
Tyushtya (Moksha: Тюштень) (IV c.) - is a Mokshan epic hero character based on Moksha legends survived mostly among Mokshas living in on the right bank of Volga and in Siberia. He serves as a symbol of Moksha's struggle with Russian expansion. Tyushtya is also regarded as the great leader of the Moksha, Erzya and Meschera alliance.
In the Mastorava epic, Tyushtya is a peasant elected by people to be the king and leader of Moksha, Erzya and Meschera clans alliance and the warlord of the allied army. During his rule, Mokshaland stretched from Volga to Dnieper and from the Oka to the Black Sea.
In Mordvin mythology, Tyushtya is a Moon god, son of the Thunder god and the mortal girl Litova. His age changes every month, following the phases of the Moon.
- А.М. Sharonov, Mastorava Saranosh, 1994
- Tatiana Deviatkina, "Some Aspects of Mordvin Mythology", Folklore 17 (2001).
- Dubasov I.I. Ocherki iz istorii Tambovskogo kraya. – Tambov, 1890. – Issue. 1. – 225 p.
- Mordwinische Volksdichtung. Gesammelt von H. Paasonen. Herausgegeben und ubersetzt von Paavo Ravila. - Helsinki, 1938 - 1981.
- V.К. Radaev «Tyushtya»
- Fedoseeva, Е.А. Obraz tsarya Tyushti v folklore i v epose «Mastorava» / Е.А.Fedoseeva // Elektronnyy Vestnik CPPK FL. – 2007. – № 1
- [Fedoseeva, Е.А. Yavlenie bytovoy fantastiki v predanii «O Tyushte» v zapisi I.I.Dubasova / Е.А.Fedoseeva // Filologicheskie issledovaniya. 2003 – 2004: mezhvuzovskiy sbornik nauchnykh trudov. – Saranosh, 2005. – p. 209 – 217.
- Fedoseeva, Е.А. «Tyushtya» V.К.Radaeva v i folklornom prostranstvakh sovremennogo eposa / Е.А.Федосеева // HUMANITIES. Zhurnal gumanitarnykh issledovaniy: electronnoye izdaniye – 2007. – № 5-6 (january – june)