 14 June 2016.
  2. "Café Teatral". Facebook. Retrieved 2016-06-14.
  3. "Proyecto Teatral Futuro". Retrieved 2016-06-14.
  4. "Teatro memorias HONDURAS". Retrieved 2016-06-14.
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