Tribunal de Cassació

Tribunal de Cassació (Catalan for Court of Appeal) was the Generalitat of Catalonia's judicial organization during the Second Spanish Republic founded in 1934, established by the Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia of 1932. It had jurisdiction in matters of administrative and civil right. Catalan was the main language of the Court.
Its first President was Santiago Gubern i Fàbregas (Barcelona, 1875 - 1960). On September 1936, Josep Andreu i Abelló, (Montblanc, 1906 - Madrid, 1993) was named president of the Court of Appeal.
In 1939, once Catalonia was occupied by the troops of the general Franco during the Spanish Civil War, its regime abolished the Court of Appeal and all of its Court judgments were declared without effect until 1984, when the Catalan autonomy was restored.
- Roca i Trias, Encarna. El tribunal de Cassació de la Generalitat republicana: La història d'una tradició prohibida, 2009, 18 pages from a conference (in Catalan)