List of ships of the United States Army

During World War II the U.S. Army operated approximately 127,793 pieces of floating equipment.[1] Those included large troop and cargo transport ships that were Army owned hulls, vessels allocated by the War Shipping Administration, bareboat charters and time charters. In addition to the transports the Army fleet included specialized types. Those, included vessels not related to transport such as mine vessels and waterway or port maintenance ships and other service craft. The numbers below [1] give an idea of the scope of that Army maritime operation:
- Troop and cargo ships over 1,000 gross tons that often carried the U.S. Army Transport (U.S.A.T.) with their name if they were Army owned or long term allocated: 1,557 ships
- Other ships over 1,000 gross tons, including hospital ships (U.S.A.H.S.), cable ships, aircraft repair ships, port repair ships and others without any title other than “U.S. Army” and a number or name: 108 ships
- Vessels under 1,000 gross tons of numerous types that include the 511 FS ("Freight and Supply") small nonstandard coastal freighters of numerous designs, 361 minecraft with the large Mine Planters carrying U.S. Army Mine Planter (USAMP) with a number above a name, 4,343 tugs of all types and a varied array of 4,697 launches and small service craft just designated U.S. Army with a number or name: 12,379
- Barges and non-propelled watercraft that included 16,787 pontoons: 25,383
- Amphibious assault craft: 88,366
Limiting the number to only the named and numbered vessels, discounting the various simple barges and amphibious assault craft, the remaining number is 14,044 vessels.
This fleet and the Army’s Ports of Embarkation[2][3][4] operated throughout the war’s massive logistics in support of the worldwide operations. After the war the Army’s fleet began to resume its peacetime role and even regain the old colors of gray hulls, white deck houses and buff trimming, masts and booms with the red, white and blue stack rings. An example may be seen in the photos of the USAT Fred C. Ainsworth.
Some confusion may exist in the precise definition of "Army ship" as many ships saw Army service during the Second World War that were never (a brief Army time or voyage charter) or only briefly part of the Army's fleet. Army owned vessels of the core fleet are quite clear, even though some of those switched between Army and Navy during the war. Close to those were the ships that were bareboat chartered by the Army, meaning that only the hull itself was chartered and Army was responsible for crewing and all other operational aspects. Others were long term allocations to Army by the War Shipping Administration so that they operated as Army transports and cargo vessels for much of the war. The more confusing ships are those that were short-term or time or voyage chartered ships.[1]
In the South West Pacific Area during the emergency of the Japanese advance throughout Southeast Asia the Dutch East Indies and the Philippines even the chartering arrangements were often vague as ships arriving in Australia were retained by United States Forces in Australia (USFIA) for operations in Australia.[5] Some of these ships, acquired and operating under United States Army Services of Supply, Southwest Pacific Area (USASOS SWPA), achieved some notability in military history in daring voyages to resupply the forces cut off in the Philippines from either Australia or the already collapsing Dutch East Indies.[6] That situation is captured by Masterson on page 324:

On 28 April General MacArthur reported that his fleet consisted of twenty-eight vessels — the twenty-one KPM vessels (the majority of which had not been delivered); the Dona Nati. The Admiral Halstead, the Coast Farmer, and the Sea Witch, chartered by WSA; and the Anhui, the Yochow and the Hanyang, believed to be chartered by the British Ministry of War Transport (BMWT) for the U. S. Army, though no official information concerning their status had been received.[5]
Three of those vessels, Coast Farmer, Dona Nati and Anhui. out of a number sent, managed to run the Japanese blockade of the Philippines and deliver supplies.[6]
After the war came the reorganization that led to the U.S. Department of Defense rather than a separate United States Department of War and Department of the Navy with the decision on maritime logistics going in favor of it being administered by the Navy. As a result, the Army lost almost all of its big vessels. Many of the Army vessels were transferred to Navy with the transport types becoming components of the new Military Sea Transportation Service (MSTS now MSC) under Navy.[7][8] Some of the Army’s specialized vessels became Navy commissioned ships (USS) or non-commissioned utility vessels. Digital photographs[9] of a few of these vessels in Army service are provided at the Naval History and Heritage Command. Others were sold commercially or simply scrapped.
The Army heritage of civilian crewed transports and cargo ships continued in the operating model for MSTS and its “in service” non-commissioned ships designated as U.S. Naval Ship (USNS). Some Army vessels, still crewed by Army civilians, just transferred were suddenly sailing before fully taking on the new service’s administrative functions and colors.[10]
Currently Active Ship Classes
The Army still operates 49 vessels of three types, excluding the United States Army Corps of Engineers ships.[11]
- Runnymede-class large landing craft (35 built)
- MGen. Nathanael Greene-class large coastal tugs (6 built)
- General Frank S. Besson-class logistics support vessels (8 built) (see USAV General Brehon B. Somervell (LSV-3))
The US Army Corps of Engineers has a total of 11 Dredge Vessels, divided into hopper and non-hopper dredges.[12]
Aircraft Repair Ship
Aircraft Repair Unit
Six Liberty ships were converted at Point Clear, Alabama into floating aircraft repair depots, operated by the Army Transport Service, starting in April 1944 to provide mobile depot support for B-29 Superfortress and P-51 Mustangs based on Guam, Iwo Jima, and Okinawa beginning in December 1944. They were also fitted with landing platforms to accommodate four R-4 helicopters, creating the first seagoing helicopter-equipped ships, and provided medical evacuation of combat casualties in both the Philippines and Okinawa.[13]
Auxiliary Aircraft Repair Ship
Design 427 (Vessel, Supply, Aircraft Repair, Diesel, Steel, 180')
- 180-foot 573 ton steel vessels built by Higgins
Seacraft Repair Ship
Six ships, allocated by the War Shipping Administration, were converted to repair and spare parts ships. Five, from 350 ft (110 m) to 390 ft (120 m) in length, were built on the Great Lakes from 1901 to 1913. The sixth, James B. Houston (1900) at 202 ft (62 m) was the Army owned Kvichak which had grounded off Canada, slipped into 80 ft (24 m) of water, then salvaged in 1941. All were U.S. Coast Guard crewed with Army in administrative and operational control as well as providing the repair detachments, the Army Marine Ship Repair Company (AMSR CO.). All served in the Southwest Pacific Area.[1][5] Houston, which had first served in the Aleutians, was declared surplus while at Mariveles, Philippines and turned over to the Foreign Liquidation Commission in February 1946, reverted to U. S. Army Forces, Western Pacific (AFWESPAC) in April 1946, but was not used as a repair ship after being declared surplus.[5]
Army Marine Ship Repair Company (T/O & E 55-47):FM 55-6, Military transportation service in theaters of operations, DECEMBER 1945, p55...
This is a mobile maintenance and repair unit capable of traveling from installation to installation in a theater to perform third and minor fourth echelon maintenance and repairs to small boats, harbor craft, floating equipment, and in some cases repairs to larger vessels. The company is equipped with an especially converted ship or barge, fully equipped with machine, electric, engine, wood-working, rigging and paint shops.
See "The Forgotten Voyage of the USARS Duluth: Recalling a Coast Guard-Manned Vessel That Fell Through the Cracks of World War II History" for one of the few descriptions. The embarked Army repair units, where noted below, are from Masterson":[5]
Other repair vessels
- Koondooloo 524 grt, 191.7 feet (58.4 m) X 35.7 feet (10.9 m) X 14.8 feet (4.5 m): Acquired for Southwest Pacific Area permanent local fleet, Small Ship Section, a double ended vehicular ferry built in Scotland 1924 for Sydney Ferries Limited and converted 1937 into a show/excursion boat with dance floor and 1,700 passenger capacity. Converted by Army from coal to oil and fitted with a 30-ton boom Koondooloo (S-181) was used as a workboat in New Guinea servicing amphibious vehicles and vessels. Reconverted to a vehicular ferry 1951 and wrecked while under tow to Philippines in 1972.[5][14]
- "Half Rufus" was the bow of the Liberty ship Rufus King which ran aground on Moreton Island, Queensland, Australia. The ship had broken in two with the bow salvaged by the Commonwealth Marine Salvage Board, taken over by the U.S. Army Small Ships Section and equipped with vertical boiler for power, a machine shop used for repairing vessels and bunkers for coal and fuel oil for refueling them. Given the number S-129 and dubbed "Half Rufus" the salvaged bow was towed to Milne Bay arriving 21 June 1944 and then Finschhafen where repair equipment was transferred to a barge in April 1945 and the bow section then used as a coal hulk.[15][16]
Depot Ship
Seven cargo vessels were converted to spare parts depot ships to facilitate the maintenance of military equipment in oversea areas.
- The 20 dry cargo barges originally intended for bauxite were taken by the Army and 17 were used in the southwest Pacific for storehouses.
- Of the 24 steam cargo concrete vessels, 17 were converted by the Army into floating storehouses, 5 were used by the Army as training ships and 2 found an honorable end when sunk to form part of the breakwater protecting the American landing in Normandy at Omaha beach.
- A. D. Kahn, "Concrete Ship and Barge Program, 1941-1944"
- Concrete ship
- 265-foot BCL (barge, concrete, large)
- 5 Builders of Concrete Ships
- Design MC B7-D1, 2 ships for US Army
- World War II in the Pacific Concrete Ships
- Concrete Ship hulks
- 22 covered lighters (Army floating stores warehouse or BCL), 265 feet, used by Army as floating warehouses.
- 3 lighters used as refrigerated warehouses.
- 2 Army repair ships (Army repair ship or FMS).
- Floating Marine Repair Shop
Small Ships
The Army had its own program for small boat construction and directly procured vessels and water craft that were under 200 feet or under 1,000 gross tons.
Army F-ships (100-dwt) were little freighters built on the lines of a Dutch wooden shoe and had a capacity of about 100 tons with a maximum speed of 8 knots. During the war these little ships plied back and forth between Navy PT boat bases, Crash Rescue Boat bases, and Engineer Special Brigade bases in the pacific for the purpose of transporting personnel, hauling supplies and cargo, or occasionally for towing fuel barges and water craft, to bases along the coasts or to nearby islands.
Design 216 (Boat, Supply, Diesel, Steel, 99')
Design 225 (Boat, Supply, Ice-Breaker, Diesel, Steel, 102')
- Three design number 225 vessels were built by Equitable Equipment Company in New Orleans, Louisiana in 1942, they most likely operated in Alaska or in Greenland waters.
- F-4, F-17, F-18
Retrieving Vessel
Eleven of these small ships were built for the U.S. Army Air Corps/Army Air Forces in late 1942 through mid 1943.[17] The official designation was "Design No. 210, 150 Foot Steel Diesel Retrieving Vessel", sometimes termed "Aircraft Retrieving Vessel" in later references. Name format was "U.S. Army" over "H.A.# NAME" as indicated by a builder's model. Dimensions were 158' 3" LOA X 32' beam (moulded) at deck X 8' draft powered by two 300 hp diesels.[18] and was equipped with a 30-ton jumbo lift boom along with regular cargo booms and had a cargo capacity of 500 measurement tons. These vessels were primarily used as supply ships, that could retrieve aircraft if needed.
- p262 The Signal Corps: The Outcome ( Mid-1943 through 1945 )
- U.S. Army Transportation in the Southwest Pacific Area 1941-1947
- SWPA CP Fleet
- Army CS ships provided communications relays and acted as command posts (CP) for forward elements ashore. CSM (Maintenance) ships, in addition to acting as CS ships, were also equipped for radio repair operations to supply floating maintenance. CSQ (Quarters) ships acted as floating dormitories. CSN (News) ships were used by civilian reporters.
Cable laying ships
The Army had a history of submarine cable work by the time of World War II operations dating back to the 1899-1900 period.[19] Much of this work had been in relation to communications with far flung Army forces in the Philippines and Alaska.[20] The Army Signal Corps used a number of cable ships for that work including Burnside, Romulus, Liscum, Dellwood and two vessels intimately associated with the Coast Artillery Corps controlled mine work at the coastal fortifications; Cyrus W. Field and Joseph Henry. That cable laying capability had been allowed to deteriorate to the point that the Army had to charter the C.S. Restorer in 1941.[21]
The Army entered the field of undersea cable work in connecting the military installations in the Philippine Islands.[19] As with other cable work, some vessels were chartered. For example, the vessel Orizaba (not the later Army owned vessel of the same name) was under Army charter from the Pacific Coast Steamship Company before being lost in 1900.[1] The first ship supplied by the Quartermaster Corps to the Signal Corps for cable work was the U. S. Army Transport Burnside.[22] That Spanish–American War prize was replaced by the larger Dellwood for work with Alaskan cables.
There is some confusion on ship designators within even official records. The conventional commercial and nautical term for such ships was “C.S. (name)” for “Cable Ship.” The mix of U.S.A.T., C.S. and even the simple “Steam Ship” (S.S.) as seen in postwar construction of the SS William H. G. Bullard, later the USS/USNS Neptune[23] can be somewhat confusing. All three terms are found in official usage. For example, Smithsonian Institution library records clearly show some of these Army ships as C.S. Dellwood, C.S. Silverado.[24] Army’s ship management lay in the Quartermaster Corps and later the Transportation Corps. Technical management of the cable ships was under Signal Corps and the entire enterprise of undersea cable work was the very specialized realm of several large communications corporations which operated their own cable vessels and provided experts in handling cable equipment and cable. Each appears to have used familiar terms when noting the ships in records as seen in the Quartermaster reference[22] and the records elsewhere.[19][24]
The nature of the work is such that specialized crews are required to operate the cable machinery and so the actual cable splicing and technical work. The ex-Coast Artillery ships involved in mine planting were military crewed.[1] The C.S. Restorer was under charter and used civilians, many from its commercial crew, under Army contract.[25] The remaining ships were probably mixed crews.[1]
Eleven Transportation Corps ships under technical management of Signal Corps are known to have been active in WW II:[1]
- Dellwood
- Silverado
- Restorer (Commercial Cable Ship under Army charter)
- Col. William A. Glassford (BSP - Self Propelled Barge )[26] Later USS Nashawena (YAG-35/AG-142)
- Basil O. Lenoir (BSP - Self Propelled Barge)[26]
- Gen. Samuel M. Mills (1942 Mine Planter)
- Joseph Henry (Associated with Coast Artillery Corps mine work)
- Lt. Col. Ellery W. Niles (1937 Mine Planter)
- USACS Albert J. Myer
- William Bullard
- Brico (ex-fishing vessel turned cable barge)
U.S. Army Engineer Port Repair Ship
Ten ships, nine being Maritime Commission type N3-M-A1 cargo vessel hulls being built at Penn Jersey Shipbuilding for the U.S. Navy or Lend Lease, were transferred to the Army for operation as Engineer Port Repair Ships. The other ship, first obtained for the purpose, was a commercial ship allocated by the War Shipping Administration. All the ships were managed and crewed by the Army Engineers organized into Engineer Port Repair Ship Crew units, named for Army Engineers killed in action during WW II and heavily modified from their original design.
WSA allocated the WW I vintage Josephine Lawrence to be converted to:
N3-M-A1 types:
Corps of Engineers Dredge Vessels
Some of these were substantial vessels, 300 feet long, with a 3,000-ton displacement and a crew complement of 60-plus men. They were seagoing diesel-electric hydraulic dredging vessels, normally functioning under the Corps of Engineers control and used for maintaining and improving the coastal and harbor channels around the U.S. coasts.
- Port Restoration - WWII
- The dredge "William L. Marshall" in World War II
- The Corps of Engineers: The War Against Germany: CHAPTER XVI Developing Beaches and Reconstructing Ports
- The District, A History of the Philadelphia District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1866-1971, Marine Design - Unique Mission
- United States Army in World War II - The Corps of Engineers: Troops and Equipment - Chapter XVII - Preparing to Reconstruct Ports
- LT638 & LT152
- Historic Dredging Photos
During World War II, five seagoing hopper dredges already in civil service, were fitted with 3-inch deck guns and 20-millimeter antiaircraft guns. Four were sent to the ETO and one, the 'Hains', was sent to the PTO along with the cutter dredge 'Raymond', additionally four new Hains class armed dredges were constructed for use in the PTO.
- Chester Harding (dredge)
- William T. Rossell (dredge)
- William L. Marshall (dredge)
Hains-class hopper dredge
- Hains (1942)
- Hoffman (1942)
- Hyde (1945)
- Barth (1945)
- Lyman (1945)
- Davidson (1945)
Towed cutter dredge
- Raymond (1926)
Mine Planters
The U.S. Army Mine Planter Service (AMPS), under the Coast Artillery Corps, operated ships designated as U.S. Army Mine Planter (USAMP) to plant the controlled mines guarding approaches to coastal fortifications.[27] Numerous smaller vessels not designated as USAMP worked with the planters in a mine flotilla.[28]
- Col. George Armistead (1904)
- Cyrus W. Field (1904) (See note)
- Col. Henry J. Hunt (1904)
- Gen. Henry Knox (1904)
- Maj. Samuel Ringgold (1904)
- Gen. Royal T. Frank (1909)
- Joseph Henry (1909) (See note)
- Gen. Samuel M. Mills (1909)
- Gen. E. O. C. Ord'' (1909)
- Gen. John M. Schofield (1909)
- Gen. William M. Graham (1917)
- Col. George F. E. Harrison (1919)
- Gen. Absalom Baird (1919)
- Gen. J. Franklin Bell / Brig. Gen. John J. Hayden (1919)
- Brig. Gen. Edmund Kirby (1919)
- Gen. Wallace F. Randolph (1919)
- Gen. John P. Storey (1919)
- Col. Albert Todd (1919)
- Col. Garland N. Whistler (1919)
- Col. John V. White (1919)
- Lt. Col. Ellery W. Niles (1937)
Numbered planters constructed during WW II:[29][30]
- USAMP General Henry Knox (MP-1) (1942)
- USAMP Colonel Henry J. Hunt (MP-2) (1942)
- USAMP Colonel George Armistead (MP-3) (1942)
- Gen. Samuel M. Mills (MP-4) (1942)
- USAMP 1st Lt. William G. Sylvester (MP-5) (1942)
- Brig. Gen. Henry L. Abbott (MP-6) (1942)
- USAMP Major General Wallace F. Randolph (MP-7) (1942)
- USAMP Colonel John Storey (MP-8) (1942)
- Maj. Gen. Arthur Murray (MP-9) (1942)
- Maj. Gen. Erasmus Weaver (MP-10) (1942)
- Maj. Samuel Ringgold (MP-11) (1942) NavSource photo showing USAMP name usage format.
- Brig. Gen. Royal T. Frank (MP-12) (1943)
- Col. Alfred A. Maybach (MP-13) (1943)
- Col. Horace F. Spurgin (MP-14) (1943)
- Col. Charles W. Bundy (MP-15) (1943)
- Col. George Ricker (MP-16) (1943)
Note: Cyrus W. Field was a Signal Corps ship closely associated with mine cable work and sometimes listed with the planters. Joseph Henry was a cable ship transferred to the Coast Artillery Corps. Both were associated with the next generation of mine planter development that incorporated some cable capability into the 1917 and 1909 ships.[29][31]
Junior Mine Planters
Smaller vessels known as, "junior mine planters", or "pup planters", were occasionally employed as mine planters, but for the most part they served as freight and passenger boats for river and harbor duty.
- General Richard Arnold (1909)
- JMP Major Albert G. Jenkins (1921)
- JMP Lt. Col. M.N. Greeley
- FS-63
- FS-64
- FS-70
FS (freight and supply vessels)

A class of small coastal and inter-island freighters were first designated "FP" for "freight and passenger" with early acquisitions being a variety of commercial hulls. Early in the war a number of designs were inaugurated. Some, such as Design 277 (Vessel, Passenger-Cargo, Diesel, Wood, 114') were wooden hull while the "classic" Design 381 (Vessel, Supply, Diesel, Steel, 177') was a miniature steel cargo vessel with two hatches and central booms. These, as all the smaller Army ships, were simply designated "U.S. Army (number/name) and were not designated U.S. Army Transport (U.S.A.T.). They were operated by Transportation Corps with a variety of crewing schemes. A few were all military, many were civilian crewed and a large number were U.S. Coast Guard crewed. The USCG crewed vessels have more history preserved than most of these little ships.[32]

- U.S. Army FS-99 (The Catalina Island ferry Catalina 25 August 1942—22 April 1946)
- U.S. Army FS-214
- U.S. Army FS-217
- U.S. Army Atkins (FS-237)
- U.S. Army FS-255
- U.S. Army FS-256
- U.S. Army FS-263
- U.S. Army FS-267
- U.S. Army FS-274
- U.S. Army FS-275
- U.S. Army FS-278
- U.S. Army FS-282
- U.S. Army FS-287
- U.S. Army FS-288
- U.S. Army FS-289
- U.S. Army FS-316
- U.S. Army FS-343
- U.S. Army FS-344
- U.S. Army FS-345
- U.S. Army FS-347
- U.S. Army FS-361
- U.S. Army FS-370
- U.S. Army FS-371
- U.S. Army FS-385
- U.S. Army FS-391
- U.S. Army FS-394
- U.S. Army FS-395
- U.S. Army FS-396
- U.S. Army FS-407
- U.S. Army FS-411
- U.S. Army FS-524
- U.S. Army FS-589
- U.S. Army FS-751
A number of vessels were operated by the Army as small coastal freighters and passenger vessels without being formally given FP/FS numbers.[1]
- Belle of Portugal[1] (also served USN as YP 321)[33]
- Southern Seas
Hospital ships
- Mactan, an 1898 Newcastle built 312 foot long oil fired passenger/cargo vessel, was the first officially designated hospital ship in the Southwest Pacific and made a single voyage in that role evacuating severely wounded patients, nurses, students and other passengers from Manila, Philippines to Brisbane, Australia.
- Two Dutch vessels, Maetsuycker and Tasman, serving in the Southwest Pacific Area were operationally controlled by the U.S. Army but were certified as hospital ships by the Netherlands, maintained Dutch registry and flag. These ships have also sometimes mistakenly been shown as Australian hospital ships due to their close association with evacuating Australian troops.[34]
Transport ships
This is a list, presently incomplete, of ships in Army service under one of the following arrangements:
- Army owned
- Under bareboat charter (Army management of all operational aspects including crewing)
- Allocated by the War Shipping Administration (WSA) for varying periods with commercial crews
- Under a charter of the time or voyage type to Army with normal commercial crews
Ships known to fall in each of these categories appear in the list below.[1]
In general only ships owned, under long term bareboat charter or allocation to the Army, first through the Quartermaster Corps and later the Transportation Corps, were formally designated as a U.S. Army Transport (U.S.A.T.)[1] Those under other arrangements continued operating as SS NAME. Essentially all maritime commercial cargo and passenger type vessels were under strict control of WSA under Executive Order No. 9054. Exempted from WSA control were combatants, vessels owned by Army or Navy and coastal and inland vessels.[35]
The FS numbered vessels and Army tugs do not normally have U.S.A.T. in their names. They and other smaller Army craft were simply designated as Army with "U.S. Army" over the number (photos).
Contents: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
- USAT Acadia
- USAT Aconcagua
- USAT Acorn Knot
- USAT Admiral C. F. Hughes
- USAT Admiral E. W. Eberle
- USAT Admiral W. S. Sims
- USAT Agwileon
- USAT Albert M. Boe
- USAT Alchibr
- USAT Algonquin
- USAT America
- USAT American Legion
- USAT Amphion
- USAT Ancon
- USAT Antilles
- USAT Arcata
- USAT Arrow
- USAT Artemis
- USAT Barbara C.
- USAT Belle Isle
- USAT Black Hawk
- USAT Blanche F. Sigman
- USAT Blue Jacket
- USAT Borinquen
- USAT Bowling Green Victory
- USAT Bridgeport
- USAT Brigadier General Arthur W. Yates (ferry)
- USAT Brigadier General Harry E. Rethers
- USAT Brigadier General William E. Horton (ferry)
- USAT Buford
- USAT Cambrai
- USAT Cantigny
- USAT Captain Arlo L. Olson
- USAT Cardinal O'Connell
- USAT Charles L. Wheeler
- USAT Chateau Thierry
- USAT Chatham
- USAT Chaumont
- USAT Chester A. Arthur
- USAT Chirikof
- USAT City of Lowell
- USAT Clevedon
- USAT Coamo
- USAT Colonel Frederick C. Johnson
- USAT Colonel George W. Ricker
- USAT Colonel Henry R. Casey
- USAT Colonel James A. Moss
- USAT Colonel John E. Baxter
- USAT Colonel John V. White
- USAT Colonel Norris Staynton
- USAT Colonel P. S. Michie
- USAT Colonel Pond
- USAT Colonel William B. Corwin
- USAT Colonel William J. O'Brien
- USAT Colbert
- USAT Contessa
- USAT Copiapo
- USAT Corporal Eric G. Gibson
- USAT Crescent City
- USAT Cristobal
- USAT Crook
- USAT Crown City
- USAT Crown Reefer
- USAT Cuba
- USAT Cynthia Olsen -sunk 7 December 1941
- USAT Dakotan
- USAT David C. Shanks
- USAT David W. Branch
- USAT Davis
- USAT Dellwood
- USAT Dix
- USAT Don Esteban
- USAT Don Isidro
- USAT Edmund B. Alexander
- USAT Elna
- USAT El Occidente
- USAT El Oriente
- USAT El Sol
- USAT Eric G. Gibson
- USAT Ernest Hinds
- USAT Esther Johnson
- USAT Etolin
- USAT Evangeline
- USAT Excelsior
- USAT Fairfax
- USAT Finland
- USAT Florida
- USAT Formalhaut
- USAT Fred C. Ainsworth
- USAT Frederick Funston
- USAT Frederick Lykes
- USAT Haleakala
- USAT Hancock
- USAT Havana
- USAT Heffron
- USAT Hennepin
- USAT Henry Gibbins (1943) (C3 troopship)
- USAT Henry Keswick
- USAT Henry R. Mallory
- USAT Henry T. Allen
- USAT Herkimer
- USAT Honda Knot
- USAT Howell Cobb
- USAT Hubert L. Wigmore (ex USAT Collier No. 1 built 1914 at Shanghai, China for U.S. Army, based Manila under port Quartermaster 1916-1926)
- USAT Hugh L. Scott
- USAT Hunter Liggett
- USAT Hydra
- USAT Imperial
- USAT Iroquois
- USAT Irvin L. Hunt
- USAT John Ericsson
- USAT J. Franklin Bell
- USAT J. W. McAndrew
- USAT James O'Hara
- USAT James Parker
- USAT Jarrett M. Huddleston
- USAT John Armstrong
- USAT John L. Clem
- USAT John L. McCarley
- USAT John P. Mitchell
- USAT John Pen
- USAT Jonna
- USAT Joseph T. Dickman
- USAT Joseph V. Connolly
- USAT Kerowlee
- USAT Kentuckian
- USAT Kilpatrick
- USAT Kingsport Victory
- USAT Kivichak
- USAT Klipfontein
- USAT Lakehurst
- USAT Lake Ormoc
- USAT Laurentia
- USAT Legazpi
- USAT Lenape
- USAT Leonard Wood
- USAT Lew Wallace
- USAT Lib Trylon
- USAT Liberty
- USAT Lieutenant Colonel Herman C. Schwumm
- USAT Liscum
- USAT Logan
- USAT LST-246
- USAT LST-833
- USAT Lt. Alexander R. Nininger
- USAT Lt. Col. John U. D. Page
- USAT Lt. Col. Robert E. Shannon
- USAT Lt. George W. G. Boyce
- USAT Lt. James E. Robinson
- USAT Lt. John Craig
- USAT Lt. Raymond O. Beaudoin
- USAT Lt. Robert Craig
- USAT Ludington
- USAT M. G. Zalinski
- USAT Mactan
- USAT Madawaska
- USAT Major General Henry Gibbins (1918)
- USAT Major General William H. Hart (ferry)
- USAT Manitoba (became USAT Logan)
- USAT Masaya
- USAT Maui
- USAT Maurine
- USAT McAndrew
- USAT McClellan
- USAT McPherson
- USAT Meigs
- USAT Melrose
- USAT Merrimack
- USAT Merritt
- USAT M.I.T. Victory
- USAT Minnesotan
- USAT Mokatam
- USAT Morlen
- USAT Montanan
- USAT Monterey
- USAT Monticello
- USAT Mount McKinley
- USAT Mount Vernon
- USAT Nebraskan
- USAT Nevada
- USAT Norindies
- USAT North Coast
- USAT Oneida
- USAT Ontonagon
- USAT Orizaba
- USAT Otsego
- USAT Ozark
- USAT Pal Aulaut
- USAT Panaman
- USAT Pastores
- USAT Point San Pedro
- USAT Portmar
- USAT President Buchanan
- USAT President Coolidge
- USAT President Fillmore
- USAT President Garfield
- USAT President Grant
- USAT President Polk
- USAT President Taylor
- USAT President Tyler
- USAT Private Elden H. Johnson
- USAT Private Francis X. McGraw
- USAT Private Frank J. Petrarca
- USAT Private Joe R. Hastings
- USAT Private Joe E. Mann
- USAT Private Joe P. Martinez
- USAT Private John F. Thorson
- USAT Private John R. Towle
- USAT Private Joseph F. Merrell
- USAT Private Leonard C. Brostrom
- USAT Private Sadao S. Munemori
- USAT Private William H. Thomas
- USAT Puebla
- USAT Republic
- USAT Resolute
- USAT Roanoke
- USAT Robin Doncaster
- USAT Robert C. Grier
- USAT Rochimbea
- USAT San Antonio
- USAT Santa Cecilia (1913)
- USAT Santa Clara
- USAT Santa Maria
- USAT Santa Paula
- USAT Santa Rosa (1916)
- USAT Saratoga
- USAT Sargent Charles E. Mower
- USAT Sgt. Sylvester Antolak
- USAT Saturnia
- USAT Scott
- USAT Sea Barb
- USAT Sea Cat
- USAT Sea Marlin
- USAT Sea Witch
- USAT Seatrain Texas
- USAT Sgt. Andrew Miller
- USAT Sgt. Archer T. Gammon
- USAT Sgt. Charles E. Mower
- USAT Sgt. Cornelius H. Charlton
- USAT Spindle Eye / Sgt. Curtis F. Shoup
- USAT Sgt. George D. Keathley
- USAT Sgt. George Peterson
- USAT Sgt. Howard E. Woodford
- USAT Sgt. Howard L. Kimsey
- USAT Sgt. Jack J. Pendelton
- USAT Sgt. Jonah E. Kelley
- USAT Sgt. Joseph E. Muller
- USAT Sgt. Morris E. Crain
- USAT Sgt. Sylvester Antolak
- USAT Sgt. Truman Kimbro
- USAT Sgt. William R. Button
- USAT Shawnee
- USAT Sheridan
- USAT Sherman
- USAT Short Splice
- USAT Siboney
- USAT Sicilian
- USAT Soreldoc
- USAT South Bend
- USAT Spitfire
- USAT St. Mihiel
- USAT St. Olaf
- USAT Symal Dyke
- USAT Taku
- USAT Talamanca
- USAT Tasker H. Bliss
- USAT Tenadores
- USAT Thomas
- USAT Thomas H. Barry
- USAT Tulagi
- USAT Warren
- USAT West Corum
- USAT West Texas
- USAT Will H. Point
- USAT Willard A. Holbrook
- USAT William L. Thompson
- USAT William Lester
- USAT Wright
- USAT Y-17
- USAT Y-75
- USAT Yarmouth
- USAT Yu Sang
- USAT Yucatan
- USAT Zebulon B. Vance
Army tugs were seen as far back as the American Civil War as with the 1862 screw tug Terror. World War II era tugs came in two general classifications, though those were not rigid and variances may particularly be seen in commercial vessels taken in early during the war. Seagoing tugs, 92'-100' or greater were designated Large Tug (LT). Harbor tugs were Small Tugs (ST). The Transportation Corps determined that at war's end it was operating 746 tugs of the LT/ST types. A large number of highly varied commercial tugs were taken into Army service above those constructed to Army designs and Army tugs of prewar design dating to the early 1900s. In addition to these there were a variety of small towing craft, numbering in thousands, termed motor towing launches (MTL), sometimes overlapping the STs in length, and marine tractors of 40'and less length, some with the colorful name of "Sea Mules" with dimensions of 40 x 13 x 8 and two Chrysler gasoline engines. All were simply U.S. Army (LT/ST #).[1][36]
A construction program in Australia built a number of tugs for the Southwest Pacific Area in both LT and ST size. They were U.S. Army tugs, but not carried in the same central listing as the U.S. built tugs.[14] A number of the tugs became Navy tugs after 1950.
Large Tug (LT)

Only the first eight WW II era LT numbered tugs built by Jakobson Shipyard, Oyster Bay New York, were given names during construction.[37] The Army acquired commercial vessels or had in its inventory tugs early during WW II, before standardized design construction met requirements, that were LT in size which retained commercial names and did not have LT numbers. WW II LT construction did not use numbers greater than 935[37] with postwar LTs having four digit numbers until numbers starting with LT-801 were reused with 1993 construction.[38]
Named, unnumbered Large Tug (LT) size
- Big Chief
- BG John B. Bellinger
- General Charles P. Krauthoff
- General Richard Arnold
- General Robert Anderson
- General Thomas S. Jessup
- Lt. Col. George S. Gillis[37]
- Lt. Col. Herbert L. Kidwell
- Lt. Col. Lawrence O. Matthews
- Lt. Col. William R. Kendricks
- Maj Geo J. Harrell
WW II numbered Large Tug (LT)
- U.S. Army MAJ Ethel A. Robbins (LT 1)[37]
- U.S. Army Maj Randolph J. Hermandez (LT 2)
- U.S. Army Maj MAJ Ralph Bogle (LT 3)[37]
- U.S. Army Maj Wilbur F. Browder (LT 4)[37]
- U.S. Army Maj Elisha K. Henson (LT-5)
- U.S. Army Maj Ocea L. Ferris (LT 6)[37]
- U.S. Army Maj George W. Hovey (LT 7)[37]
- U.S. Army Maj Charles A. Radcliff (LT 8)[37]
- U.S. Army LT-57
- U.S. Army LT-60
- U.S. Army LT-62
- U.S. Army LT-132
- U.S. Army LT-156
- U.S. Army LT-187
- U.S. Army LT-221
- U.S. Army LT-239
- U.S. Army LT-371
- U.S. Army "LT-376
- U.S. Army LT-377
- U.S. Army LT-389
- U.S. Army LT-452
- U.S. Army LT-455
- U.S. Army LT-532
- U.S. Army LT-535
- U.S. Army LT-536 (Photos)
- U.S. Army LT-646
- U.S. Army LT 784
- U.S. Army LT-814
- U.S. Army LT-815
- U.S. Army LT-820
- U.S. Army LT-821
Postwar numbered Large Tug (LT)
Small Tug (ST)

- U.S. Army ST-10
- U.S. Army ST-35
- U.S. Army ST-39
- U.S. Army ST-165
- U.S. Army ST-488
- U.S. Army ST-511
- U.S. Army ST-539
- U.S. Army ST-672
- U.S. Army ST-674
- U.S. Army ST-675
- U.S. Army ST-679
- U.S. Army ST-719
- U.S. Army ST-720
- U.S. Army ST-725
- U.S. Army ST-731
Post 1950 USAS
See also
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Grover, David (1987). U.S. Army Ships and Watercraft of World War II. Naval Institute Press. ISBN 0-87021-766-6.)
- ↑ | San Francisco POE
- ↑ | Hampton POE
- ↑ | New York POE
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 Masterson, Dr. James R. (1949). U. S. Army Transportation In The Southwest Pacific Area 1941-1947. Washington, D. C.: Transportation Unit, Historical Division, Special Staff, U. S. Army.
- 1 2 Morton, Louis (1993). The Fall Of The Philippines. Washington, D. C.: Center Of Military History, United States Army. Retrieved 18 April 2013.
- ↑ | History of United States Naval Operations: Korea - Chapter 4: Help on the Way - Part 2. Troops and Supplies
- ↑ | Military Sealift Command celebrates 50 years of service
- ↑ | Online Library of Selected Images: SHIPS of the UNITED STATES ARMY
- ↑| USNS Sgt. George D. Keathley (T-AGS 35)
- ↑ – World Navies Today: US Army
- ↑ Verna, Thomas. "n Overview of USACE Dredging Operations" (PDF). USACE. Retrieved 12 March 2014.
- ↑ The Hoverfly in CBI, Carl Warren Weidenburner
- 1 2 Lunney, Bill; Finch, Frank (1995). Forgotten Fleet. Medowie, NSW, Australia: Forfleet Publishing. ISBN 0-646-26048-0.
- ↑ Masterson, Dr. James R. (1949). U. S. Army Transportation In The Southwest Pacific Area 1941-1947. Washington, D. C.: Transportation Unit, Historical Division, Special Staff, U. S. Army. p. 530.
- ↑ Lunney, Bill; Finch, Frank (1995). Forgotten Fleet: a history of the part played by Australian men and ships in the U.S. Army Small Ships Section in New Guinea, 1942-1945. Medowie, NSW, Australia: Forfleet Publishing. p. 147. ISBN 0646260480. LCCN 96150459.
- ↑ | Shipbuilding History: Bay Shipbuilding Company, Sturgeon Bay WI
- ↑ | Army FP/FS Vessels: An interesting Question
- 1 2 3 | History of the Atlantic Cable & Undersea Communications - U.S. Armed Forces Cables
- ↑ | Alaska Communications System (ACS) Totally Explained
- ↑| U.S. Armed Forces Cables
- 1 2 | US Army Quartermaster Foundation - The Work of the Army's Fleet by Col. T.M. Knox, QMC
- ↑
- 1 2 | Lemelson Center - Western Union Telegraph Company Records 1820-1995 - Subseries 5: Cable Ships, 1924-1954 (not inclusive)
- ↑ | C.S. Restorer - Second World War; by Dirk van Oudenol
- 1 2 | ARC-1, ARC-5 & Nashawena (AG-142) - Short discussion of Army Coast Artillery and Signal Corps cable ships with complete list of the ARC designation. (Col. Basil O. Lenoir painting)
- ↑ | The California State Military Museum - Forts Under the Sea - Submarine Mine Defense of San Francisco Bay
- ↑ | Ft. Miles; Principle Armament - Mine Field - Army Mine Planters
- 1 2 | Army Ships -- The Ghost Fleet; Coast Artillery Corps - Army Mine Planter Service
- ↑ | Shipbuilding History - U.S. Army Mine Craft
- ↑ |Random Recollections by FQC Gardner; 17. OFFICER IN CHARGE OF THE TORPEDO DEPOT
- ↑ "Army FP/FS Vessels". Retrieved 18 February 2012.
- ↑ T. Colton (July 16, 2011). "Campbell Industries, San Diego CA". Shipbuilding History. Retrieved 6 April 2013.
- ↑ Smith, Clarence McKittrick (1956). The Technical Services—The Medical Department: Hospitalization And Evacuation, Zone Of Interior. United States Army In World War II. Washington, DC: Center Of Military History, United States Army. p. 410. LCCN 55060005. Retrieved 17 September 2014.
- ↑ | Executive Order No. 9054, 2a(1)(2)
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 T. Colton. "U.S. Army Ocean Tugs (LT, ST) Built During WWII". Retrieved 9 March 2012.
- ↑ T. Colton. "U.S. Army Ocean Tugs (LT, ST) Built Since WWII". Retrieved 9 March 2012.