Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation
The Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation (VCGLR) is the independent statutory authority, which regulates liquor and gambling industries in Victoria, Australia. The VCGLR is responsible for liquor and gaming licensing, compliance and education. It is also committed to minimising any potential harm the gambling and liquor industries may have on individuals and the community.
The VCGLR commenced operations on 6 February 2012. The VCGLR replaces the functions of the Director of Liquor Licensing, the Liquor Licensing Panel and the Victorian Commission for Gambling Regulation. The VCGLR has the power to undertake liquor disciplinary actions, which replaced the role of the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal. In addition, the VCGLR has assumed the administrative and educative functions of Responsible Alcohol Victoria.
The statutory obligations are set out in several Acts of Parliament. These include regulating:
- the liquor industry in accordance with the Liquor Control Reform Act 1998
- all forms of legalised gambling in accordance with the Gambling Regulation Act 2003, the Casino Control Act 1991 and the Casino (Management Agreement) Act 1993.
The Commissioners of the VCGLR are accountable for statutory decision-making and governance. They are required to make decisions, either individually or collectively with other Commissioners on a range of matters relating to the grant, variation and transfer of licences and permits, conditions attached to licences and permits, disciplinary actions against licensees and permittees and reviews of decisions made under delegation by individual Commissions or members of staff.
Organisation structure
The organisation structure provides support for responsive business systems and flexible processes to respond to the changing needs of the Commission and industries.
The VCGLR has six functional divisions, each report to the Chief Executive Officer
- Licensing
- Compliance
- Strategy and Planning
- Legal Services
- Finance and Business Services
- People and Culture.
The VCGLR is located at 49 Elizabeth Street, North Richmond.
External links
Visit the website for the Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation