
ToolBook User Interface
ToolBook is a SCORM and AICC compliant Microsoft Windows based e-learning content authoring application initially released in 1990 by Asymetrix Corporation, which later became click2learn and then SumTotal Systems. Asymetrix was founded by Paul Allen, one of the original partners in Microsoft.
For the first several releases ToolBook was seen as a competitor to Visual Basic as a Windows programming environment, to be used to create Windows applications. ToolBook 3 introduced the added ability to create training lessons, offering a variety of question types and scoring behaviors. With the release of version 5, ToolBook introduced the ability to publish a lesson into HTML format. Since that time ToolBook has been continually enhanced to allow for the HTML to be viewed on a wide variety of web browsers and mobile devices.
ToolBook uses a book metaphor (a project file is thought of as a book containing pages of content). This is very similar to PowerPoint's use of the metaphor where presentations contain various slides.
ToolBook allows for the creation of Windows-based applications/training [termed 'Native content'], as well as web based applications/training [termed 'DHTML content'].
To support these two distribution models, ToolBook contains two different programming environments.
- OpenScript: ToolBook includes a very capable built-in programming language called OpenScript, which is similar to HyperTalk. OpenScript is object oriented and event-driven, where chunks of programming code are associated to the different elements within the lesson. The OpenScript language only functions within the Native engine of ToolBook. It does not function in DHTML delivered content.
- Actions Editor: The Actions Editor is another programming environment where the syntax is virtually identical to OpenScript. The biggest difference is that the Actions Editor is not as powerful a language as OpenScript. Whereas OpenScript has over a thousand commands and functions, the Actions Editor contains perhaps 80. However, Actions Editor programming code works equally well within ToolBook (Native) as well as in a web browser (DHTML).
Key Features
ToolBook contains many features, but the key features can be summarized as:
- Catalog - The Catalog is a repository of objects that can be added to your project. For example: Text fields, Buttons, Question Objects, Rectangles, Navigation Controls. You can even add your own objects to the catalog so that they can be used later in different projects.
- Book Explorer - The Book Explorer will display a tree-view breakdown of all objects on a given page.
- PowerPoint Converter - The PowerPoint Add-on (called SumTotal Publish To ToolBook) will allow you to convert a PowerPoint presentation into a ToolBook file. Once installed, you'll find this Add-on within the main Ribbon within PowerPoint.
- Simulation Recorder - The Simulation Recorder will watch and record you interacting with another application, and allow you to import that simulation into ToolBook as an interactive simulation (this is not a video recording).
- Simulation Editor - You can create your own simulations manually or edit/modify a simulation you recorded using the Simulation Recorder. Simulations can be played back in 3 modes: Demonstration (sit back and watch), Practice (provides detailed next-step instruction to user, allowing them to complete the simulation), Assessment (let the user attempt the simulation by themselves).
- Path Animation - Any object in ToolBook can be configured to move (animate) across the page using a simple or even complex path.
- Media Players - ToolBook supports the ability to play Audio and Videos in a wide variety of formats, supported by these 4 media technologies: Windows Media Player, RealPlayer, QuickTime, Flash.
- Publish To Web - The ability to view a lesson in DHTML format for use in a Web Browser is accomplish by using the Publish To Web feature.
- SCORM/AICC - ToolBook provides SCORM and AICC support within web-published lessons for use in SCORM/AICC compliant Learning Management Systems.
- AutoPackager - In order to distribute a Native lesson or application to a Windows computer (in non-DHTML format), the AutoPackager is used. It has the ability to wrap your lesson into a Windows Installer so an end user can install it onto their computer.
- Quiz - Many question objects (True/False, Multiple-Choice, Match Item, etc.) exist in ToolBook to allow you to create a training lesson. Various scoring behaviors also exist, such as Score This Page (or Range of Pages). Using the Actions Editor, you can design complex navigation within a lesson based on individual question scores.
- OpenScript - Powerful built-in programming language suitable for creating Native ToolBook lessons and applications.
- Actions Editor - Built-in programming language designed for creating lessons and applications which will be distributed in Native format or DHTML format.
Version history
Below is an historical list of English versions of ToolBook:[1]
- 1990 ToolBook 1.0
- 1991 ToolBook 1.52, 1.53
- ---- There was never a 2.0 release
- 1994 ToolBook 3.0 and 3.0a
- Computer Based Training (CBT) edition released
- Allowed for the creation of training lessons
- Multimedia edition released
- Introduced full media support
- 1995 ToolBook 3.01
- 1996 ToolBook 4.0
- 1996 ToolBook 5.0, 5.01
- 1998 ToolBook 6.0, 6.1, 6.1a
- Librarian integration
- HTML Frame Support added
- Neuron Impulse added
- AutoPackager replaces the Setup Manager
- InstallShield Express templates
- Object Browser added
- Page Browser added
- Log Reader added
- Coach added
- Templates feature added
- HTML export now offers true object positioning
- Neuron's Impulse improved by adding compression abilities
- 1999 ToolBook 7.0
- 1999 ToolBook 7.1
- DHTML Export added
- Actions Editor added
- Universal Media Player added
- Lesson Design Specialist added
- Agent added to read Coach text
- 2000 ToolBook 7.2
- 2000 ToolBook 8.0
- eLN Support added
- HTTP Post added to Actions Editor
- Array support added to Actions Editor
- SCORM and AICC Support added
- Catalog completely redesigned
- Questions now offer Media feedback
- Print command added to Actions Editor
- Backup feature added
- Simulation support added
- DHTML: Export now support encryption & obfuscation
- DHTML: Creation of ZIP package file added
- Sun JVM now supported
- Cross Domain HTTP Post now supported
- 2004 ToolBook 2004 (aka 8.9)
- Simulation Recorder added
- Action Methods support added
- Execute SCORM action added to Actions Editor
- Various Simulation enhancements added
- Ability to set or clear focus added to Actions Editor
- DHTML export no longer relies on JVM
- Firefox and Mozilla support added
- SCORM 2004 support added
- QuickTime support added to the Universal Media Player
- Added support to store Actions Editor variables in LMS
- TotalLMS catalog objects added
- Now a 32 bit product
- Introduction of the Book Explorer
- Introduction of Smart Styles
- Universal Media Player updated to use WMP9 instead of WMP6.4
- Textline, Item & Word added to Actions Editor
- RGBStroke and Transparent added to Actions Editor
- Retired dBase and Pardox database support
- Fixed printing issues
- Fixed various AutoPackager issues
- Fixed UMP (On Media Complete)issue
- Fixed centering of text for long word wrapped question answers
- This was the last version of ToolBook Assistant, now retired
- License Key product activation technology added
- PowerPoint conversion added
- TBKX (ToolBook XML) file format introduced
- Voice Recording added
- PNG image Support
- Certificate catalog category added
- iPhone/iPod touch support, and Safari browser too
- Universal Media Player now offers feature to Hide at Reader
- Mozilla no longer officially supported
- Windows 2000 is no longer supported
- Term "Instructor" dropped from product name
- 2009 ToolBook 9.5 Service Pack 1
- Fixed sluggish performance caused by Book Explorer
- Admin rights no longer needed to publish to DHTML
- MSI Installer for IT Groups created
- PNG Transparency now works in IE 6
- Catalog now matches look of the Book Explorer
- Quiz Summary feature added
- Match Item Question enhanced to draw smooth lines in DHTML
- Image object type added
- All Bitmap Resources now stored in native compressed format
- Google Android Browser support added
- Commonly Used Objects category added to catalog
- Ability to designate Question Text for any given question object
- Ability to Play/Stop/Pause a voice recording
- Universal Media Player now offers a Show Speaker Icon feature
- Borderless Scrolling Field added
- PowerPoint Converter now converts speaker notes
- PowerPoint Converter now converts audio
- 2010 ToolBook 10.0 Patch 1
- Fixed: Opening previous version TBK not displaying warning dialog
- Fixed: Unable to force a Fill In The Blank question object into focus
- Fixed: Unable to create a new catalog
- Fixed: Unable to export a catalog category
- Fixed: Image Object appears out of position by 1 pixel in DHTML
- Fixed: Images within Recordfields missing in DHTML
- Geolocation support
- Resizable SmartStyles
- iPad and Windows Mobile DHTML support
- Drag/Drop support added to iPhone
- Resized images now utilize a smooth resizing technology
- Ctrl-Shift-V pastes unformatted text
- Improved support for pasting in Word formatted text
- 2011 ToolBook 10.5 Update 1
- Added BlackBerry Mobile Device support
- Startup Dialog replaced with entirely different interface
- Question Wizard added
- 39 New SmartStyles added
- Arrows Category added to Catalog
- BlackBerry 6 and Chrome 5 support added
- Neuron officially retired and pulled from the product
- Two Tools Added: Move Pages and Reassign Pages
- Two Tools Added: Delete Unused Extensions, Delete Unused Resources
- Two Tools Added: Randomization - Configure and Validate
- Customize Catalog option added to Edit menu
- Draw Objects enhanced to use Antialiasing and true transparency
- Overhaul of Publish to Web interface, to simplify DHTML Export
- Enhanced logging of errors/problems when Publishing to Web
- Improved Resource Manager
- Voice Recording enhancements
- Various Bullets and Seals added to the Clipart Catalog category
- Delete Page utility added
- Character Map added
- Display Book Information utility introduced
- Various right-click menu enhancements
- Resource Lookup tool added
- Copy/Paste of text now include field images
- Discontinued DHTML support for Firefox 2 and IE 6
- Use of JS file: Path is now stored as a relative path
- ↑ "List of ToolBook versions which have previously shipped," ToolBook Knowledge Base article P735, accessed 2012-05-08.
External links