Václav Bělohradský

Václav Bělohradský in 2007
Václav Bělohradský (born January 17, 1944 Prague) is one of the most famous contemporary Czech philosophers and sociologists. A graduate in philosophy and Czech from Charles University, Prague, he has lived in Italy since 1970, where he is currently Professor of Political Sociology at the University of Trieste. He is said to be a successor of Jan Patočka. He is a representative of biocentrism, which he developed to refusing anthropocentric overestimation of symbol and culture. He also thinks we need to step back from "us" to be able to lay foundations of new and freer society. He co-participated with Chantal Mouffe and Slavoj Žižek at Monument to Transformation.
He currently lives in Gorizia, Italy.
- Interpretazioni italiane di Wittgenstein, Milan, 1972.
- Ragionamento, azione, società. Sociologia della conoscenza in Vilfredo Pareto, Milan, 1974.
- Il mondo della vita: un problema politico, Milan 1981.
- Krize eschatologie neosobnosti, London, 1982, 1984.
- Myslet zeleň světa. Rozhovor s K. Hvížďalou, 1985, 1991.
- Kapitalismus a občanské ctnosti, 1992.
- Mezi světy & mezisvěty, 1997.
- Společnost nevolnosti, 2007
External links
- Archived February 12, 2008, at the Wayback Machine. (Czech)
- Watch film with Václav Bělohradský "Bye Bye Shanghai" at www.dafilms.com
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