Tiger Balm Garden

The entrance to Haw Par Villa in the grounds of Tiger Balm Garden in Singapore.
Figures at Tiger Balm Garden Hong Kong in 1965

Tiger Balm Gardens are public gardens that existed or continue to exist in three East Asia locations. They are also known as Haw Par Villa gardens.

All three Tiger Balm Garden locations were built by the Aw family (Aw Boon Haw and Aw Boon Par). They were created to promote the Tiger Balm products produced by the family.

The original garden was located in Hong Kong but is now closed. The second is in Singapore, and a third is in Fujian province of Mainland China.

The gardens contain statues and dioramas depicting scenes from Chinese folklore, legends, history and illustrations of various aspects of Confucianism.

Tiger Balm Gardens at different locations


  1. Homes and family Tiger balm Foundation website. Accessed June 2012


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