Tramea stenoloba

Tramea stenoloba
Male narrow-lobed glider in Cairns, Australia
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Odonata
Family: Libellulidae
Genus: Tramea
Species: T. stenoloba
Binomial name
Tramea stenoloba
(Watson, 1962)

Tramea stenoloba, the narrow-lobed glider, is a species of dragonfly in the Libellulidae family. It is found in the Cocos Islands, Lesser Sunda Islands, Java Sea and Australia.[1]


It is a medium to large dragonfly (wingspan 100mm, length 55mm) with the synthorax almost uniformly red, and noticeable dark patches at the base of its hindwings. The abdomen is red with the last two segments black. The female is a duller brown. It is very similar to Tramea loewii, with differences in coloring of the synthorax, and genital dimensions.


It inhabits riverine lagoons, lakes and ponds. In Australia it is widespread except for the far south-east of the continent.[1] It is likely to be less common than Tramea loewii, with fewer records listed in the Atlas of Living Australia.[2]


  1. 1 2 Theischinger, G; Hawking, J (2006). The Complete Field Guide to Dragonflies of Australia. Collingwood Vic.: CSIRO Publishing. p. 298. ISBN 978 0 64309 073 6.
  2. Tramea stenoloba, Atlas of Living Australia
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